A Quest on Overdrive … :)

An eccentric rambler on life's lessons and mercies, found and lost… :)

Fairy Tale


Life is all about living, in a fairy tale. Happily ever after, of course. I love to go Duh, here. 😀 Remember though, fairy tales, however Freudian the analysis, or the twists that one gives, speaking of dark themes threaded into those tapestries of intrigues, are what has been our staple diet as far as stories went, back then. Thankfully today’s infants and babies have a greater choice, what with wannabe bloggers and everyone-wants-to-be-published parents 😀 Or aunts, or uncles, or friends, friends of friends… You get the picture. 😛

The invariable response to ‘Have you ever felt you were living in a fairy tale?’, is Oh yes! breathed out fervently. The character most people would identify with would be the before-troubles-transformed creatures 😛 For eg., the ‘poor’ Cindrella, Beauty before the beast became the Prince, the pumpkin, the mice, a lost Hansel and Gretel- you get my drift 😀

That said, I shall most probably tell my little granddaughter at least some of those tales 😀 Maybe the Panchatantra and the Jataka too, along with Dr. Seuss 😀 Book lists and suggestions are welcome. I’ve got a booklist wishlist for Ickle Naina too. Building it up as it goes… 🙂  Actual sit down and story-tell times are hard to find. I must check whether it’s possible on skype for her Mamma and Pappa to hold her down while I ramble there 😛 She’d probably disown me for it! Right now her favourite is Ol’ MacDonald Had a Farm. 😛 😛 Yes, yes, I know it is a song, but what a story there is in there; why are all of them making such a racket? Has to be a situation there I tell ya!

Watch this one- a treat through and through 😀

So, when we, Naina and I figure it out, we’ll be publishing our own fairy tale that tells you why 😛 😛

The Fairy Tale here is that for the first time in years, I’m posting a blog, seventh day in a row. I have to be in a fairy tale to be able to do that 😛

7 February, 2015

PS Never thought I’d get one in today. Exhausted after a long drive, after along day at school, toothache and all. But that’s the thing about accepting a blog challenge. You drown in guilt if you don’t match up 😛 😛 Also, another fallout of such challenges is that you do nonsense stuff. Fortunately this blog challenge demands it. 😛 Boo!

So, Day#7 of Ramblings In February. Yesssss!!!!!

february ramblings


Author: Usha Pisharody

A rambler, pretends to be a teacher, loves to dream, and go on Quixotic Quests in the Realm of Romance With Life...

10 thoughts on “Fairy Tale

  1. Am waiting for a video where little Naina sings this song 🙂
    This month mantra is ramble all the way, while last month you were on balter all the way 😉
    Love it :*

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I read this last night, but left commenting for today, but now it is ‘tomorrow’! 😛 Anyway, yes, today’s infants have more choice and I love that. Does Ickle Naina know how lucky it is she has a Grandma collecting stories and planning to tell them all to her? Enjoy, the pair of you! 😀 ❤ ❤
    I so badly want to watch that video. But I will do so tomorrow. All around is the silence of sleep now 😛

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Sigh …you know why don’t you?:) ♡♡♡♡♡♡
    And there’s that word again. Ickle Naina. I am loving that word!:))

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: Ramblings In February – Mission Accomplished! | A Quest on Overdrive ... :)

  5. Fairy tales and fables
    Remind me of gables
    From which princesses peep
    And go into deep sleep
    Lucky Ickle Naina’s got a granma — so willing and able!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Pingback: No Fairy Tales, Please | A Quest on Overdrive ... :)

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