A Quest on Overdrive … :)

An eccentric rambler on life's lessons and mercies, found and lost… :)

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Love looks like You! (Haiku)

Pert, patient, perfect

Love’s allure, your glowing self

Love, it looks like YOU!

Happy birthday, Parukutty ❤ All that you’re wished this day, is more love, all the more joy and laughter and the company of bright thoughts and people! You’ve always been our light and warmth, weaving such lovely pleasantness into every thing you touch!


Stay awesome, stay blessed. Most of all, STAY YOU! You beautiful soul!


For 14 October, 2020



Shish, Che… Six!

You thought I was going Sheesh! Then Che che (no, nothing to do with Che Guevera 😀 but everything to do with a sound much like tsk tsk 😛  ), and when I got to the number Six, I’m sure you’ve cottoned on 😛 All three refer to the numeral six (Hebrew, Hindi, and duh, English 😛 ). Even though the reference is obvious, I like to go the roundabout way to its specificity, in this case. 😛

A six year old is at that threshold, where excitement, novelty, the wonder, the curiosity, eagerness, enthusiasm, unflagging interest in myriad things still surges. At the same time, there is a knowing, an understanding, an awareness, if you so wish, an acknowledgement, to / of life itself.

The anticipation, expectation, aspirations, these are still gold, but with it comes a settling in, to living the anticipation, a mild maturity 🙂 No, I have no six year old grandottie, yet, or any other six year old… but yes, six reigns supreme on 29th June, when the first born, my Sun Child and his lovely partner, Pratibha, celebrate their anniversary number Six. 🙂

Yes, they are still a beautiful couple, so evidently in love, and yes, they’re wise and wonderful in the way they live and love life, as partners, friends, and parents to two beautiful girls, both of whom are more than a handful in every way possible.

I’ve watched, sometimes anxiously, but always proudly, how they watch out for each other, and others in the family, friends too. It has always surprised me, that the rather absent minded young lad he was, Arjun, is now a ‘responsible’ grown up (really?!!) even though he still is sometimes the goofiest guy I know 🙂 Loads of talent and skill  to be that way, don’t you think? 😀

And she? The sweet, patient, playful, encourager – always a warm word, a pat on the back and a sudden, quick, tight hug, aevi, just when you need one 🙂 Laughter bubbles, and giggles come instantly, in conversations and observations!

Together they are couple who inspire others to set (the current buzzphrase 😛 ) ‘couple goals’ 😀 They may be just six, now, but they make it look rather easy. I love how the kids, mine especially, show me how to do things better.

Thank you, you two, for you, for being who you are, to each other, and to us. Happy anniversary from all those who love you 🙂 Stay Mr. and Mrs. Awesome! ❤ ❤


First Anniversary here (LINK)
Second Anniversary here (LINK)

Third Anniversary (LINK)

Fourth Anniversary (LINK)

Fifth Anniversary (LINK)

29 June, 2018 (and under 500 words, this time round 😛 )


Mrs. Awesome

I first met her, bubbly, charming, easy to talk to, very comfortable to be with, and quite quite enchanting – all of this at the first time we met. Yes, I am a very accommodating person, but hesitant to be completely bowled over, as I was, by this young lady! No surprises there, because if you’ve met her, you’ll agree, and if you haven’t, I’m sure you’ll look forward to it ❤

I have been blessed abundandtly I know to have sought, and got what I’ve yearned for; two beautiful girls, brought home as partners to my sons, by them. Yep, something got done right, in the way they brought themselves up – and I’m the one who gets to savour that! 🙂

Back to this gal now 🙂 Yes, one of them girls – Mrs. Awesome, says the keychain, she uses for the car. Well, her husband is Mr. Awesome (his twitter handle carries the same name – that adorable boy of mine – 😛 Arjun!) And this laid back, patient, fun person, who doesn’t get upset very easily, and instead is the even keel of many a rocky moment that even I have, let alone her family, is the subject of this blog 🙂 My elder daughter in law, Pratibha, Parukutty as we call her ❤

She is Mrs. Awesome, not just because of partnering Mr. Awesome (do ask him why he calls himself that, because this one is about the Missus 😀 ) –  but, over the past year, from her earlier birthday (LINK), she’s shown how much she truly is 🙂 The Awesome couple were expecting their second baby, and through it all, while Arjun had to be sailing, and be busy, she held the fort and sailed through her own pregnancy without much help, except in the last month since neither I nor her mother could be with her as much as it was possible earlier when they were going to welcome Naina 🙂 This time she was very much the Captain of the voyage ❤  One which brought home to us, yet another beautiful girl, Naira 🙂 mid May 🙂

By the end of June, she was already taking charge, and working independently with two children now to care for, mommying like a Boss! Duh. Just another day in the lives of this girl! 🙂 This meant, with Arjun being busy, that she had to drop and pick up Naina, from school, manage home and the wee one 🙂 Yes yes yes yes… all in a day’s work, and not really such a tough call for most women in India. I get that. Yet, for all of them women, and most especially Parukutty, I find it’s amazing they do!! Most recently, when Arjun had to go off for nearly one and half months on deployment to another port, she managed all alone 🙂 and extremely well too, seemingly without effort, though on occasion I was moved by her cheerfulness and remarkable demeanour ❤

Naina, you all know her 😛 , decided it was time to be like her dad, and one fine afternoon, when her mother was busy on a call, decided to heave a few of the containers from the kitchen over the back balcony – down to the ground floor, from the first floor they were in. Provisions done, she chose a few toys, her mother’s purse…. and we thank heavens that she did not attempt anything more 😀 Her father, as has been written in one of the  many blogs here that celebrate my kids had heaved a heavy steel iron, over the 4th floor window of my parents’ flat, in Mumbai, when he  was three and a few months – Naina was just the same age. Yep, in this case she’s her daddy’s daughter alright! 😀

Talking to Paru a few minutes after this happened, there was a hint of laughter in her voice, mixed with relief, of course, but she handled the whole thing way more maturely than i could ever have – Naina had been talked to, very firmly, and was told not to do that again. The little one went into a minor sulk, as was expected, but being her Momma’s girl too, she bounced back soon enough 😛

Parukutty figured out fitting the car seat, for Naira, the little one, and got her strapped in for solo rides with the kids! Like woah!!! I went 🙂 Arjun, remember, was away, and I’m happy to report that he’s just got back home a couple of days ago, just in time… for what you wonder?

…Parukutty’s special day ❤

Ta-daaa! As Nainu is fond of saying!

Happy birthday, Parukutty! Many many joyful and utterly haaaapppiieeee returns of the day, sweets! May your cheerfulness and quiet confidence, your energy and enthusiasm permeate and touch the lives of all who love you and all you know! You are indeed Mrs. Awesome, though and through! Love you very very much!!! Stay blessed, dear one!

14 October, 2017


High Five!

Among the first things that Naina (for those new to the blog, please meet Naina, my elder Grandottie ❤ ) learnt, gesture wise, apart from the “bye bye” and “aava aava” (come here 😛 ), was a set of three that began with the High Five, a Knuckle Punch and finally a thumbs up where your thumb and hers met, to seal the moment 😀

So you see, a High Five has much meaning here, for us, in this wonderfully wacky family we are 😀 There have been times when I’ve wondered when this would all spill into the classroom, but then again, it’s always fun to talk the zany language that is NOT expected of you. Now that, I know ALL about 😛

So, errr, where we? Ah we were High Five ing , with Naina, and generally going all over the place, which is pretty much normal on this blog, before arriving at what the title serves to take us 😛 160th word is here, and what this is about shall be revealed. Soon.

Researching into the High Five, brought out these emojis that I’ve not really used, but wondered about. What we normally use to say “Thank you” the hands together wala? that’s a High Five …. Hehehehe… didja know that? I was told that, but now I’m a believer, ‘coz Google says so 😛 Here are the High Five, or Hi5 emojis according to Google devta… 😛

A High Five is a symbol of achievement, and of celebration at the same time. It’s a flush of energy, of love, of displaying one’s elation…

I couldn’t have a better way of telling you of the joy, the celebration and achievement this blog is directing you towards 🙂 A young couple, high on love, laughter, togetherness, walking side by side, partners in crime, a shining example of parenthood, bilkul bindaas and badass with it 🙂 Arjun and Pratibha, my elder son ( of My Sun Child fame) and the lovely, gorgeous love of his life ❤ Five years (plus, really) of a journey is completed today, as they walk further into a commitment and the promise they’ve made to each other 🙂

The ease with which they’ve become who they are is the most beautiful part of how they’ve grown, and are still growing along with their two lovely daughters, Naina and Naira ❤ ❤ Like a lot of they young dads I see around me, Arjun takes his parental duties rather seriously, attending to all the needs of his babies, just as Pratibha does! He daddys like a Boss! Something his wife also does, Mommys like a real Boss ❤

This Grammie ( this eccentric woman here) tries to not hover and advise, but fails occasionally 😛 and yet both of them are extremely patient with her, though the Sun Child briefly sends some flares outta his eyes 😀 😀 Pratibha is the soul of patience, and now with Naina having started school, and with a wee one to manage, does so rather too well 🙂 🙂 She’s been driving her car too, till less than a month before she had Naira, driving Naina to school, and doing the odd jobs, running errands 🙂

What they are to each other, to us, family and friends, is special ❤ Thoroughly engaging, amiable, even goofy (Arjun!!!) on occasion, more than on occasion 😀 really! They don’t lead each other, but walk alongside each other interwined in the love they share with each other, that spills out and spreads and touches those who know them, and love them!

It’s a High Five Moment, this.

Wishing them more love, more laughter, more zany wacky moments, more nurturing moments to cherish, good health, laughter, more laughter to ring out from their hearts, suffused with joy that tags along with rainbows and dreams and simple happy smiles in greetings and cozy togethernesses ❤

Dearest Arjun and Pratibha, Happy Anniversary! May you be blessed abundantly!

High Five, you two ❤ ❤


The Family!




Naira’s 28th day 🙂




Daddying like a Boss!


Mommying like a Boss!


29 June, 2017

First Anniversay here (LINK)
Second Anniversary here (LINK)

Third Anniversary (LINK)

Fourth Anniversary (LINK)


Finding that balance…

… is just another wee bit of the usual, for her, this woman, who has come into our lives, in the most loving and fairly unexpected of ways 🙂 True to her zodiac, she symbolizes the even keel of emotion, of sense, of knowing just the right words, actions, and feelings to bring to you, to her own self as well 🙂

Friends who have known her, her partner in life, my son, and her adorable daughter, Naina, quite apart from her own family, I am sure would also refer to her fiery, passionate self, but with a certain knowledge as to how she does, well ( duh, again), find the balance where many of us would tip over the edge.

Oh yes, my Arien Sun Child can get a bit too childlike, sometimes go over the top in his enthusiasm, but ever since she has come into his life, and they have become the best of themselves for each other, I must say he’s grown a bit, beyond his 11 years (that’s a private joke between the Sun Child and I 😛 )

She calms, she sweetens the air, she giggles with the naive, innocence that only someone who has that child within can bring into play 🙂 🙂 That, now, is a loaded sentence too! 🙂 With Nainu, she has been the most gracious, loving yet firm of mothers I know. How does she know so much, I wonder, when I have more or less fumbled my own way and muddled through motherhood! You know, that assured way of simply knowing that this is the way to handle that bundle of energy… she shows me each day, how it is done, how I wished I could have done it, had I a chance to go back in time 🙂

Be that as it may, I know for sure that Arjun has been the luckiest of men, to have been able to find Pratibha, the Libran, in this tale 🙂 With the Ram headed determination, he did set out to woo her, and win her hand, and I know for sure there isn’t a day he does not give thanks, even if not deliberately 🙂 🙂 😀

She celebrates her birthday today, this charming, beautiful, idealistic, gregarious young lady, the mother of my grandottie, Nainu, and partner to my Sun Child. But even without all these connections she has brought into my life, I know this is one gal I would know the instant we met, whenever, however, wherever, even without my Sun Child and their adorable daughter 🙂 That’s who she is.

She touches others with a simple honesty, an open friendliness, a gracious welcoming smile. Her laughter, her smiles cements any apprehension you might have. And her sensible demeanour will instantly put you at ease…

Happy birthday, Parukutty, my dearest dearest daughter ❤ ;  you are wished the best in life, this day, and the rest of the year. It will be memorable, and add to the grace, the bearing you carry in life; giving you challenges that you will, in your sweetness and self assurance, meet head on, giving of yourself, and being loved infinitely more each day, by each of us who know and treasure you! May you be blessed to be that lovely little girl I always see in you, the one who unhesitatingly reaches out to help, to comfort, to be there with a patient listening ear, and give me these incredibly gentle and sensible suggestions 🙂 Just as Neeti does too!


Happy happieeeeee birthday from all of us, Pratibha! Wishing you rainbows, and laughter, and hugs and kissess and always LOVE, always, ever and a day more… ❤ And then some!!!

As that song in The Sound of Music goes, I realize, each day, that somewhere in my youth or wicked childhood, I must have done something goooood… to have found you, and Neeti ❤

Blessed be, my dearest girl 🙂 Stay awesome 🙂

There’s a virtual gift, in this, a card, made and sent by one of my own kids, from school 🙂 You met him, when he came to visit Naina 🙂 Vivek 🙂 He sends his wishes, to his Bhabhi, 🙂 ❤

Wishing you an amazing day, with the love of your loved ones, and the companionship of your friends 🙂 Missing you so much 🙂

P.S Riddhi, your picture is being used without prior permission 🙂 I know you’ll approve 😀

14 October, 2016