A Quest on Overdrive … :)

An eccentric rambler on life's lessons and mercies, found and lost… :)

Whither to…?


A few years ago, the paddy fields in front of my parent’s fields were as green as this wonderful shade 🙂

Now, labour is hard to come by, people have not time or inclination to work the fields, the owners cannot commit themselves to keeping their fields fertile and sowing paddy, so they have switched crop- banana does not need much attention, is way bigger than paddy grain, and easier to manage. So the landscape changes:

(Click on the pic. above, to enlarge, and magnify to see the tiny banana saplings, on the opposite side)

Both these pictures are taken from the front of my parents’ house, one inside the gate, the first one, and one at the gate, looking outward,  in what used to be a lush village, now turning into a semi city, with a whole lot of “gelf” money pouring in. And it just isn’t the fact that the season is a little different, it is the change in the landscape that this is going to effect! In fact many of the fields have been converted into plots for houses as well. I only wonder as to how long, before even this bit of greenery vanishes.

More comparisons:

I was walking home from a little temple on a hillside, close by, and clicked this one… on the right you can see the banana saplings already growing.

From the opposite side, a couple of years ago,  the same said temple, the fields looked like this 🙂 The pic below is taken from the opposite side of the same “varambu” ie, the little path between fields.

The problems  with the banana crop are a few. First of all, water is not retained in the fields as it is with paddy. So the general ground water level is likely to come down. Next, the fertilizer used for the banana also includes manure, from chicken (does one call it manure? LOL! But chickensh**, seemed rather unparliamentary, so… :D! ) This in turn helps a sort of pest, named “cotarma” in malayalam, flourish, and it comes in swarms, sticks to the walls and ceilings and generally is a well… pest. Can cause certain kinds of rashes too. And cannot be wiped out with insect repellant or anything else 😦 It is rather hateful. So yet again, is this worth it?

Those fields are turning into killing fields for the environment, for sure.

Whither to, our race…? Pun entirely intended.

27 April, 2010

Author: Usha Pisharody

A rambler, pretends to be a teacher, loves to dream, and go on Quixotic Quests in the Realm of Romance With Life...

10 thoughts on “Whither to…?

  1. what chicken manure for banana !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Tell Indy that… she needs to stop eating banana’s immediately !!!!!!!!!!! 😛 😛 😛 😛 !!!!!!!!!!

    jokes apart….

    over the years… we humans have been smarting and smarting and smarting… rather been over smart for way too long… !!!!

    recently Paul Coelho tweeted, ” Save the planet !! rubbish, the planet must be saying, take care of yourself idiot… I will take care of myself… !”

    men a race too smart for itself… !!! 😐

    Lol Hitchy, really??? Poor Indy 🙂 But yes, much of the manure for the banana is just that! And changing topography begs us to take care. It is jus us that cannot do nature a favour 😦
    Thanks for getting here first, as usual 🙂


    • should be man not men ! 😛

      have to get the grammar right in front of a teacher atleast !!!! 😛

      Lol! Men is acceptable too 🙂 Perspective 🙂


      • @Dhiren Eating bananas is better than eating leeteel cute defenseless creatures you loon! 😛 gimme my ghaas phoos anyday…

        though if I tell you what ‘he’ eats, you will laugh your guts out! 😦

        Indy, LOL! @ eating leeteel cute defenseless creatures you loon!
        Ghaas phoos girl, eating bananas is better than going bananas na? 😆


  2. I always love that picture on your sidebar and that’s why I mentioned the fields in the previous post. Gorgeous and nostalgic! So this is the Banana field you mentioned?

    Oh dear! what’s that insect that sticks to the walls? Is it the same one you see near Rubber plantations? A kind of beetle? I hate it. I already feel itchy even if I am anywhere near a plantation or even if I think about it. *itch* *scratch* 😆

    Solilo, indeed the same banana field which has now taken over from the paddy field. I do understand the difficulties of farming paddy, but it seems such a shame to lose out on something the environment needs too 🙂
    I think it is the same beetle that you speak of! It is called Cotarma, in malayalam… I wonder what the English name is!
    Hehehe… now stop itiching and scratching, there’s a good girl 🙂 🙂 No bugs gonna bit you ok? Thanks solilo 🙂


  3. Lovely images! Yes nostalgic indeed. I remember walking and running through the paadams of my grandparents whenever we visited them during vacation. Sadly the paadams are nothing but barren land today 😦

    Deeps, that is a tragedy of such proportions for me! Have grown up seeing that beautiful scene each holiday we spent here, and just this last year it has started changing 😦
    Feels awful really, even if banana plants are green 😦


  4. its the state of most of the fields these days

    everytime we visit N’s maternal village we feel sad because the lands are empty as there is no one there to monitor as well as work

    Monikamanchanda, very very true! For me, it was like we never thought that part of the world would change, so much. But, I suppose this is the price we pay for literacy, in a twisted sense… more young people move out of villages in search of work they feel they are better qualified for, and that leaves no one to monitor the work, as you say!
    Thank you for dropping by to visit, and leave your words behind!


  5. I guess its really time that we realize A LOT is at stake. Unless we are sensible now, it won’t matter how many zeroes we have in our bank, after 1 i.e.

    Very nice comparison. It hits with proofs, sadly.


  6. With the love for money growing more and more obscene
    and the roads getting filled with all kinds of machines
    unless people take heed and show they are really keen
    there is every chance of ‘green’ disappearing from the scene.

    Lovely post. It is really sad to see the green fields slowly turning into barren land.

    It really is very sad; but then thank god that some sort of cultivation is going on around here. There is still some greenery. But it is not going to last long! Therein lies the tragedy, the knowledge that we know, but we dont do much about it!


  7. Ushus this is such a sad thing to read…this has been happening on a different scale in my ancestral village as well.. different crops..same story..

    I know, Indy, everywhere you see the slow degenration of an aeon of work, of heritage of a different sort, isn’t it?

    I have always loved the pic on your sidebar.. gives one a very’monsoony’ feeling.. a very welcome one , what with the gates and all…and somehow the image that comes to my mind when I think of god’s own country…

    That is one that I treasure too, for the same reason. The welcoming feeling it gives, a sense of belongingness too… but the wealth is going to be just in that picture. Reality, in the topography has another story to tell!

    The migration from villages to cities is a necessary one for so many and yet comes with a price…

    one yearns for a glimpse of the past…

    Thre just isnt anything one can do but hope and wait that at least some, who do not migrate will care for the earth, and those who do, will at least by way of interest and concern, will help those who can!

    Thanks indygurl, it is such a wonderful feeling, having you back in my space, with your lovely words 🙂 🙂 >Hugs<


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