A Quest on Overdrive … :)

An eccentric rambler on life's lessons and mercies, found and lost… :)

By way of Excuse… :)


It’s been an age since I sat at a page like this : Create New Post 🙂

And it makes me feel so good, because this is one, like the previous one, that I am typing directly into the blog post! *Pats herself on the back*! Excuse me for that 🙂

Now, to a bigger list of excuses:

I have been deeply remiss in not acknowledging the comments all of you have left here. This one, is just to remind you of the last comment I keyed in with the previous post. My feeble excuse of not being able to find time to spend here, and and on all your wonderful spaces too.

It’s that time of the year again. The tenth class Pre Boards have started. The deadline to return 51 corrected, and commented upon answer scripts is Monday, 22 December, and I have barely started!! Each day, from day before, I have been collecting bundles, of the Seventh Standard, Ninth Standard; and today I shall get the Sixth Standard’s, tomorrow the Eighth Standard!!!


The brighter part of life is that the Elder One is home on leave, *beaming* and I’m having such a good time, I forget to be guilty. Lol! I like that feeling. But then he is going to leave home on 26th 😦 Then, well.. I refuse to think of it just yet! But for sure, that day the tsunami will strike again, this time flooding me with misery, and Guilt-for-all-the-papers-ignored!!!

And with the elder offspring here, for the short duration of 3 weeks, family visits are a Must. Living in the native heartland which abounds with much glorious vegetation and scenic splendour, not to mention Hordes of Relatives [the collective noun is in place, as far as some are concerned, lol!!!], Visits are a ritual that cannot be ignored. And so time flies again…

Finally, it’s the fact that the Younger One has finished his Semester Exams, the Elder One is here, and there in only ONE computer at home, none of us having graduated to laptops yet ;), I’m always the one who gets no time on the machine. *Wistfully gazing*

So… do excuse me 🙂 I shall be back, that you can bet upon!!!

For now, it’s au revoir. The answer scripts of the tenth standard beckon… And to the grindstone goes this grinning gremlin of a teacher!! Kids, here I come…!! [I can actually visualize them cowering, lol]

Okies, am off, else I shall degenerate into worse witticisms of the wacky sort!!!
Have a great weekend, and a Merry Christmas, all you wonderful people!

[Time, and opportunity permitting, hopefully I shall be able to wish you all again, at Christmas too 🙂 Today is one such rare opportunity 🙂 Am on leave, hence the luxury of time!!! And with the Younger One off to college, and the Elder One washing the car, could not let this opportunity be!!!]

19 December, 2008

Author: Usha Pisharody

A rambler, pretends to be a teacher, loves to dream, and go on Quixotic Quests in the Realm of Romance With Life...

10 thoughts on “By way of Excuse… :)

  1. Hehe. Its fun to be busy at times 🙂


  2. I am sure you will have a wonderful time with your family. Very happy for you! 🙂

    Sincere Christmas and New Year Greetings to you and all you family ma’am!



  3. ahaan so some one is busy haan

    well i guess ur a teacher…..and good luck
    and yes merry christmas and happy new year to you as well



  4. Have a great time with your family.I remember how my Amma used to dread having to check the exam papers.And still does!And she invariably used to take my assistance to total up the marks!Now since I’m away from her,the baton has been passed over to my Achan! Do you also do that or have I given you a fresh idea?? LOL!!Anyhow,a very happy answer-paper-checking and a Merry Christmas:)


  5. Congratulations on typing directly onto the keyboard.. how did this transformation happen though?

    Yes, it is great fun when the kids come home….but….. The two of us decided to make the best of the kids being away though by treating it like a second, more mature, honeymoon.

    i do believe that ‘corrected, and commented upon’ is very tough for the conscientious. So, best of luck and best wishes.


  6. Thanks for the wishes. Enjoy the company of family and friends and your answer sheets. Come back soon.


  7. Merry Christmas to you & folks

    Btw, You have been awarded http://almostsunday.blogspot.com/2008/12/hard-teacher.html




  8. You’ve been awarded..yet again.Do accept it and oblige me here http://deeps-speakingup.blogspot.com/2008/12/im-honoured.html


  9. This didn’t show in my bog roll and dashboard!!! I have been wondering why there aren’t any new posts …

    Having the kids at home must be great! Have a very nice time, and we look forward to hearing from you when ever you have some free time again 🙂


  10. Rukhiya, it was fun, but now it’s not.. lol.. for now it’s only corrections, and school starts tomorrow.. sigh!! Thanks !

    Karthik, thank you for the warm wishes too. I had a lot of fun 🙂 Best wishes to you too

    Stephen, thank you 🙂 And season’s greetings!

    Deeps, you know how it is.. 🙂 Well, here it’s just me and me alone.. the kids dare not help, for I would get after them too, lol!! I did try once, for totalling, and the end result was rather unpleasant, having to re count quite a few papers.. :D!! Thanks for the kind wishes. hope your christmas was good too! Thank you for the award also 🙂

    Mr. JP, I really dont know.. but then I just decided I would. Seems to be okay too! So from now onwards, maybe this is what I shall do!Well, corrections per se, are easy; it’s the footnotes one needs to add, because one may not remember al of that while giving out the paper, and during discussions, that need time 🙂 You’re right about that! Thanks for the wishes too!

    Mr Balwinder… thank you too for the warmth of your wishes!

    Rakesh, thank you!! Shall come around in a few days to receive it 🙂 An honour indeed! And best wishes of the season to you too!

    IHM, thanks, good to hear from you too! Hopefully, another couple of days.. which means the weekend ! Not before, shall I find an unfettered life… lol!

    And the most warmest wishes to all the readers for a Happy New year! May it dawn upon us with much hope of a peaceful time, in this rather uncertain time of trials and tribulations!!

    Happy Happy New Year, to one and all!


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