A Quest on Overdrive … :)

An eccentric rambler on life's lessons and mercies, found and lost… :)



february ramblings

Ever so often, these days quite the norm I think, this is part of my life. Take, for example, this morning, while on exam duty for the Model Exams going on in school, this word popped into my head. That’s a pretty dangerous thing, jumping into my head, and that too, at moments when my head needed to be clear and all, watching pens scratching furiously on paper. Let me also admit that I had a sudden blanking out as to the exact meaning. 😀 Duh. That is a confession, coming from me, ain’t it? Go on, boo me a little. However, and this part is important, imagine how the meaning caught up with the words, and the words I had to write once it popped into me head. So there I was again, doodling words, while watching them kids 😀



An intriguing word, wouldn’t you say?
A word, perhaps to happen to pass by?

In pages full of fun,
Or maybe sore and grevious pain…

But there, then
Just then

Out pops that word
Taking mark

Holding stance
Happening to chance

Or chancing to happen?
Oh, whatever!

My eyes, they scour possibilities
And my childlike mind claps in glee!

What if I put a batsman’s gear
On Happen, and let him take stance?

Such glee! Such mirth spills out
At such a nonsensical thought 😛

Else, perhaps, there stands Happen
Netaji cap and all, muffler wound about thehead 😛

Taking a stance, and stands triumphant
Happen stands victorious, shout his fans, uproarious 😀

On a more curious note
Were it to populate

A modern day Alice in Wonderland?
No! No! Murder! Fire! would shout England!!!

Or maybe America
Yeah. Maybe. D’ya think? Sorta! 😛

However, whatever-
I must say, my morning’s brighter

Having chanced upon
The word Happenstance! 😛 😛

6 February, 2015.

Day#6 of Ramblings In February. I am so loving this nonsense.

Incidentally, I checked the word, and discovered what I have always believe in, there is no, NO, NO coincidence! 😀 😀

Author: Usha Pisharody

A rambler, pretends to be a teacher, loves to dream, and go on Quixotic Quests in the Realm of Romance With Life...

25 thoughts on “Happenstance

  1. *stands up and claps* A word that pops into your mind and there you are spouting verse, and what a verse too! Kejri’s muffler, Alice, England, America, they all find a place too 😀 😀 You should do this more often. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Nice word and I like the beautiful explanation (s) for that! How we identify Kejri as soon as we read muffler clad man…! I am smiling while reading these words…you must have had the same expression while writing this! If any student had noticed, she must be wondering about it! I like the ‘American’ accent too!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I read through this as if in a trance
    how can you pick a word and make it dance
    and with a simple verse, its beauty enhance
    Will I be one day able to write like this, perchance?

    Stunning verse and yeah isn’t it a coincidence that such thoughts hits you while you are in ‘class’ 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. As I read this, I thought I am always Happening to Stance. and Sometimes Stancing(as opposed to Dancing 😉 ) to Happen. That is such a fun play with words Usha 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Going Awww at your child like glee in finding a word like that – magical Usha, right ?? 😀
    Loving it all !!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Pingback: Ramblings In February – Mission Accomplished! | A Quest on Overdrive ... :)

  7. ‘Happenstance’ is this post’s word
    And i don’t find it at all weird
    That ‘pen’ too is in it
    She does that pretty well, i’nnit
    So there you are — two-in-one — and then a third!

    Liked by 1 person

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