A Quest on Overdrive … :)

An eccentric rambler on life's lessons and mercies, found and lost… :)

Numero Uno


Not the Boss, not the Gang Leader, not any of the #unohoo s either. For the ones familiar with this space, (gosh how much more arrogant can I get! 😛 ), you know what’s coming.

You see, (and I am sure you do, and if you don’t, be prepared to get confounded. Duh.  ) Right. You see, something that struck me as I read the word “Sonder” shared on a popular FB page, Word Porn, was the notion of having our own universes, and overlapping them with others, not in the sense of my borders will push yours out, but in a sort of symbiotic manner, where the membranes of the universes mix, mingle, magically; where each sync, event, that resonates tells you all over again, there are NO COINCIDENCES. 😀 That has become a favourite oddity aphorism for me. The instances of this happening are, believe it or not, increasing, and not becoming the exception to the norm. So why am I talking of universes and coincidences (or the lack of it??? )

The universe of my making, rather the universe that inhabits me, so also the one that I inhabit, has a supreme power. One that is best kind there is. Love. Pure and simple. (Though, of course, you may argue that there is nothing either simple or pure about it 😀  and I’d simply tell you then, that it ain’t love, if so 😛 ) Stop blathering and get to the point, you demand by now, I can sense. Chalo then, to it. 😀

To Numero Uno. Love. A tiny entity who personifies it, for me. Pure and Simple. At this moment, this entity rules our lives, and we rejoice at it. Entity, what entity!!! (Please let me do this my eccentric-blogger-overwhelmed and overwhelming hatke way 😛 )

Yes! Me!!!!

Yes! Me!!!!

She’s that beautiful, absolutely-in-charge-of-herself-independent free spirit. A sprite. A pixie. An impish delight. All of a year old, todashe’s growing us up too, in her charming, yet sometimes no nonsense way 🙂 What always delights (yes, I’m repeating that word for want of a better word to tell you how it is 🙂 ), truly enchants is the way we all have found the child within us, since she was born, and how she keeps us child-like, indeed childish too… shedding our own inhibitions for the joy, the sheer joy of seeing her smile, and sharing in the laughter that fills the air, and our hearts!

Yup! Kurumbiiiii

Yup! Kurumbiiiii

Naina. My Kunjikutty. Chutki. Sometimes a goonda too. Kurumbiiiiiii… we go, when she gets up to mischief, running, crawling away from us, to the stack of shoes she can see in the distance… when she demands water and very firmly looking at you, she’ll spray it, then laugh her head off.. 😛 When she tries to pull out the bindi, or the glasses in one swift skillful swoop 😛 😛

The universe we carry around with us, my own universe, is fairy-flecked with her smiles, her tiny teeth, her dimpling smile, the cooing, the baby language, her long lashed lovely eyes… Naina. 🙂

Happy birthday my darling gurl… May the magic you weave, just by being your beautiful, innocent self, ever touch us in ways that hold us close to you, always, but always. May the love that is the weave of the tapestry of our lives, ever be your strength, the scaffolding, to help you move to exactly where you want to be… 🙂

And that, this day, is in the loving arms, hugs and warmth of all of us who have gathered to celebrate you and this special day! These hearts, arms and selves are always yours, my dearest Kunjikutty, Naina Kutty 🙂

Numero Uno, you are, in more ways that I can tell you, to me, my dearest Nainu ❤ ❤

28 March, 2015

Author: Usha Pisharody

A rambler, pretends to be a teacher, loves to dream, and go on Quixotic Quests in the Realm of Romance With Life...

24 thoughts on “Numero Uno

  1. Aww! Look at her impish smile! She knows she has the world wrapped around her little finger 🙂 Wish her a lovely birthday and may she remain like this forever.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Such a cutie cutie pie . mwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahs

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Impish eyes beguile
    Tiny-teethed lips smile
    Through your UshaGranny
    Many a virtual nanny
    Bless you, Precious, a prodigious pile!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. What a lovely post Usha ! I can feel every bit of what u feel. I can so well equate with u! Ur Nainu, my Nammu………….oh yes so much the centre of the love of the entire family! May the lovely imp ….ur Nainu grow up to b lovely and lovable sweet heart……as i always wish for my Nammu too. God bless u and urs always Usha

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Super teacher..beautifully written..happy birthday nainakutty..God bless u..

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hope she had a wonderful day just like you all. Once again, lots of wishes sent her way. Bless you, Naina! ❤ 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Dear Usha, Love and blessings to your Naina mol, to you, and all in your universe!
    Remachechi(Hari’s mother).

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Hugs to Naina ❤ Impish, the smile definitely is. 🙂 Kurumbiiii. I love that she is that too 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  9. My cute little angel kutti Naina ❤
    Happy happy bday to you :* :*
    Wish I could hug and cuddle you endlessly…

    Liked by 1 person

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