A Quest on Overdrive … :)

An eccentric rambler on life's lessons and mercies, found and lost… :)


From inveterate to itinerant :D

Was a time, once upon a time, when I arrogantly announced a resolution to blog, at least each Sunday! And happily believed in the intention, the resolution, with such fascination, that it now leads to the desolation of having fallen off the pedestal I placed myself upon 😀 :D! Serves me right for having all those grandiose notions about the inveterate blogger I thought myself to be… 😆 😆

And so, to a sometime blogger, which is all because of hardware problems. And no, I don’t mean myself 😛 😛

The spirit is willing, the flesh, as yet survives, and is healthy enough, but the darned computer crashed… silly goose that it is! So, I become this itinerant blogger instead. Sigh.

*Shaking herself mentally, out of the rut :P* But AHA! You do not get let off so easy :D. The moment I sort out my hardware problems, errrm…. I mean the computer’s… 😆 …. I’ll be back, like I never left!

Till then, thank you for the visits, and do send up a prayer that the faithful computer may be restored to new glory, so that I can restore myself to some sort of whatever 😀 😀

To all those who have come through with your Class X and XII results, a huge round of Congratulations! Best wishes for the upcoming round of admissions too!

To all the kids/adults who go back to school and college… 😦 sigh, I’m with you with all those blues! Empathy!

To all those who are enjoying your vacations, well, I will not mince words- I dislike the notion that you are having a ball, while we go back, bonded to the grindstone again! Hmmmphrrrrffffffff! 😆

Seeyainawhile. That isn’t just a promise. Oh yes! It’s a threat alright! 😛

28 May, 2012

Please do excuse my absence on your blogs. I hope to get there real soon 🙂

Pic Courtesy google images