A Quest on Overdrive … :)

An eccentric rambler on life's lessons and mercies, found and lost… :)

A Dangerous Optimism


My queer notion
Defies the crucible
Of its inception.
So you tell me.

But no, I shall
Not let it be-
I shall not surrender
That intangible wealth
For, it is all I have
This day.

When you, and the
World, shun the prospect,
Lacing homilies and
Anecdotes to underscore
The real and reel,
I know I shall not
Let go.

Not of the belief-
That Knowledge alone
Is power.
That knowing therefore,
Separates, then fuses
As with chaff and grain,
And growth from grain!

Not to you, or your
Foreboding can I
Ever abandon the
Unquenching thirst,
Of the limitless, seamless
Knowing, which shall,
Someday lead me

To that place
Here on Earth, in Life
(Not any astral plane, for sure!)
Where I am finally
Truly, Contentedly
Me, living with that Knowledge!

A dangerous optimism
A mrigatrishna you say!
But, you know, don’t you?

I like to walk the
Razor’s Edge!

I wonder,
Would you, then, like
To join me?

12 November, 2008

Author: Usha Pisharody

A rambler, pretends to be a teacher, loves to dream, and go on Quixotic Quests in the Realm of Romance With Life...

17 thoughts on “A Dangerous Optimism

  1. Where?On the razor’s edge?Or on the UN-astral plane?Well, I’m up for both!-nice one-


  2. Sanket 🙂 Thank you! Wherever, glad you can join that journey.. 🙂


  3. Ha! the forbidden fruit! I am up for it too :)there is one line that defies me – the “growth and grain” part. what does that mean? i am dumb, am i not!


  4. Roopa, oh no! You certainly aren’t dumb; more like I am, to have notions as queer and words to match :D!!Grain, well, after one separates chaff and grain, the grain is further explored to grow out of itself…… as a metaphor of sorts, that, I now perceive has not worked very well.. :)Thanks for dropping by!


  5. Read on the comm first.. and here again! loved it ever so more!!


  6. I’m in if not conditions apply* 🙂


  7. :), Fabulous.Knowledge alone is power and knowing that is also power :D… And yes, I am ready for the journey..


  8. Yes ma’am lets fly! Am more than willing to join you! Beautiful, yet again!”I shall not surrenderThat intangible wealthFor, it is all I haveThis day.”Well put! Can completely relate to this! 🙂


  9. am ready to join u as long as u promise to write more such poems there:D”mrigatrishna”…coool


  10. A beautiful piece 🙂


  11. No, the reader has to rise up to the writer and not the other way round. I understand the phrase now :D, thank you for clearing it. Perhaps poetry should be understood as a whole and we should not split hairs. But that never works for me. I have to understand anything I read word for word 😀


  12. Meena, hmm.. i do remember that 🙂 Thanks for reading and leaving this note again :)Prabhu, lol! But of course!! No Conditions!!!Mahita, good! Lets begin that self discovery journey then.. :D! Thanks for the note :)Tara, :).. thank you too! Ah! the magic of such a flight!!Praveen, :D! “mrigatrishna”, to be absolutely frank, came out of the blue.. and then yes, even I thought it was rather cool to use, lol! thanks!Mehreen, thank you :)Roopa, well, we have our own little ways of getting into writes, dont we? I am a lot like that, though I go more by the emotion a write involves, and then delve into it 🙂 So it is ok; please do not feel that you take anything away from a write when you ask.. 🙂 Thanks so much!!Sagari, thank you! And your blog is a really yummy place too!!!


  13. Usha,As profound as ever.But sorry to disappoint you, I don’t think I will be willing to join you to walk the Razor’s edge. Very dangerous, you know :-)Guess what, I call myself ‘realist’, the one who does not call the glass half-empty or half-full, but the one who realises that the glass is twice the size it needs to be and gets a smaller glass!Cheers,Salil


  14. I was with you for the five minutes I read this one..now got to go…but will join again for the next one :-)Good one Usha..realistic..:)Agreed, Optimism is as dangerous as Pessimism when it gets extreme :)wishes!devika


  15. Wow. This was intense, powerful swooping verse. But whatsa mrightatrishna?


  16. Salil, hahaha! Sure thing, and don’t worry about the disappointment, I can handle it, ;)!!! As always, thanks for the “hatke” views you always bring :)Devika :), thank you for dropping in a note as well! aareet 🙂 thank you! Well a “mrigatrishna” is supposed to mean a mirage of sorts 🙂 Just playing around with fancy sounding words, that is all 🙂


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