A Quest on Overdrive … :)

An eccentric rambler on life's lessons and mercies, found and lost… :)


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I’m not who I seem
But who I know I am.

Can you not listen?
Even if you fail to see?

I’m trapped by what you see;
By what I am, in what I’m not.

I tell you, I plead, I beg.
I can do only so much, yes?

Because you cannot see
What’s unfolding
What’s blossoming
Before your very eyes!

Why can you not?

You know what will be
If I, I, cannot be.

I know.

Trust me, please?

17 April, 2021 #Day 17 of #Napowrimo 2021

I’m on a journey of unlearning so very many things, understanding and learning, relearning so much, and amongst them is to be mindful and empathetic to those who feel trapped within bodies they cannot identify with. To those who slip through the gridlines of a society that looks at the sexes in a binary. Who sully and ignore those who do not conform to the said binary.

Yes, there is progress in our thinking, but there’s a long, long way to go. I’m still learning new terms and trying to understand, reading from those whose voices ring out for the LGBTQIA++ community.

They are no less human, complete, beautiful and whole than any of us, as they are. As beautiful, if not more, than this mandala (not perfect at all, but what the heck! I love it! 🙂 )

Please be mindful, be empathetic and be kind.

In this connection, I’d like to share the beautiful, soulful Bhima Jewellery advertisement, where they have held high this ideal of acceptance and love – the model is a trans person in real life as well – Meera Singhania.

I’m sure you’ve seen it, but I’d love for it to grace this post! Here it is:

The Mandala is now complete!

Author: Usha Pisharody

A rambler, pretends to be a teacher, loves to dream, and go on Quixotic Quests in the Realm of Romance With Life...

One thought on “Queer

  1. A poignant poem and an arresting ad
    Makes one sit up and think a tad
    A magnificent mandala
    Goes gladly to Omana
    Wonder what’s brewing on the next page in the pad!

    Liked by 1 person

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