A Quest on Overdrive … :)

An eccentric rambler on life's lessons and mercies, found and lost… :)

Microblog Mondays 5 : A Quiet Joy



All it takes is a young ‘un to get you out of yourself, and re-discover the unputdownable child in you… a young ‘un of any species, incidentally 🙂 Two young ones at home are what make it an abode of irrepressible laughter and sheer happiness. It is such a filling happiness, that seeps and soaks quite into the inner-most recesses and suffuses one with that aura of quiet joy, wherever one goes. Well, the upside further ups itself if both of them are mischievous; it’s kind of a cocktail of great action, outbursts of laughter, and lots and lots of fun. Kinda exhausts you though, after a point – however the same cocktail revives one too 😀 😀

Naina and Mia

Naina and Mia

The Camera Case that brought them so close

Hi5 Mia, says little Naina!

Life is thataway right now. A darling grand-daughter and a darling little Kitten who are fascinated by each other 🙂 We’re lovin’ it!

Got a sense of recent joy you’d like to share? 🙂

1 December, 2014

The previous #MicroblogMondays posts are here (LINK)

Author: Usha Pisharody

A rambler, pretends to be a teacher, loves to dream, and go on Quixotic Quests in the Realm of Romance With Life...

7 thoughts on “Microblog Mondays 5 : A Quiet Joy

  1. I can imagine the joy, the laughter! 😀 Enjoy them both, the kitten and the grand-kid, Usha 🙂


  2. I’m literally squealing with joy in here! She just looks so cute!!♥♥
    Now I know why you people chose the name Naina! Look at her eyelashes!♥
    You see, don’t be too startled if I pop in to see lil Naina someday soon! She is just so adorable! 😀 😀
    (I love cute babies! and if it’s your genes, Aaaah! )


  3. Your words, pics make me and all of us grin. Joy and laughter galore:) enjoy Ushus:) mwah!


  4. I feel more than 60% joy from this post, by just reading and seeing the pictures, Usha! The kitten and the kid baby are making your life heaven and ours too, a bit! I can feel it!

    Many people in our complex hate cats and dogs. Dogs are not allowed inside the complex. So, some people are not getting tenants because of this. One family’s cat has delivered kittens and a lady in the opposited side of her flat which is far away, is complaining all the time. They should see this picture. These animals are lovable than her.

    Love the way both the kitten and the baby playing with each other. The kitten is so careful not to put out her claws! Great!


  5. Soft mushy feelings this end 🙂 The sweetness just oozes from the core of the heart to see the sweet little darlings getting to know each other 🙂


  6. So cute! The pictures are fantastic, too.


  7. Its an absolute delight to watch a little one at home ! I can very well imagine the happiness with Mia adding to the fun and joy 🙂
    Lovely pics….you enjoy them all Usha, while we feast on the pics 😀


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