A Quest on Overdrive … :)

An eccentric rambler on life's lessons and mercies, found and lost… :)



The dew on a spider’s web

Diamond bright; short-lived.


That first shot-

Bending over the horizon,

The blush-pink sun.

A new bride

Yet to grow, and rule.


Just as exquisite is that

Sliver you drive

Carefully, ever so carefully

Slathered with love

So your eyes seem to say

Right into my heart

Easing it bit by aching bit

With all that you don’t say.


Exquisite, the tremor

Of the dew-like drop

Latched to the quivering lashes

Before taking the plunge.


So exquisite,

I’m spoiled for any less fare.


20 April, 2017

Day#20 of #Napowrimo, 2017 – National Poetry Writing Month 2017

(Reposted on 6 April, 2020, as the Day 6 of #NaPoWriMo2020) – Yep cheat post 🙂



Alert! Long post 🙂 Reader discretion advised 😀 Thank yous always need to take time ❤ Thank you!

Thirty posts over as many days

Through it all, I read, as if in a daze

Her words, consistent, unhesitant, unconditional

Motivating, encouraging, grabbing the gist, just… inspirational

The labyrinth to her her loving heart, a crystal clear maze ❤


Gushan Gev Bamboat (FB page LINK – and Blog for here here wala LINK )is who I speak of. A poet (masterful limericks at the drop of a hat are her forte)/wordsmith / generous and warm soul/ loving friend / an honest to goodness kind kind kind and empathetic woman. She’s been doing her limerick writing ever since when. And, as of 1 January, 2016, has been posting a limerick each day, yes EACH day, on her facebook wall called Lw/fw (The last word of today’s limerick will be the first word of tomorrow’s) and today, that is 1 May, 2017, she has posted Lw/Fw#487 🙂 You would be awed by her poetic flair 🙂

This blog is dedicated to her, as she has been the most consistent of readers and commenters, even though I’m terribly lax and absent from even reading or writing into her tiny but delightful, delicious limericks. All thirty (29 most likely, because she’s yet to read number 30, which this one is 😛 ) of her verses are far superior to what passes for verse here, unabashedly so 🙂

Gulshan, thank you, thank you, thank you, infinitely 🙂 There aren’t words enough, that suffice, as expression from this grateful heart. ❤ Big bear hug! I do love you so! ❤

Thanks also go out to all of you who dropped by at this blog, and read, left a like or two, or maybe a word, when you could. You all are pure awesome. I know. I should be doing the same, but since I ain’t that awesome, I izz not really nice, no? But yes, I shall be visiting, soon 🙂 Thank you, so very much.

Thank you, Anu from Anusparsham, Anu from Mylittlepursuitsofhappyness, Candice Louisa of Myfeatheredsleep, Little Fears, Krissy from Visionariekindness , Bindu John from I Think So, Shail Mohan from Shail’s Nest, Nithya from Thoughts Pop and others who “liked”, “followed” and generally were motivating this blog and its rambler 🙂

This one’s for the love of the Limerick, each one so perfectly crafted, by Gulshan, as comments on the blogs for each day I had done the #NaPoWriMo. 🙂 And she’s been with the posts way before, in February, 2015, April 2015. when I took a shot at it 🙂

Day#1 Giving In

Giving in to temptation of the worst kind
Is when one does not apply the mind
The consequences are deadly
If one deliberately
Is blind to the sane sight-of-the-hind!

Day#2 Tetchy

Tetchy? Tch Tch! And me?
Mistaken you sure do be
The cap don’t fit
My teeth do grit
Till down my throat goes morning tea!

Day#3 Circumspect

Resonance! With my heart, entirely
Agree with every blessed line, completely
But that pity,
Is for them that think so sad- and blindly

Day#4 Denouement

A Grandmother became a Dr Seuss
To cut short talk which was loose
About the Family of Peppa Pig
Which Grandottie loves time-big
And set right erroneous, vicious views!

Day#5 Evenings

Evening’s soft light and feel
Oft makes things surreal
Before you encumber
Night’s sweet slumber
Which, that squeezed succor, will heal!

Day#6 Petal Soft

‘Tis difficult to comment on a Haiku
The 17 syllables makes one rue
One feels verbose
In juxtapose
But i hail your heart, and it’s healing hue!

Day#7 Twist and Twirl

The Blue Danube Waltz’s swings
Ecstasy to the heart brings
No words enunciated
Just music appreciated
That’s why she just dances, not sings!

Day#8 For Serenity

A poem for serenity
Ends in melancholy
The moon blue
The mood blue
Nevertheless, there’s poignancy!

Day#9 Wait Upon My Heart

How much we wait — let me count the hours
Nay! That’s futile — they would fill towers
But the infinite capacity
Of a Heart’s entity
Gives Patience prodigious powers!

Day#10 First Day, First Show

The first day of an English class
Had eyes that were glazed as glass
Her *pupils* lauded
Gulshan too applauded
And to her fan-base some more she’ll amass!

Day#11 Eyes Wide Shut

If a quest for inner peace
Produces so piquant a piece
And all-seeing eyes
See through disguise
Then flying should be cake-a-piece!

Day#12 Po Mone.. (Blog Tradition, birthday post, for my elder son, Arjun ❤ )

She rambles, that’s a given, and she’s excused
Make no mistake — she is NOT accused
When it’s a son’s birthday
‘Tis just needless to say
That a mother’s heart is overwhelmingly suffused!

Day#13 Cornerstones (movie inspired, poetry requested, on “Arrival” (2016) )

A movie-inspired post
Requested by a young dost
No name given
So curiosity’s driven
And included, the memory of a baby’s ghost!

Day#14 Marionette

The sad situation of many a woman
Dungeons of darkness — never see the sun
And when finally free
They aren’t able to see
The light is blinding, the damage is done!

Day#15 A Teardrop’s Trail

A teardrop sets a trail
Many more will it tail
But the eyes are a pair
So too they will share
The empathy evoked by a tragic tale!

Day#16 The Honest Heart

Constant confrontations
Led to negotiations
She’d fashion a mask
Set herself a task
To make a pericardium of compressed carbonations!

Day#17 untitled

There’s nothing wrong in “parroting” advice
We all usually do it in a trice
But following instinct
Is as distinct
From playing with a set of dice!

Day#18 What If

‘What if’s could be for the better or worse
If could well be kickass or curse
So, no regrets
Finish the frets
Life should not be lived in reverse!

Day#19 Irreconcilable

Another haiku comes along
A form in which am not at all strong
But she thrives
Into black hole dives
And loves — whether right or wrong!

Day#20 Exquisite

Exquisitely she turns a dew-drop
Into a blazing sun-drop
Then slathered sliver
Lashes a-quiver
Plunges itself into a tear-drop!

Day#21 Raining Joy

Dusty trees being cleansed by rain
Alleviating a little the blazing bane
Prattlers prancing
Dendrons dancing
Delight with petrichor we cannot feign!

Day#22 Tongue Tied

First, she long-lectures on laughter and teeth
Then, o’er dammed words she doth seethe
She’s ne’er tongue-tied
That’s her bright side
And last, she quietly slips metaphors underneath!

Day#23 Catharsis

Four-letter words are definitely loaded
Meanings behind secretly horded
But the silence of this lamb
Is like unwanted e-mail spam
Unopened, in Trash, but for days hoarded!

Day#24 Stray Thoughts

I’d wish for air — a cool soothing breeze
Rustling through the thirsty trees
Let them embers turn to ash
Some of them’ve been rash
They’re done with Life, let them cease!

Day#25 Rite of Passage

Ah yes, that persistent voice inside
That joins with the one that’s outside
The Rite of Passage is passed thru
Each love and lore writes anew
Onward and upward with that helping hand beside!

Day#26 Coming of Age

Innocence disappears inevitably
Rebellion suppressed indubitably
Peter Pan den(f)ied age
But ‘All the World’s a Stage’
And we deal with burnt bridges suitably!

Day#27 Breaking Free

She spins a web of poetry
Sometimes of obscurity
This conundrum
Is one such sum
But the bottom line is liberty1

Day#28 Catch 22

Mary, Mary quite contrary, how does your garden grow?
She longs to write, but yet says the words mustn’t show
Dear Heart, you won’t fall apart
If, hesitantly we make a start
The twain SHALL meet if only you shoot an arrow from Cupid’s bow!

Day#29 Maybe

Another post about not meeting
After two forlorn days of not reading
But, dear girl,you have to realize
That these sun and moon guys
Were one and the same before Genesis conceiving!

Day#30, this one 🙂

Thank you, once again, Gulshan ❤


Gulshan Gev Bamboat

2 May, 2017

Day#30 of #NaPoWriMo 2017, National Poetry Writing Month. 2017

The last time I did this challenge was in 2015. 🙂 And here’s the (way better) conclusion to that one! Called, Thirty Days 😛 (LINK)





(Disclaimer: I’m yet to walk into May, on the blog 😛 I gotta finish that danged challenge I set up (indeed I set myself up. Duh, you see how much I love myself! 😛 ) for me to complete. 

So, it ain’t May here till it gets done. Which, hopefully will be today 😀 ) 



Would that the orange sun

Is really sweet.

(Pun intended)


And the cheesecake moon

be sinful.

(Bad enough for the heart!)


Sun and Moon

As we are;

Meeting ever so briefly

Over impossible distances,

Simply sharing the light

Of our love…


Giving, receiving, sharing…


Seemingly, everywhere.


And with each other?


But never meeting. Never.

The fates, have they decided?


Is that all our story shall be?


1 May, 2017

Day#29 of the #NaPoWriMo 2017, the National Poetry Writing Challenge, 2017

(I must admit that this is the weirdest here on the blog. The rambler takes full responsibility for any sense of annoyance the reader feels 😀 and thanks them profusely for being here at all 🙂 )




Catch 22

To be verbose.

And be quite drowned

Flailing as the words consume.

But if I did not,

The silence would suffocate

The love we have.


So, I dare not.


To reach out, dying to hold

Your hand, and tell you things

That would so heal us both.

But if I did, and you turned away

It would do me in, and therefore us.

Rent, quite rent, the fabric of a cherished togetherness.


I dare not.


To read each word you never write

In the pages I’ve collected in the memories

We’ve gifted each other. Hoping to see it for real.

And if you did write, and I read the pain you shared…

Would it not quite be my undoing?


Don’t, please. Or should I say, please?


The twain might never meet.

Or meet it might, in vain.

Till it does, I’ll yearn.

And once it does, I’ll dissemble.


Catch 22.


28 April, 2017

Day#28 of #NaPoWriMo 2017, National Poetry Writing Month, 2017



Breaking Free

A determined spider

Has been at work…

Since when.


Spinning that web.

Anchoring it to

Infallible intent.


Infallible it is.

So steadfast, so much, that even if

Disloyal, it would still be. Infallible.


Right? Maybe.

For, who’s to examine fallacy?

Being dispensable themselves?


Therein lies the conundrum.

Webs woven, prey sought.

But, at some point, intent – it crumbles.


That’s the only loophole.

Target intent; attack indefatigability.

Then. Then you break free.


27 April, 2017

Day#27 of #NaPoWriMo 2017, National Poetry Writing Month, 2017