A Quest on Overdrive … :)

An eccentric rambler on life's lessons and mercies, found and lost… :)



Shades of grey?
You ask.
Puzzled. In askance.
You wonder that
I like them!
I know I don’t
Need to explain-
But I’d like to share-
Maybe, then you’ll see them fair!

The grey in dawn-
The beginning of life;
That space between the
Eyelids and the eye
Before they open;
The softness of grey clouds-
Such a warm and cosy shelter
From the blinding sun.

Deeper grey- storm clouds:
Harbingers of the elixir of life;
Spreading to the grey drops
That fill and surge and quench
The Earth!

The colour of Grief
Which resounds only
In a heart that loves;
The colour of possibilities
Unnamed and innumerable;
The hue of ash,
That makes a man of a Son
And a woman of a Daughter.

It is the grey
That defines-
In more ways
Than I can tell you-

More than all the
Whites and Blacks;
For it carries
In generous balance-

Black and White
To the Grey of

15 November ’07

Author: Usha Pisharody

A rambler, pretends to be a teacher, loves to dream, and go on Quixotic Quests in the Realm of Romance With Life...

15 thoughts on “Grey

  1. philosophical! never so endearing..tender…almost like the grey clouds, soft! 🙂 loved this one!!!!!


  2. wooww..we always atach grey with all the bad things..its a nice attempt to bring out its real importance..kudos!


  3. And he had little grey matter else comments would have been betterTeacher e,Good one. Ellam Manasilaayi :D-Nikhil


  4. Huh! And Grey always meant sadness! Beautifully penned! I am sure Grey’s very happy with this tribute! LOL! It is also amma’s favorite color! 🙂


  5. Ma’am,Grey matter missed your point?(All my teachers would never let go of it :x)Grey the vision with the first opening of eyes!Grey the frame of good old memories!Grey the bridge between pure and evil, the east and the west!Grey the color of us!Grey is US!


  6. that is a beautiful new way of looking at gray. although i always found a personal sympathy towards grays – i don’t believe in blacks or whites. and i have lots of gray hair 🙂


  7. Ah loved it!totally.. yep the greys of life define us :)For some reason.. you reminded me of one of my poem.. not in the same vein.. but kinda reminded me of it.. do visit : Whiter side of pale


  8. Hi Usha!missed one or two here..will see now :-)I am always interested in the grey cells of the brain — they give wonderful imageries, i had felt..and needs a much serious mind to study…a thought on it is always, a pleasure to see..reminds me of Deepsat :-)wishes!devika


  9. Grey is more real, black and white are just too Bollywood 🙂 Lovely thoughts in this one !


  10. “The colour of GriefWhich resounds onlyIn a heart that loves;”…:), loved it..


  11. @All you wonderful people… Am sorely strapped for time to jot down individual replies:) Wl surely do that in a bit :)For now, an huge, huge huge thanks to each of you, for dropping in and leaving your words! Thankssss!!!!


  12. A very apt representation of how shades of grey fill our lives at every stage! Very well written! CheersRakesh


  13. Sasha.. 🙂 Praveen, thank you!!!Nikhil.. lol! Thank God your grey cells werent taxed this time round!! Thanks!Tara, indeed, hopefully Grey is resting on its laurels now 🙂 Thanks!Prabhu… 🙂 Yes, grey matter, never thought of it actually…lol! Thanks!!! Esp for adding more to the Grey!Roopa, same here, I mean the greys in the strands that try to adorn the head, lol! Thanks!Meena, have not had a chance I think to read that.. wl do surely! Thanks for the note!Devika, thank you too, for the discerning note!IHM, lol, indeed the bollywoodish blacks and whites are just too much! Thanks for the kind words!Mahita, thank you :)Rakesh, thank you too!!


  14. Usha,Wow, a poem glorifying grey! Guess what, I am a ‘grey’ who is afraid of ‘dyeing’ :-)Though I know you hold a poet’s license, but is the colour of grief grey? Isn’t it black? (I know you will defend it with some convoluted logic; so don’t bother)Keep those mind-numbing poems coming!Cheers,Salil


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