A Quest on Overdrive … :)

An eccentric rambler on life's lessons and mercies, found and lost… :)

A to Zee


Okay. I’m terribly envious. I’m on a roller-coaster of reads, and I wish, I so wish I could too. Do the A to Z April challenge. So I have decided, this day, I shall, and each of those 26 alphabets shall compress themselves into this one itty bitty mega post. Yes. I am an oxymoron. Today. Each day. More so since my little granddaughter has cast her magic spell over all of us 🙂

Let’s start at the very beginning
(I never claimed to be original, please to note 😛 )

A life is made, A word is welded, A blog post is imploding here
But wait, a bit, a wee bit, I promise, there be something more 😀
Catcalls you may make, this curiously empty write you may mock
Do what you will, I’ll take it all, so long as you read 😛
Eccentric and silly I am;  but exit not, till I’m done (I’m a beggin’ you, pwetty please?)
Feel the desperate madness of this blogger who cannot blog 😆
Give in to that plea, made in all earnestness
However nonsensical you think this here’s going to be 😀
I vow never again to bother you this way
Just this once? Pretty please?
Kill time, just like that… you never know what inspiration may strike!
Let these words simply soothe; let those urges to kill me be subdued 😀
Maybe you will, maybe you won’t; (My Meggie has by back, by the way! :D)maybe you’re still here? (Yayyy! *pumps fist* )
Needless to say, I’m honoured by your presence, your persistence, your generosity!
Overwhelmed, actually.
Perhaps your loyalty has been put to test – I assure you it’s
Quite by accident that this inspiration struck!
Reading all those A to Z posts, especially from
Shail whose posts always are thought-provoking, Count Santulan’s. that make you drool :D, Sashu’s that strum your heart strings!
Then there’s
Uma’s words that make a connect and
Vinay, whose stories mesmerize!
Wait, I have more names to mention, but sadly the letters all have been taken!!!
Xanadu is where I am (I got the best bodyguards there, incase you’re after me with stick and brick! 😛 ), now that I’m near the end of the silliest ramble EVER here 😛 ; but Hey!
You don’t have to drop in everyday, now that you’ve reached up till here!

Zee blogger of zis blog is ze very very happy, if you’ve reached here, and reading this line 😆

Take a bow! This is in honour of each an every blogger engaged in the A to Z April Challenge! You guys and gals are passionate writers! Keep ’em words a-coming! All good wishes to you all!

4 April, 2014
Blame it on the fact that I no longer have to be serious! My baby granddaughter has given me the license to talk nonsense 😀 😀

Author: Usha Pisharody

A rambler, pretends to be a teacher, loves to dream, and go on Quixotic Quests in the Realm of Romance With Life...

21 thoughts on “A to Zee

  1. Awww….Usha, this is so funny and sweet !! Lovely take on A-Z challenge. Am thrilled of the mention…thank you 🙂
    So, you wanted your grand daughter to give you license huh ?? 😛
    Its amazing na…these ppl who do a post a day for a month ! I did it once years back and never tried it like that. I need space to write. Cant write just like that. Prompts are better for me.


  2. Welcome to the granddaughter! 😀 –> It will be exciting for her to read this post when she grows up –> the one who bestowed yet another poetic license on grandma!! Fun!

    It was fun, Usha. The post speaks volumes about your excitement, eagerness and enthusiasm! 🙂

    Zee blogger hath made us happy! Yet again.


  3. While lesser mortals will struggle over 26 posts, the Teacher has done it all in one post!
    If you want to talk nonsense, just do so. Don’t blame your poor, little granddaughter!! In any case, this post was not nonsense!


    • Hahahaha! I read your comment, PI, while in school, and spontaneously burst into laughter! Loved the way you put it, both for the write, and my rationale for it 😀 Too true, the poor mite is already having her share to carry around, when I make remarks like that 😀
      But then she’ll readily accept it as a gift from her Ammumma!
      Thank you 🙂


  4. Wow! Grandma dearest at her best. Loved the post more so because I could catch up on A to Z in one single post. There are so many posts waiting there to be read and I wish I had 48 hours in a day. 24 of which I could have spend just reading and commenting. And hey Grandma dearest, if this is non-sense, I would request you to keep the nonsense coming. 🙂


  5. Rekha, thank you so much! Even nonsense does not oblige these days, unless there is the catalyst of being able to roam the blogosphere, and be inspired 🙂


  6. Wonderful read! So typically Usha…Achumma Usha…Ammumma Usha…


  7. LOL Ushus!! You cutiepie!! That last line says it all. You are the little gurl skipping and jumping over rain puddles are you? All happiiee make that happily loony 😀 The best kind of madness there is 🙂 Muah!! ❤ Waiting for more such err month-long challenges. 😛 This version of AtoZ? I am lovin it too 😀


  8. You sound exceptionally cute throughout the poem. So very excited huh 😀


  9. What an innovative way to bring on a list of some terrific bloggers! Hope you have been good, Usha Di. 🙂


  10. For inspiring you to do this A to Zee
    and for allowing you to let your hair down and go crazy
    this grand-daughter of yours,who, I am sure is very pretty
    can she be called the AlphaBeti. 🙂


  11. Dear ma’am,
    This is an awesome post, reading it made me smile. 🙂 I am trying to find a word to describe it… other than awesome…Quirky? In a good way, that is!

    Could I please draw attention to some bits…

    “Let’s start at the very beginning”
    This stirred up a memory…

    “Xanadu” — Your posts teach me new words, ma’am! Hope you keep staying in Xanadu…

    And hope you’re having fun with your granddaughter!


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