A Quest on Overdrive … :)

An eccentric rambler on life's lessons and mercies, found and lost… :)



Frame by frame
Stitched by feeling
Trimmed with pain
Frayed somewhere
Threadbare elsewhere
Rich and luxuriant
Colourful and picturesque
Or sepia tinted
With fading memories

Life, doesn’t it just
Leave you


26 May, 2013

Author: Usha Pisharody

A rambler, pretends to be a teacher, loves to dream, and go on Quixotic Quests in the Realm of Romance With Life...

18 thoughts on “Reeling

  1. Oh sure, it does!!! 😀 Reeling and squealing all the way ….


  2. Life’s patchwork quilt
    Often makes us wilt
    But gob-smacking reeling
    Gives way to joyful squealing
    So long as we try and, at the windmills, tilt!


  3. Indeeed. Life does leave you reeling sometimes… Often times it is a jolt – pleasant or not so pleasant depending on inertia….

    Very well written!! 🙂 and I was reading this while passing Trichur station 😀


    • Well David, it always pulls punches, and leaves one reeling, most times, life… 🙂 The jolt, the inertia… you got that!
      Northwards or Southwards through Trichur? Talk of coincidences 🙂
      Thank you so much!


  4. With TIME as the editor
    and the ALMIGHTY as the director
    though in the REAL, you are the main actor
    sometimes they make you REEL like a mute spectator
    the lines being forgotten even by the prompter.

    Reeling? Thank you very much!!! 🙂


  5. sometimes, with too much going around.. or maybe when we are so focused one thing that we don’t see the others coming


  6. We reel,we weave, we stagger…and then the knock out punch. Good one.


  7. Loved the images you have woven here, Usha! Short and sweet…


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