A Quest on Overdrive … :)

An eccentric rambler on life's lessons and mercies, found and lost… :)


Awards Galore!

It all started quite a while ago, the Awards Ceremonies, in my corner of Blog-o-sphere. And to my delight, and utter and pleasant surprise, there are more and more of those who feel I could be given more :)! These wonderful souls are gracious to say the least, finding that particular something in the limits of the space here, that they gift and share these prized sentiments and awards. Thank you to all of you, all, and all… not just the givers and the sharers, but all those who have dropped in and shared my rambles and wandered aimlessly with me on Overdrive!

I’d like to list the givers and the Trophies 🙂 below. Each comes with its own unique and beautifully crafted picture, that we can all be proud to display on our blogs, and share in its appreciation! Also, I would like to then pass them onward, to light up more blogs! And to share in that fuzzy warmth that I now bask in 🙂

Have already acknowledged the receipt and the sharing of one, The Proximity Award, given by Indian HomeMaker, Dhiren [Hitchwriter], Deeps, Rukhiya, Shail and Prabhu Dutta Das, at my other blog, on this post, The Honour of Proximity .

The citation reads thus:

These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.

This award, from this space, I would like to pass forward to

Indyeah, she takes me down these trips fantastic, down memory lane 🙂 and shares with such intensity and passion her perspective, that it’s a pleasure to read and spend time at her blog 🙂

Corinne Rodrigues Everyday Inspirations, that is Corinne for me 🙂

Omana, a good friend, and very new to blogging, [which incidentally I am too, but I can safely say now at least, that there is a newer blogger I know :)] and an awesome poet, who writes in Malayalam. She has just begun and I know there is more that will be shared in days to come. This is yours, Omana, in anticipation of all that I know I shall feast upon, on your blog 🙂

Nikhil, for the rollicking humour in the way he delivers satire, for his informative posts, and for being very entertaining with posts and notes by way of comments 🙂


Some more precious awards, and each of them treasured for the grace and benediction that the giver has brought to it :




From Meena, two awards, one of them being
“I love your blog” award 🙂


And all of these I would like to share with really versatile fellow bloggers…

*Roll of Drums… Trumpets sound…Tan ta raaaa… 🙂 :)*

Here they are, Ladies and Gentlemen, writers who wear their fiercely individual and independent and thought-provoking and soul searching opinions on their sleeves and their blogs. I admire each and every one here, awarder, awardee, and reader, with as much intensity, as I do their words:) Thank you for the pleasure of your blogs, and for having shared in mine too.

Rakesh Vanamali
Roopa Manoj
Indian Homemaker
Imp’s Mom

Prabhu Dutta Das
Sandeep Balan

Salil Ravindran
[Salil, now you can claim, thrice was I offered the Kingly Crown, and thrice did I decline, lol! To all the others, this refers to the delightful note that Salil, Sal, left with this post :)]

Balvinder Singh
J P Joshi

Leo [Vinay]
Corinne Rodrigues
Impulsively Me
Amit Khanduri

[though she has just learned the ropes, she certainly writes beautifully in Malayalam!]


The Poet Award , shared by Meena

This Award Especially goes to [gentle strains of the violin and piano… :)]

Aareet Krsna

[for her verses in Malayalam that give me goosebumps!]


for all the beautiful poetry they share:), and make my quest for nuances of words all the more delightful!

18 January, 2009


PS. This has been a long time in the oven [from the beginning of this year :)]. It would now seem to be done, though not as well as I would like to have it 🙂 Still the garnishing is beautiful, with all those lovely pictures of the awards, and I shall serve it this way; hoping that it will reach all of you too!

PPS. Do excuse me if any of these links that come with the names of the bloggers or their posts are in any way malfunctioning, or showing an error/wrong page. The entire responsibility for any such mess-up is mine and mine alone. Apologies in advance 🙂 And I would most certainly appreciate it being pointed out to me 🙂 Have spent endless hours trying to get it right, but it still may just get mixed up. Murphy’s Law is very very applicable to most things I do 🙂

Edited to Add:

What goes around, comes around, we have been endlessly reminded. But this once I love that saying, and how it translates into such a pleasant and awesome reality:) Indyeah shows me how!! IMAO, she rocks!!! [Practising Lingo :D, and stating fact simultaneously!!!!!!!]

Thanks a tri-zillion [just made it up, for infinity, lol!] for …. well, words fail me 🙂 My comment is there, for now..as I’m still catching my breath, at the breadth of emotion there!!

19 Jan. ’09

Re-edited.. LOL!: Indyeah’s comment tells me of occupational hazards and earnest learners, and brilliant goof-ups because of a slip between the thought and the keyboard :D!!! IMHO, she’s going to be a great teacher, for the simple fact that she knows how to undo what most of us would very very squeamishly hesitate to do 😀 😀 :D!

And so it comes to be that I must state that yes, In My Humble Opinion, she does truly ROCK!!!

[Connectivity problem yesterday, so I could post the comment, but not update here 🙂 Do excuse me!!]

22 Jan, 2008


Found, then Lost!

Found, I am.
By you.
Lost, I am.
To myself.

And that, perhaps,
Is why
I shall have to
search till Eternity-

If I so wish.
If I ever wanted
to meet Me again.

Happily enough,
I don’t really want to.

I’d rather keep you.

17 September, 07


A re-post from Writer’s Lounge, where I had posted it a while ago. Waiting for the muse to reach out again! And also trying out the Scheduled Post Options to see if it works. Just discovered it with the previous post:)