A Quest on Overdrive … :)

An eccentric rambler on life's lessons and mercies, found and lost… :)

New Perspectives


Like inky nights
diluted with
pearly moonlight…

Like dry riverbeds
inundated with
rushing waters…

Like sudden stillness
invaded with
thunderous gales…

Or poignant silences
gentled with
murmurs and smiles…

And lack-lustre eyes
moistened with
tears of feeling…

Maybe there’s hope for us-
New perspectives
Untold and untried..

Normalcy now,
would be
an achievement.

2 April, ’91


A re post, to strive and find a muse again:)

Author: Usha Pisharody

A rambler, pretends to be a teacher, loves to dream, and go on Quixotic Quests in the Realm of Romance With Life...

18 thoughts on “New Perspectives

  1. This is beautiful, Usha :)just lovely writing, wishes, devika


  2. Ushus you are back! for a moment or maybe more or maybe till you find a muse again :)loved this but then when have I ever not fallen in love with your words?:)reda it at first glance (in my excitement:D )and thought that it was about loss and separation that was inevitable…read it again..this time with more patience and more of Ushus running through my mind..of all that you are and all that you share :)and I knew that you would only write of new beginnings and dreams that would come true:)normalcy now would be an achievemntah! and who would not dream of this?:)Now THIS is you Ushus…absolutely and quintessentially you….(((((hugs))))awaiting the arrival of a muse :))eagerly 🙂


  3. “Maybe there's hope for us-New perspectivesUntold and untried..”Ya, U said it!


  4. Devika, thank you, as always :)Indygurl 🙂 🙂 Love you for the way you pour your heart in, in all those words you give this write, and the writer 🙂 🙂 And you know what I say about the writes here… it is as you see it, any which way and every which way! Thank you for that lovely and uplifting note, it makes me want to get to that muse and drag it here! Off, again, in Quest of the Muse 🙂 Santhosh, thank you for the visit and words you have for the write!


  5. Reading yours after a long time makes me realize, nothing has changed really. I still amaze at the simplicity with which you evoke REAL emotions in REAL lives. May be that is why you will always be my fav 🙂 Thanks for posting this. Really feeling good to see some activity in this space.


  6. I think your muse is already here. Ironic, no? Nice poem. Bravo!


  7. Amazing!It's been a while since I read your beautiful muses..So glad you are back with a bang, and that too with such innovative perspectives..Keep writing!!!


  8. Ushus, Glad to read you after a long time. What Abhi mentioned in her interview about your words are absolutely true. 🙂


  9. and u r back..it felt so nice to read this after a pretty long time.u seem to be busy these days.. yes, we all do miss our daily(or weekly) dose of sensible and touching poetry..:)


  10. Normalcy now,would bean achievement.- Great lines!!


  11. Same velvety touch of the words. Same flow of the the thoughts. Drifted along for some time. Keep it going.


  12. Feels so good to read you again, ma'am… Trust all is well. Peace. Have a wonderful weekend.


  13. welcome back maam….with your beautiful writing…reading this just totally made my day!!!thanks a lot:) plus the write, as well the fact that you're back, had some kind of a reassuring effect!!:)


  14. We have been missing you for awhileglad you're back from the self imposed exilenow we can be treated to verses so virilethe mark of the inimitable usha's style.Welcome back.A`very apt verse for the occassion


  15. Awesome words..Just read your previous poem and now this..Thats Life isnt it- a little retreat followed by a new burst of energy 🙂 – so beautifully depicted in your poems


  16. 🙂 is everything normal there?! 🙂


  17. Pingback: Indebted, for Better and Verse :) | A Quest on Overdrive … :)

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