A Quest on Overdrive … :)

An eccentric rambler on life's lessons and mercies, found and lost… :)

12 thoughts on “Summer – Haiku

  1. Of course. The most sensible thing to do. I wait for summers here. Apparently, climate can change perspectives. 😛

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I know where that came from, Usha! I hope the Dark Cloud comes with an Rain Gun 47 and neutralizes the heat gun! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Ah, yes, at forty degrees
    With no sign of any breeze
    Staying indoors
    Lying on floors
    Salted sugar water with a lemon squeeze!

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Ma’am, for some reason, this haiku made me laugh. 😀 Somehow this makes me think of the sun as some great dictator. Alas, the sun does tempt us to stay within our homes– but we can’t do much without venturing outward! And bearing the intense heat….

    P.S. Ma’am….”Not Just Pipe Dreams” is MY blog. A newborn venture, as is apparent. 🙂 And I can’t believe you discovered it! I did want to tell you about it, but in person. Thank you for your beautiful comment, where you reminded me of the poem– “The Road Not Taken”, and how similar to the poet’s situation is the situation I (and all others my age!) face. I can’t tell you how much your feedback means to me. 🙂

    And I don’t know whether it was intuition or something else, but you certainly were right about the fact that you knew me. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Malavika
      You cannot imagine how happy I am to read your comment. It was the exact, VERY same thing that crossed my mind when I wrote the last like of the Haiku. Heil Hitler, as you know is the salute accorded to that dictator 🙂 To have zeroed in on that… by God dear girl, you give me hope that my writing is not all lost, yet 😛 😛

      And, gladder am I that I can trust my intuition, and guessed quite accurately who it was 🙂 Sorry for giving you the opportunity to tell me in person, but I do hope you WILL come and tell me in person, all the same 🙂 Big hug to you 🙂 (And I’ll give you a real one, promise, if it’s ok with you, when we meet next!) 🙂


  5. Self imposed exile
    tongues getting dry as leather
    God send us some rain.

    🙂 :):). I had a first hand experience of the Trichur heat,not that Chennai is cool, but we get some sea breeze ever so often.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Perfect Haiku, Govind, especially now that you have felt that Summer in Thrissur 😀 Thank you!

      Yes, indeed, thereabout there is at least the sea breeze. But in my parents’ place, Palakkad dist., it’s way worse!


  6. Pingback: Thirty Days | A Quest on Overdrive ... :)

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