A Quest on Overdrive … :)

An eccentric rambler on life's lessons and mercies, found and lost… :)



Dry, flaky, thin and long

So unassuming –

Quietly, it lay.

Knowing, with baffling certainty

Someday, one day

It would be chosen.

Today. It was.

Allowed to finally free itself

It long and drab form

Transferring, transforming

Fragrant in release.



Filling, fulfilling, its destiny.

It burns. Gladly.

You know that.

Because you sense it.

That joy.

In the fragrance of its soul,

That quietly permeates, often,

Into your own.

Undated (about a year ago, in 2012; discovered while hunting for something else, entirely 😀 )

Picture: Google Image search for ‘incense’ 🙂