A Quest on Overdrive … :)

An eccentric rambler on life's lessons and mercies, found and lost… :)

A Rare Honour!!!


An award no less!!! Praveen S. R., the honest and no-nonsense crusader is the one who has conferred this rare honour, having received his just the day before 🙂 !!! Thank you, Praveen!

As I wrote about my grandmother, into the blog post yesterday, I had these visions of walking through the paddy fields, with my grandmother, and cousins, around the month of December (years and years ago…), when many of the fields were green, a lush green, and along with it the vision of a lot of dragon flies, (thumbi) and yellow butterflies. I sighed as I wrote it, leaning back in my chair, soaking in nostalgia. My maternal side of the family no longer own any of those fields; all of it has been sold 😦 But the butterflies lingered, in that beautiful memory 🙂

And this morning, as I eagerly open the Dashboard for views, reads and to succumb to more blogaddiction (IHM, you certainly knew the symptoms!!!), I am greeted with Praveen’s delightful responses, and a new post of his to read, in which he has very kindly and graciously passed on an award he himself had just received! The Butterfly Award! Thank you, Praveen!! [and you get a link on this post too!!!] A butterfly to grace this space!! Goosebumps !!!

So, as Instructed in the Ways of Award Presentation and Conferring, this is what has to be done, as I understand, from Praveen 🙂

1. Put the logo on the blog. [I’ve put it on both of mine, I hope that is ok :)]

2. Add a link to the person who presented it to you.

3. Pass this one, and link other bloggers that you’d like to share it with.

I’d love the following bloggers to please accept this :



Shalini Devraj

Indian Home Maker


Corinne Rogdrigues

Prabhu Dutta Das

Sandeep Balan



Salil Ravindran


And congratulations to all of you too!!

A beautiful Sunday morning, 23 November, 2008. 🙂

24th November:
Edited to add : Have received this from The Solitary Writer too… 🙂 Thanks for the honour, Stephen!!!
25th November:
Edited to add again: Corinne Rodgrigues has also kindly passed the honour to me 🙂 Thank you, so much, Corinne!

Author: Usha Pisharody

A rambler, pretends to be a teacher, loves to dream, and go on Quixotic Quests in the Realm of Romance With Life...

13 thoughts on “A Rare Honour!!!

  1. Usha Pisharody Thank You 🙂
    I am really honored!
    And congratulations too. I love your blogs and I also love your comments.

    This is indeed a beautiful Sunday morning surprise 🙂


  2. IHM, thank you 🙂 Right you are, it is a lovely Sunday morning 🙂 And, the pleasure is all mine is sharing this with you 🙂 Thank you for the vigour, vision and entertainment of your posts and comments too!!!


  3. Indeed a Sunday Morning surprise! Period.


  4. Prabhu, Congrats, all over again 🙂 It’s one that you deserve 🙂


  5. wow! Thank you so much!! My 3rd award so far yay!!!


  6. Meena, all yours 🙂 Glad you’re glad 🙂


  7. Wow! Thank you thank you thank you. You are the harbinger of so many new and wonderful things to me – first a tag and now an award! Let me see if I can get it done. Technologically, I have two left feet :(!


  8. I have passed on the baton, so to speak 🙂 – or rather I should say butterflies. Please do check the bloggers I have shared it with.


  9. Roopa, congrats again 🙂 And yes I did drop by to take a look! It looks real cool.. 🙂 🙂 Dropped in at the other spaces too.. 🙂 Lovely places!!!


  10. congratulations for the award and welcome ushaa


  11. Ooooh! An award?!!!!! Thank you Usha!! I am honored! 😀


  12. THank you! 😀 I’ll pick it up in a bit.


  13. Stephen, thank you!!

    Shail, do pick it up 🙂 and congrats once again! The pleasure is all mine!

    aareet, 🙂 a pleasure… !do 🙂


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