A Quest on Overdrive … :)

An eccentric rambler on life's lessons and mercies, found and lost… :)

Microblog Mondays 8: Keeping the Night at Bay


… was Buttercup; and that finally, in a brilliant series for the Young Adult, and even me, picky-icky (questionable, you might say), was the undoing. I never knew when the tears crept out, and my breath caught. There were many adjectives that I have been going through to describe that experience, of having read those books: searing, singeing, hurting, all the while knowing myself to be strangely vulnerable to an assault of emotions.

It’s the thing about getting back to reading after an absolute aeon. 🙂 Don’t ask me why I picked that, that story to read, but soon enough (a few tiny pages on the mobile reading app really 😛 ) I was hooked by the fantasy, the easy reading, the characters, and a connect; a strange connect indeed, at the end of the third book of the trilogy. It has been the fastest I’ve devoured  books, and that too in the middle of endless scripting and practising and sheer exhaustion due to the annual day functions at school. My reading app on the mobile (yes yes yes, I read on a darned mobile- now you know how starved for reading I was and how intrigued this story kept me!! 😀 ) kept motivating by endless stats and awards! 😀

The books as always, beat the movies hands down; even so, I’m looking forward to how the third part is conceptualized. I suppose you’ve realized which trilogy by now, if you’re the kind of reader who notices the categories and tags. If not, I’m sure you’ll tell me 😀

2 February, 2015

Written for Microblog Mondays (click on the picture to find out more about it 🙂 )



Shail’s “February of ramblings” 🙂 (click on the picture to read more 🙂 )

february ramblings


Edited to add (which wasn’t earlier, because it slipped my mind 🙂 ):

The epub files, and the reading app were recommended by a former student 🙂 Rasheen, thank you so very much! I’m now on ‘Northern Lights’, to be followed by the GoT. 😀 😀




Author: Usha Pisharody

A rambler, pretends to be a teacher, loves to dream, and go on Quixotic Quests in the Realm of Romance With Life...

9 thoughts on “Microblog Mondays 8: Keeping the Night at Bay

  1. I loved the series too. Everything you have written about it, I nod in agreement. The second movie stuck close to the book and I was really okay with it, though the first had been a real disappointment. The third book has been split into two movies, right? I loved the first part that I saw. But then books always win hands down. Don’t they? 🙂
    What a coincidence that we have both written about reading/books. Sigh, I have written a longer post, though.
    And thanks for joining, Usha. 🙂 Would you leave the link to this post beneath the post for the day at Shail’s Nest page on Facebook please?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I loved that series. I found the third one was a little difficult to get into, but then, suddenly I started devouring it, too.


  3. This sounds like a series I must read. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this one. It is fantastic to devour books into the night. 🙂


  4. Book? Run run runnnnn….


  5. I have had the series marked to read for a while now. Your post makes me want to run and get hold of them, Ushus :).

    My husband is a huge fan of the movie though 🙂


  6. Wait, why is no one mentioning the series.
    But I do know which one it is, it’s been quite a long time since I read it, but reading your post makes me wanna read the book once more! 😀
    I’m waiting for this exam season to end soon, so that the next moment I can pick up the new stack of books that I’ve got!! 😀


  7. Yay Ma’am…you just wrote about two of my favourite book series — 🙂 The Hunger Games series is one book that definitely succeeded in gripping my heart, in making my adrenaline race… even as I was reading it. I want to see the movies too, and see how it all comes out on the screen, but haven’t been able to do so yet….but one thing that makes the books so much better than the movies is, you can imagine it all out in your head, weave a mental movie when you’re reading! And when you see the movie, sometimes the reel and the imagined events clash….:(

    And you mentioned ‘Northern Lights’ too…..how was it? For my part, I loved the world-building in it…that world, similar in some aspects to the world we know, but entirely different in some others.


  8. Pingback: Ramblings In February – Mission Accomplished! | A Quest on Overdrive ... :)

  9. You read BOOKS on a MOBILE???
    Goodness gracious, whatttA style
    Buttercup’s appeal
    Sleep did steal
    So long as you found it worth your while!


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