A Quest on Overdrive … :)

An eccentric rambler on life's lessons and mercies, found and lost… :)

Second Chances


If you’ve ever been told
Winning isn’t everything,
Winner or not,
You’d have probably scowled 😀

So where does winning take you?
To fame? Throw you up to gut screeching joy?
Or gloat and brag and preen?
Perhaps line your purse
Or maybe help you hitch that ride onward?

I know the best thing about it
(Errrm… not winning ie)
Is you get another shot at it.. 🙂
You’re lucky, you know
You get to do it differently.
You get to say things you never would have.
You get to find yourself.

Yes, winning is good.
But if you don’t, maybe
You’ll get that other chance.
And boy! Second Chances matter.

Go on, and take that chance.
Believe. It’s a miracle waiting to happen 🙂

second chances

8 April, 2013, online
Sashu’s Update on FB, which read: “Always, always believe in second chances. It could be the best thing you’d ever do – for others as well as for yourself. :)” is the reason for this ramble 🙂

Author: Usha Pisharody

A rambler, pretends to be a teacher, loves to dream, and go on Quixotic Quests in the Realm of Romance With Life...

13 thoughts on “Second Chances

  1. Lovely thoughts which couldn’t have been more aptly timed ,when I myself am analysing ‘not winning’ part of the game called life.
    you gave words and hope to my feelings.
    I came here from Shail’s blog .


    • Dear Kirti
      Welcome to this space 🙂 And thank you for your warm words. I’ve been in this state many a time, and what I have shared come from all of my experiences too. 🙂 Glad you find hope here. May it sustain, and help in what ever way it can 🙂 God Bless!


  2. I do believe in miracles which might come during very unexpected and strange situations in life! Had a great read here, Usha Madam. Have a good day ahead. God bless. 🙂



  3. Second chances.. People either welcome them or despise them.

    I think it depends upon how people look at it.. The person who is ving the second chance, and who is being given the second chance.. Either of them can feel that they may not deserve it..


    • Most of everything in life depends on that perspective does it not. And when you perceive positivity, I guess it becomes what one could make into a miracle also 🙂 Thanks for that observation you make to lend gravity to this write, Hrishi 🙂


  4. Beautiful poem Usha. Encouraging.


  5. Loved this one, l;eaves you with a really good feeling 🙂


  6. Second chances and glances are both worth taking/giving/getting 🙂


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