A Quest on Overdrive … :)

An eccentric rambler on life's lessons and mercies, found and lost… :)

A Quirky Tag!


Alright, am dealing with beating Procrastination and so I come to another pending Tag. This time, it is from Aareet Krsna, a young blogger with a worldly wise wisdom and an awesome way with words 🙂 His tag is to share seven things unusual about me 🙂 It goes back to a couple of months ago actually!

  • A girl who grew up a tomboy. The reason why it is so unusual is that it has stayed with me throughout, lol, and even today I am more tomboy that a lot of girls in my class! I had to insist that the girls of Std. VIII play cricket, as there was a lesson with a bit of reference to the game. Rather than giving theory lesson in class, the girls who knew and the boys who played helped them. That is when I realized a whole lot of things about myself. Other teachers, including the PE teachers think I am a weirdo. Perhaps. :D!!!

  • My collectors’ items. Every scrap of paper on which I might have remotely pretended to be writer, an adviser, an essayist has been collected and stored. For whom or what, thou shalt not ask. Suffice to say, I am, of course a quirky soul. 🙂 I still have the cards I got for my birthday, from school, to the latest that my kids gave me… 3 each, from each of the two offspring!!! I am rich!

  • I cannot forgive myself easily. And that said, that is that!

  • I have an irrational sense of logic that works perfectly fine for me, but gives the impression of my being disorganized. Ever heard that a mess is order, re-ordered in a certain way? Lol!

  • How I came to be named. Dad wanted to go the whole way and name me Ushus, for the Goddess of Dawn… help!! Luckily, Mom did help, and put her foot down. Usha it became. But…. my generation has so many Ushas esp. where I live, in my own family.. a daughter, a daughter in law, neice, grand neice, house help, her neice… Lol. The list is endless. And when we attend a marriage function, it gets worse. Ah, I met Usha, if even an Usha were to say that, you’d have to qualify with Leelachechi’s Usha, or Ramu’s Usha, or Cheriya Usha [cheriya means small… :D]… It is an over dose of the name I tell you!!!
  • My name also got me at the bottom of the attendance register list. Most times it was convenient. :D! Being a Back Bencher [hail the tribe!!!] it helped, enormously!!!

  • My favourite tagline with the kids at school, to confuse them which has to be the all time height of quirkiness.. Lol. I ask them “Am I the problem?” And they are instantly lost. The braver ones smile. Most look shocked. The really Brave and Courageous Adventurers sometimes say Yes. I love that part… hehehe!

Now to tag you guys. The best part! This time however, I shall give you all a leeway 🙂

All those who read this are TAGGED 🙂, even if you don’t leave a comment. However, I would love it if you could just leave a link in the comments box when you do 🙂 Thanks!

[Saved myself a lot of energy hyperlinking :D!!! It has to be one of the most enjoyable but painstaking things to do… 🙂 :)] But I might just drop in and ask … :), if tagees are not forthcoming, LOL!

4 February, 2009

Author: Usha Pisharody

A rambler, pretends to be a teacher, loves to dream, and go on Quixotic Quests in the Realm of Romance With Life...

14 thoughts on “A Quirky Tag!

  1. Great response! The thing I love most about this tag is how you get to know so much about everyone who picks it up.
    I love collecting scrap too! I think it runs in our family. Most enjoyable is sifting through it again after time has passed. I’ll bet you love that too!
    Again, awesome revelations!


  2. I did this tag!!!! Long ago …

    Reading yours was fun. Very interesting. My sister was an eternal tom boy, I was the book worm 🙂 We all had labels on us, and only when I was much older did I wonder how correct the labels were.

    I live in jeans or shorts, and sports shoes, rarely high heels- doesn’t that make me a tom boy too …? I prefer wash-n-wear hair, no elaborate drying nad all (though I do wear Naqwi’s bane – lipsticks and kajal)…
    I love dogs, cats and have no fear of snakes … tom boy??

    Me sentimental too 🙂 I have a lot of similar ‘collector items’, including the kids foot prints and hand prints, first paintings, their first tiny baby dresses, and mine also – my Leo mom has preserved it: )
    All cards and ‘I love you’ notes from the kids also 😛

    I forget all sort of stuff … including half done tags … should really dig into the drafts to follow your example!



  3. And If I say me again ….in soo many places,will you gape or just give a smirk?…:D

    Why is it not hard to imagine the tomboy?:)
    and…err….maybe the other teachers are weirdoes?thought about that?:D

    ”Every scrap of paper on which I might have remotely pretended to be writer, an adviser, an essayist has been collected and stored.”lol!Me too!From old ticket stubs for a first movie seen with special people to cards from childhood…..

    ”I cannot forgive myself easily. And that said, that is that!”:)Will just say yes….and more….I have to forgive myself ..no one else is able to do it for me..:)
    Irrational sense of logic?lol!!I am sure it works purrrfectly fine for you…:D..coz it does for me too!!…:D
    lol@Ushus…awww!cute and funny …:)

    Usha now goes so well with the poetic soul rsiding inside…..or maybe the poetic soul is because of the beautiful name?:)
    Name at the bottom?lol!!Mine’s the very first always!!oh man!I soo wanted something with U or Z or X…lol!!

    But my most favourite part is this ,”Am I the problem?”lol!!OH man!would give anything to see their faces!!:D
    This is why you rock and are such a great friend to them….:)

    ”The really Brave and Courageous Adventurers sometimes say Yes. I love that part… ”
    and thats exactly why they say yes…:)because they know this soul understands…..and listens…:)

    This tag was absolutely the very best!:):)
    What a beautiful way to now you!:)


  4. Hilarious!loved the tag!I too have this quirky habit of clinging onto my old stuff-like greeting cards from my school-friends,autographs of my seniors and juniors when I passed out of school,and some books that I got as awards for winning various competitions in school.Actually the books have been more preserved by my Amma!And when I visit Achan&Amma and I see those books in their shelves I get all nostalgic!
    As if your earlier tag and awards were not enough for me to keep me occupied and pondering for words,there you are again!Out with another tag!HE HE!!Great going,Usha..I'd love to do this one too though.will do it when I've acknowledged your awards and done your previous tag.Hope its ok with you if I put this one off for a while till then:)


  5. Another side of Usha and I love it. Ushus is nice too.I know what you mean by lot of Ushas. My aunt’s name is Usha too. LOL@ cheriya Usha.

    I am a hoarder too. I have every first thing of my daughter and I make a file of whatever she scribbles.

    I was a nerd cum tom boy. Tom boy in the sense that I hated dressing up. Now I am exactly opposite. Love fashion, shopping, high heels you know the whole nine yards that it surprises me even.


  6. i am in this… just wait a lil !

    well well… collecting papers you must, your works are a treasure…

    my unusual things i ll write and let you know !


  7. This is a very well done tag…. a very interesting presentation of what has been life!


  8. hey i did the tag !!!!! just check it !


  9. god! backbencher, tom boy…things that I wud never have associated with you if not for this tag…I wonder if any of your students r reading this blog:D

    will take up some of the pending tags soon;)


  10. *ahem* *ahem* 🙂 🙂 🙂


  11. hehehe! loved this 😛 n ahem, no comments! 😛


  12. Thank you all, and sorry to be late at this space 🙂

    Aareet, glad you could be the first to notice this one, 🙂 You’re right, with the tags going round it really is interesting, how much of one inadvertently, sometimes, slips out :D! Thanks for your vote :)And yes, sifting through them… lovely lovely feeling 🙂

    IHM, You are:
    a tomboy, yes!
    a collector, yes!
    almost a procrastinator, like me, in doing tags, YES!!
    Thank you for the resonance you leave me with 🙂 🙂

    Indy.. if you don’t say that, I’d be dumbfounded… I’m just looking to see how much 🙂 And thank you, your observation on the other teachers, makes me feel good about myself, and puts them firmly in place… :D! Poetic soul, now my head is getting to be bigger than a hot air balloon.. :D! Stop it 🙂 🙂 *blushing madly at the same time, so there is one big red balloon sitting foolishly in front of the screen*… !!!!!!!!
    Next, you are going to do it, I hope…. I know you will… 🙂
    Meg, thank you… so so very much! 🙂 It’s ajoy to read your notes always 🙂

    Deeps glad you could connect to much here too! Just goes to show how much of kindred souls there are in this virutal world.. Tags were meant to find them I think… all the tags I have done so far, has brought me many mirror images 🙂 :)Thanks for giving me the earlier one… and I hope you get to do yours too 🙂 This one, ie 🙂 Whenever time permits 🙂

    Solilo, Ushus, is not.. 🙂 nice ie 🙂 eewwww :D!! yeah, you would understand how it is in Mallu land with Ushas 🙂 Hmm… perhaps you werent a tomboy at heart, or maybe a classy tomboy :D!!! Thanks for all those sweet words 🙂 And interesting insights. Hope you will do this tag too 🙂

    Dhiren, I did read yours, and found it really entertaining 🙂 Esp the nose… and the movies 🙂

    Rakesh, thank you!!!

    Praveen, thank goodness, they do not read this 🙂 ??? I guess they wouldn’t.. now that you mention it, I wonder… :D! But then I keep telling them this… and I keep finding out what is going on at the back bench , without moving from the front of the room 🙂 The kids know by now that they can get away with anythng most of the time on the front bench rather than the back bench!!!

    IHM, I did read it, and the interpretations and the notions coming out the incident, and others are rather eerie. I only hope that it will not be as bad as it promises to be!

    Karthik, *cough cough* you were saying… ? Ah!! thank you 🙂

    Sash.. 🙂 🙂 You know how it is na? Now you do it too… :D!!! Thank you for the :P, the Ahem and the no comments. Speaks volumes, like Karthik’s :D!!!


  13. Hahaha! Lol! I remember my science teacher would ask us before she started a class [which wasn’t much of my taste, even after considering the fact that was science which I so love! Imagine!]- So who doesn’t want a class today? [This she would do standing at the door]. When the hands go up in the air, she counts them. If its a majority, she WILL take a class!
    I know you will say, we shouldn’t have thrown up hands the next time. But like they say, everytime we find the key to success, the lock is changed! All said, I love that she was a total bookworm,she’d know ANYTHING and EVERYTHING and always shared her books. I love her library at home 🙂


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