A Quest on Overdrive … :)

An eccentric rambler on life's lessons and mercies, found and lost… :)


How it all came to be.

What? Valentine’s Day, of course. What else would I be rambling about on the eve of the most momentous of days that every first-crush to newest in relationship person would have been looking forward to, ever since the beginning of the year, all the warning of moral police notwithstanding? Yes indeed, Valentine’s Day is an out and out romantic venture. Always has been. But we in our “let’s spread love around – and make it about all kinds of love” have generalized it to cover ALL kinds of love for people, animals, food, the flora and fauna, and what have you! Just as we have made a “Mothers’/Fathers’/Teachers’/Friends’ Day” what WE think it ought to be. I’m not about to ramble on whether or not we should have a day set aside for that – that’s been gone over a dozen times, and I do find a sense of purpose in it, even if you don’t, and I’m quite Ok with you not agreeing, so we shall leave that interesting debate-that-really-oughtn’t-to-be-because-we-can-agree-to-disagree-if-we’re-adult-enough, at the threshold of this post. It’s not invited. 😀

Apparently,  apparently,  the Day originated in a Pagan festival (Lupercalia??), or so says this LINK, that sounds believable – though I balk at the animal sacrifice, and generally brushing the sacrificial blood on people (who welcomed it since it was all about fertility issues 😛 ) – which later, when organized religion in the form of Christianity stepped in, was gently ordained into the faith itself. Later, by the 17th century, it became even more popular, and it got marketed successfully in the mid-nineteenth century (guess where!!! 😛 ) in America, and the rest, as they say IS History! 😀 The Lupercalia is a mid February festival (duh!) and so……. 🙂 😀 😛 And it is all about the birds and bees. So… double Duh. 😛

There is a really interesting part about women putting their names in an urn, and the eligible bachelors of the village picking up a name, and spending the next year together, at the end of which if they wish they can get married. If they so wish. The power of consent is what is lacking these days, in a relationship. People were far more open minded years ago, that is for sure.

This day also takes me back to the days of the Pink Chadhi rising over the Mangalore incident in which a certain political party chief and his office received heaps of pink panties from all over the country, and abroad, to instill in him a love of humanity, and LOVE 😛 (If you have the time and patience, and want to re-live those few days from February, 2009 you can get a feel of it Here and Here and Here  )

Finally, make the day what you want it to. 🙂 Love rules. Each darned day. Make it a special one tomorrow 🙂 ❤


13 February, 2016
february ramblings
Day#13 of #RamblingsInFebruary 🙂