A Quest on Overdrive … :)

An eccentric rambler on life's lessons and mercies, found and lost… :)


The Honour of Proximity!

It is but a world, virtual
And yet, how utterly real…
In terms of time, space, and
Endless entities,
One meets oneself:

Sometimes in another’s voice
Sometimes in the feeling it evokes
Sometimes, just a whiff of its fair breeze…

For, Camaraderie
Blessed am I!
Virtually real, and
Really so special!

For acknowledgement
Of that knowing and the sharing

For Proximity of notions
Beliefs, and the sense of humanity!

Thank you dear friends
Indian Homemaker and
Hitchwriter, and Deeps too
for an honour
Richly appreciated
And humbly received!

7 January, 2008

Thank you very much, IHM and Dhiren and Deeps. Honoured, truly. And in keeping with the tradition, I would like to pass these awards forward to …
Edited to add: Honourned to receive from Rukhiya too..:) Thanks dear girl!!

The Citation of the Proximity Award

These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.

It gives me deep joy to share this with eight other friends

for ever inspiring, motivating, appreciating, and most of all for the gems of poetry he shares. Who would say that he’s an engineer? An awesome poet, to the core.

For her brilliance of expression, in verse and prose. A doctor in the making, a litterateur by instinct, a dancer too, her work gives me gooseflesh!

The voice that speaks up for those without one, adds more to those who do have one, instigates one to go on forward, and be an Indian 🙂

Yer another doctor in the making, a bright spark of life, in letters, feelings emotions, and the energy of her imagery in verse!

for the Sheer and Simple joy that transmutes and transmits itself from her poetry to your inner self. She is akin to a Sufi poet, for me 🙂

Prabhu Dutta Das
for the most amazing comments, :), and the posts he shares on his space 🙂

His verse appeals, his notes give warmth, and he always leaves you with Peace!


The Solitary Writer, Stephen
for the way he relentlessly explores frontiers of writing, in poetry, prose and fiction!

Edited to add:
Since I have been kindly awarded this one again from Rukhiya, and Shail, I would also like to add these bloggers , who have in some way touched me with their work, for the veracity of their writing, and the passion with with they LIVE

Rakesh Vanamali,
for his measured and even pace of writing, his numerous tributes to persons known and unknown, and for some lovely nostalgic memories of Ooty he brings to me!

Aareet Krsna
for visions conjoured with words and letters, engaging one in thinking out of the box and at the same time dishing out some extraordinary poetry!

Meena, or Winnie the Pooh 🙂
Amazing poetry, beautiful blog, and the warmest of words to share!

Sanket too, for his
Verses that create visuals startling and beautiful! His word play and

Corinne Rodrigues
For narrative and verses of inspiration she shares with us!

Man In Painting
His incisive use of words, that enchant, and create a hundred different mirrors to reflect meaning, is simply out of this world. In each of his pieces there is a painting in words!

Amit Khanduri
A Naval Officer, who has strong views, writes beautiful poetry and thought provoking prose. Some great reviews too!

Congratulations to you all dear friends. Do pass it onward !!



First post, post New Year’s, 2009!

Thank God, for small mercies, like being able to breathe the air of freedom from paperWORK – which is going to be shortlived anyway! But it’s a breather, nonetheless.

Happy New Year, once again!

I held back from posting earlier, because the corrections dragon had fair consumed me, and secondly because of my quirky self wanted a renovation of the workspace here, before making a post. Browsing around for that perfect template helped me learn again, a cardinal law:

Perfect templates, like perfect people, don’t exist. You need to work on getting the perfection. Lol!

So what it really brought me to was a sort of pot of gold during the treasure hunt. A set of valuable web pages, for an HTML code illiterate, and an almost-complete-ignoramus,like me :D. At the end of experimenting them on a couple of test blogs I created, I have almost acquired these grandiose assumptions and delusions of having become a “techie”. Smirk away, dear experts, but I shall enjoy that brief time in the spotlight I have shone on myself, with a singular audience of Me again!!!

As usual I digress.

I wanted to share these links here, so that if there are others as troubled as me, who’d like roomy blog spaces, with three-columns, and quick edit icons, and comment forms embedded below post, which normally does not work with custom templates [other than what blogger gives you when you create a blog], I can assure you that these work.

1. All of bloggers classic templates in 3 columns here :

The problem with these templates is that features like Quick edit [the pencil icon that takes you immediately to edit post] and comment form embedded below post are not visible. You need more codes to work in, which you can take from here.

2. There are three links here. And you can go on from them to others available there for more innovation 🙂

These are all from Blogger Buster, a webpage that has many more interesting widgets and features.

I certainly would recommend these pages. It requires the commitment and patience that only a blogaddict can have, lol, and the fount of patience I discovered from an eternal spring within was a revelation of how much of a blogaddict I have grown to be. [IHM, you really knew what it was all about!!!]

So here it is, the fundas 🙂 It would be better to try it out on a test blog if you have the time and patience and inclination, else you can just save your template and carry on, gently, gently.. 🙂

It’s worth it. Your blog’s worth it 🙂 🙂

7 January, 2009

P.S. Lots of awards from many of you generous souls, remain to be collected, which I would like to assure you I shall, and also tags to be done. That should keep me occupied for some time, till my quill sharpens itself to spout sense again:)