A Quest on Overdrive … :)

An eccentric rambler on life's lessons and mercies, found and lost… :)


Merry Christmas!

As I continue to struggle with time, that seems to simply not wait for me, the laggard :), I am, however, glad that it gives me the briefest respite, to just drop in here, and let you all know that I am so glad you are still here 🙂 It makes my world, however real or virtual a much much more lovelier place to be in.

Thank you for the wonderful gift of YOU 🙂

And so to a promise that I kept to myself; that I would somehow make time to just wish you all:

A very very Merry Christmas, and the bestestestest and choicest greetings and wishes of the season…!!!

Hope it is a wonderful day for you all, with your family and friends around you.

May God Bless us all!

25 December, 2008

Picture, courtesy: dkirkeeide.blogspot.com


Yuletide Greetings!

A Very Merry Christmas, all ye who drop in here!!
May All you wish for this yuletide, and all to you, so dear

Be with you, close in your heart, and forever near;

May trouble never darken doorways, and bring to you any fear!!

A wish for you all…

That this yuletide is filled with much joy and cheer
For each one of you, and your families, be they near or far

May Peace reign again, and Goodwill fill every heart!!

And, May God Bless us all…
This Beautiful Day

And Evermore!


25 December, 2008

Picture, courtesy: http://www.mccullagh.org