A Quest on Overdrive … :)

An eccentric rambler on life's lessons and mercies, found and lost… :)

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Pull my crab clip off my hair;
Drink up your (or any stay
Cup of tea!
At home
Demand coffee. Tea.
(If both unavailable, cocoa)

Go on well intentioned diets
Give it about six weeks
Then… Duh!

Type in from malfunctioned keyboard
Just what I need to hear
Just when I need to hear it

Fneham alle felith 😂
(Clue: F appears for s/v)

He’s part of the first poems
I wrote… (My Sun Child)
Long before he was born!

He’s a paean, an Ode,
A ballad,
There’s rhyme, rhythm,
He’s a metaphor for laughter
A simile too, as cool as they come…

He’s playfulness personified
A paradox, an oxymoron
Workaholic fun lover!

He’s a book
That’s writing itself,
And may it continue to be
An action packed adventure
Filled with
Love, laughter, liveliness

That’s my wish, on this day
His birthday.

My Sun Child
My first born
Arjun ❤️

12 April, 2021 Day#12 of #napowrimo 2021

For my Son Child 💗

More from the previous years, here 





2011, and this 2011 again!
And more if you just click HERE 


Shish, Che… Six!

You thought I was going Sheesh! Then Che che (no, nothing to do with Che Guevera 😀 but everything to do with a sound much like tsk tsk 😛  ), and when I got to the number Six, I’m sure you’ve cottoned on 😛 All three refer to the numeral six (Hebrew, Hindi, and duh, English 😛 ). Even though the reference is obvious, I like to go the roundabout way to its specificity, in this case. 😛

A six year old is at that threshold, where excitement, novelty, the wonder, the curiosity, eagerness, enthusiasm, unflagging interest in myriad things still surges. At the same time, there is a knowing, an understanding, an awareness, if you so wish, an acknowledgement, to / of life itself.

The anticipation, expectation, aspirations, these are still gold, but with it comes a settling in, to living the anticipation, a mild maturity 🙂 No, I have no six year old grandottie, yet, or any other six year old… but yes, six reigns supreme on 29th June, when the first born, my Sun Child and his lovely partner, Pratibha, celebrate their anniversary number Six. 🙂

Yes, they are still a beautiful couple, so evidently in love, and yes, they’re wise and wonderful in the way they live and love life, as partners, friends, and parents to two beautiful girls, both of whom are more than a handful in every way possible.

I’ve watched, sometimes anxiously, but always proudly, how they watch out for each other, and others in the family, friends too. It has always surprised me, that the rather absent minded young lad he was, Arjun, is now a ‘responsible’ grown up (really?!!) even though he still is sometimes the goofiest guy I know 🙂 Loads of talent and skill  to be that way, don’t you think? 😀

And she? The sweet, patient, playful, encourager – always a warm word, a pat on the back and a sudden, quick, tight hug, aevi, just when you need one 🙂 Laughter bubbles, and giggles come instantly, in conversations and observations!

Together they are couple who inspire others to set (the current buzzphrase 😛 ) ‘couple goals’ 😀 They may be just six, now, but they make it look rather easy. I love how the kids, mine especially, show me how to do things better.

Thank you, you two, for you, for being who you are, to each other, and to us. Happy anniversary from all those who love you 🙂 Stay Mr. and Mrs. Awesome! ❤ ❤


First Anniversary here (LINK)
Second Anniversary here (LINK)

Third Anniversary (LINK)

Fourth Anniversary (LINK)

Fifth Anniversary (LINK)

29 June, 2018 (and under 500 words, this time round 😛 )


The Bees’ Knees

That is, quite enquivocally, what you are, to me, and a whole lot of others. 🙂 Who? We’ll come to that soon enough 😀 That is the way of this blog, and rambler. Together, they kind of mess up your reading skills 😛

I first heard this expression at a workshop in Kochi, where the resource person was an Englishman, a Prof. Richard Something or Other (do excuse me for not being able to recall – I hate that about myself :/ ), conducted by the ABS – Association of British Scholars (??? I think 🙂 ) in association with the British Council, I do recall. We, the thirty plus number of participants, were given a worksheet with several expressions in English, many quite obscure, and vastly underused hereabouts, and were asked to match them with their meanings. Yep, teachers doing match the following. No one was able to score an excellent 😛 Go on, rejoice at how them dratted English teachers got their comeuppance from a Sahib  😛 Serves them right, no?! 😀

Errr, back to the bees’ knees. Clearly we weren’t that. But it still remains in my mind as being one of the most delightful sessions at a workshop where you had a native speaker giving you the inside stories and the inflections of language and usage. Like a bat out of hell was another that caught my fancy…. Deep sigh. 😀

Oopsie, here I go again, rambling 😀 So, ummm, where was I? Oh yes, the who/what/how about the bees’ knees. Yeah, I’m working this one to death, aren’t I? As if them bees aren’t already working enough! 😀

So, bees? Yep they’re busy alright, and give us honey. Pack a sting too! So etymology (excuse me, while I break into laughter, that perhaps only Ashwin, Arjun and I can fully appreciate, since it is part of the spelling bee mimic’s repertoire 😛 😀 ) – apparently the bee collects/stores the pollen in its knees, and we know what a good thing that is right? From the etymology (teacher in full flow, pliss to note 😛 ) it is to be understood that the bees’ knees refers to something that is wonderful, excellent, very good…. you get the drift 😛

That’s it? Okay, you probably wonder. Do you? Then you aren’t a regular here. Avoid, confuse, then cause bedlam of thoughts and words and notions, is how this rambler works, sometimes 😀 We’re not done yet, that is what I mean 🙂 I mean heck! I haven’t even begun (past 400 words now, in case you need to split from this screen 😛 )

I’ll try and make this easy. He’s the bees knees, he is. A wonderful human, which in turn takes care of everything, does it not. Who’s knee at the moment is undergoing a bit of errr…. reconstruction 😀 You see how I couldn’t not call him the bees knees? He’s known to be a laid back Bahubali (the juniors have given him that title – so that makes me, who? Sivagami! Woah! Thank you Bwoys 😀 ) , someone who’s got everyone’s back, even if his knee is put to risk. Well, he’s the Bees Knees ain’t he? Whether he’s gunning away, full throttle, or easing to an idle, and lazing, binge watching, minding his babies, the right mixture of goofy sport and firm instructions, having a blast with his friends or holding the fort at the Ship, thwacking the youngsters there, or giving them some good advice, rollicking away – through it all one word stands out, which, at one point both he and I would have pooh-poohed 😛 Workaholic? Ask him and he’d certainly deny it, but I know that that is the perception, at least among quite a few.

And of course, as he has said, the secret of him being that way? “Chicken” he answered recently 😀 Whatever, it be, I know that he is the one Sane and Sensible voice in our rather zany family, though he too can collapse into bedlam at any given point! It’s been quite a year, altogether, from last year 🙂 He’s got another lovely daughter, Naira, a more articulate elder daughter, Naina, a beautiful gorgeous partner, Parukutty, and the love of good friends and family 🙂 Apart from a torn ACL, left knee (basketball match ), which had to be reconstructed 🙂 He’s got some much needed rest, and is still to recover completely. However, does that stop him being AWESOME? 😀 😀 😛

Nothing ever will, for this unstoppable offspring o’mine!

Happy day, I know it was, Arjun! Wishing you health, happiness, much more joy that your heart can hold, warm giggles with your girls, and great great times, where you’re headed! Love you to bits!

These are pictures from an early birthday celebration, as he goes in for his review for his knee 🙂

12 April, 2018, Arjun’s birthday 🙂

More from the previous years, here 🙂


2011, and this 2011 again!
And more if you just click HERE 🙂


High Five!

Among the first things that Naina (for those new to the blog, please meet Naina, my elder Grandottie ❤ ) learnt, gesture wise, apart from the “bye bye” and “aava aava” (come here 😛 ), was a set of three that began with the High Five, a Knuckle Punch and finally a thumbs up where your thumb and hers met, to seal the moment 😀

So you see, a High Five has much meaning here, for us, in this wonderfully wacky family we are 😀 There have been times when I’ve wondered when this would all spill into the classroom, but then again, it’s always fun to talk the zany language that is NOT expected of you. Now that, I know ALL about 😛

So, errr, where we? Ah we were High Five ing , with Naina, and generally going all over the place, which is pretty much normal on this blog, before arriving at what the title serves to take us 😛 160th word is here, and what this is about shall be revealed. Soon.

Researching into the High Five, brought out these emojis that I’ve not really used, but wondered about. What we normally use to say “Thank you” the hands together wala? that’s a High Five …. Hehehehe… didja know that? I was told that, but now I’m a believer, ‘coz Google says so 😛 Here are the High Five, or Hi5 emojis according to Google devta… 😛

A High Five is a symbol of achievement, and of celebration at the same time. It’s a flush of energy, of love, of displaying one’s elation…

I couldn’t have a better way of telling you of the joy, the celebration and achievement this blog is directing you towards 🙂 A young couple, high on love, laughter, togetherness, walking side by side, partners in crime, a shining example of parenthood, bilkul bindaas and badass with it 🙂 Arjun and Pratibha, my elder son ( of My Sun Child fame) and the lovely, gorgeous love of his life ❤ Five years (plus, really) of a journey is completed today, as they walk further into a commitment and the promise they’ve made to each other 🙂

The ease with which they’ve become who they are is the most beautiful part of how they’ve grown, and are still growing along with their two lovely daughters, Naina and Naira ❤ ❤ Like a lot of they young dads I see around me, Arjun takes his parental duties rather seriously, attending to all the needs of his babies, just as Pratibha does! He daddys like a Boss! Something his wife also does, Mommys like a real Boss ❤

This Grammie ( this eccentric woman here) tries to not hover and advise, but fails occasionally 😛 and yet both of them are extremely patient with her, though the Sun Child briefly sends some flares outta his eyes 😀 😀 Pratibha is the soul of patience, and now with Naina having started school, and with a wee one to manage, does so rather too well 🙂 🙂 She’s been driving her car too, till less than a month before she had Naira, driving Naina to school, and doing the odd jobs, running errands 🙂

What they are to each other, to us, family and friends, is special ❤ Thoroughly engaging, amiable, even goofy (Arjun!!!) on occasion, more than on occasion 😀 really! They don’t lead each other, but walk alongside each other interwined in the love they share with each other, that spills out and spreads and touches those who know them, and love them!

It’s a High Five Moment, this.

Wishing them more love, more laughter, more zany wacky moments, more nurturing moments to cherish, good health, laughter, more laughter to ring out from their hearts, suffused with joy that tags along with rainbows and dreams and simple happy smiles in greetings and cozy togethernesses ❤

Dearest Arjun and Pratibha, Happy Anniversary! May you be blessed abundantly!

High Five, you two ❤ ❤


The Family!




Naira’s 28th day 🙂




Daddying like a Boss!


Mommying like a Boss!


29 June, 2017

First Anniversay here (LINK)
Second Anniversary here (LINK)

Third Anniversary (LINK)

Fourth Anniversary (LINK)


Po! Mone…

Now this *title, up there –
Every Malayalee, worth
His Lalettan (LOLettan 😛 ) salt,

(So, yeah, you think,
This be a paean to him?
That “mon” (മോൻ – son) of the
Legendary Strip of Land,
Hewn out of the Masterstroke
Of a certain Angry Sage,
Who weilded the axe,
That he threw, in a
Spurt of hope?
A fit of rage?
(Alert Δ!! Want a History Lesson for the Above? Click (LINK))

(Uh. Oh. Oh… There she goes,
You says
. I hears, I hears that, good! 😛
She be rambling, goodness me, you goes
C’mon, you urges, under your breath,

Get ON with it, pleeeeeejjj! 😀 )

Sooo… yes, where was I?
That “mon” (മോൻ – son), yes-
Not the one of the Lore…


My very own, That Sun Child  (LINK) 🙂
That errr… innocent Hulk of an
Always-will-be-11-year-old 😀
(And therein lies another story,
Maybe for another day
😀 )

April Showers.
They aint fallin’ this year;
(From the sky, in case you wondered 😛 )
But there’s never a moment
When it don’t pour, here,
In April –
It rains, pours, fairly inundates
This blessed heart.

It floods, envelops, quite quite drowning
(I heard you gasp!
Easy, easy, does it, dear reader-
Please, pleeejj do breathe!)

Drowning me, and him, and
Those who love him-
In love.

And because he’s Po,
He’s awesome;
He simply soaks it in,
Braces himself,
Spreads more love
More awesomeness!
For us to cheer and rave!

He’s my, our, very own Po!
Dragon Warrior, no less!
He mans an arsenal
Comprising the zaniest weapons
You’d ever know!

(In random order, I attempt a poor inventory! 😛 )

Storytelling skills (on par with any grandparent,
Or even his wee lass, Naina!)

Unconditionally there-and-got-your-back-wala dost (friend

The **Jugaad Boss! 
And, don’t ask, for what?
It’s jugaad, no?

Linguist, and a mean (not yet lean 😛 ) one!
Parseltongue, maybe not 😀 though )
He and I go beserk over
Wordy wonders, while others look on;
He has fans, of his letter drafting skills  😛
Arree, Sir, aap itna awesome English bolte ho!
That be a testimonial from his greatest fan, the “K” man 😀
(The one who’d put Kapil Sharma to shame 😛 )

A dude, he is. Still, though he be
Awesome husband, thanks to his
Dudette of a wife 🙂 ❤


A dude of a DAD, no less
Whose nurturing instincts
Be a constant source of wonder
Even now!


A dude (yeah, yeah, yeah, I do overdo words, don’t I? 😛 )
Who says, “NO”, means it;
And teaches me, each day, the different ways
I can too!

Motivator, instigator, encourager
The best mediator 😛
In the major moments of spats
The Lions in his family find
Themselves in 😛

His arsenal has one more, yet-

That ***kaipunyam (കൈപ്പുണ്യം )
Interest, passion, patience
To cook up a storm!

Nah! He ain’t purffeckt!
But who wants that
When awesomeness is way beyond?!

That  he’s got oodles and oodles of!

My very dearest dearest Kunju
It beats me, how I wrote 689 words
In (pretentious 😛 ) verse,
(Over-garnished with smileys 😛 )
But then, this mom’s blessed
For them words, and writes
Appear, just as awesomely 
When it comes to her brats –
All three, plus two gorgeous gals (go figure 😛 )

Po! Moneee!
I love you!!


Kunju with his Kunji 🙂

God Bless, infintely, that
This arsenal shall never deplete 🙂
But be filled yet more, with much much more…

All the goodness, sweetness, humour
Love, laughter, good health, happiness unbound
And LOVE, always, always, LOVE…

This day, the years to come,
All the years to come…
And a day after 🙂 ❤

Happy birthday, my dearest Arjun!
Stay awesome! Stay blessed!

Stay you. Always. And a day after!

10 April, 2017, for 12 April, 2017

Also Day#12 of #NaPoWriMo, National Poetry Writing Month


*പോ മോനെ ദിനേശാ – Po Mone Dineshaa… this is an iconic, classic phrase that came out of the film “Narasimham” , in which the lead actor, Mohanlal keeps saying this to indicate he couldn’t be bothered… 🙂

**Jugaad –  (Hindi/Punjabi origin) Creative, innovative ways of doing things 😛

***Kaipunyam – കൈപ്പുണ്യം – (Malayalam) – the ability to cook sublimely


Blogs for Arjun, over the years, in the Blog Tradition here 🙂

2011, and this 2011 again!
And more if you just click HERE 🙂


This is Day#12 of #Napowrimo, 2017 – National Poetry Writing Month 2017