A Quest on Overdrive … :)

An eccentric rambler on life's lessons and mercies, found and lost… :)

A Tribute; an Inspiration; and Optimism


This is an August month. 🙂 . That much I have already written about, rather endlessly, and made a tradition too, like the April month. But this is more than just birthdays, either of kids’ or the nation’s :).

A Tribute first, to a land that has seen much, groans under the weight of both, its population and it’s natives’ excesses, and yet exudes hope much like the lighthouse does, to lost sailors. The total contrast of its potential and its unexplored possibilities and the trauma of its existence continues to baffle many an Indian, not to mention the world at large. No matter how terrible things might seem, and are, in reality, I am proud to be an Indian. I just wish I had more guts and assertiveness to make a difference in my own small way. 🙂 Happy 66th Independence Day to Us. 🙂


I’m in a profession that continually inspires both the giver and the giveee 😀 And this works both ways, from both sides of the traditional teacher’s table! 😀 It has always been a pleasure to take from each batch of learners that pass through the Classrooms, something precious, and be inspired 🙂 Even if, sometimes, you have not had the honour of being that particular student’s “teacher” in class.

Shilpa V Krishna, in 2007

One such sparkling gem has been Shilpa V. Krishnan, a woman extraordinaire. I write today with such pleasure about her, even though I have perhaps interacted with her only very very few times, even when she was in school. As a young student, and even now she is exceptionally talented – academics, cultural activities,

Her painting on display at NUS, 2005

painting, cartooning, clay modelling, being able to spell words backwards, and many other gifts were hers. Yet never ever did she carry on with an “attitude” of vanity, or ever shirk from displaying her talents. I’ve always loved that about her. She went on to study at NUS, Singapore on a well deserved Scholarship, (and the rest of the details I’m guessing at, because I have never asked her 🙂) met and married her Soulmate, is a committed professional, made quite a few short films, and a couple of feature films,

Mausams, which won the Silver at the Dhaka Film Fest

one of which has won an award at the Dhaka Film Fest, last year, I think. She and her husband are now expecting their first child (and you should really be inspired by this, too), and right through what has been amazing is her committment to maintaining rigorously a fitness regime,

The committed Yogin 🙂 Do read that blog of hers 🙂

which includes yoga, even during her pregnancy. I’ve shared a few pictures that I have stolen from her FB Albums 😀 (do excuse me, Shilpa! )

About two and a half years ago, when she discovered she had 1000 days left to turn thirty, she decided to write about one wonderful thing each day and so was born this:

Chronicling the 1000 days before I hit 30

Tomorrow, 15 August, 1000 days, One thousand beautiful days, many splendoured, coloured in the hues of herself, her dreams, aspirations, tiny joys, and huge happinesses… comes to be! And this is just to tell you, Shilpa, that you are in inspiration in ways you cannot even imagine, to this learner who pretends to be a teacher. You truly are AWESOME 🙂 God Bless!

(Dear Readers, don’t forget to drop by at her blog and read about the 1000th magic day 🙂 It’s here. And this wonderful gift from her husband, on that magic day )

Soulmates 🙂

How it started is here.
13th October, 2010 was when I heard of this endeavour and wrote into her blog 🙂 I love the comments section on this blog 🙂
That wonderful post on how she did yoga during her pregnancy 🙂
There was a time when I think she was wondering if she suddenly got directionless… and I had this to write in 🙂
Her little poem 🙂 Creative? You bet!

Flowing, fluent 🙂

I’ve been reading a lot of her posts, in the hope of finding and sharing these nuggets, and once again, I am overwhelmed by her perseverance, and her sheer energy and faculties. Not to mention her creativity 🙂 Way to go Shilpa! Birthday Wishes for the Magic 30, and for a happy and wonderful day, and year ahead 🙂


Optimism. One of those die-hard words for me; considering I ought to have given up a lot of things by now, but suddenly I find myself  egging myself on, to push limits (mine and others :D) I wonder too, if that is what is making me singularly obstinate at times too; unwilling to just agree with another because… well, just because. And always seeking the gifts it gives, time and time again, when doors shut in your face, and the tunnel seems dark and long. It’s that firefly for me, always telling me, that no matter how dark it gets, there will always be someone or something to light up the moment, however small, or brilliant it be. Life, in other words, is promising. And there is a lot of it left, as far as things go, right now. The next moment, the next day, the next month… who knows. Right now, right here, life is happening. That, in itself, is a blessing. And so, is that energizing word. Optimism.

14 August, 2012, getting to tryst with midnight :), for
15th August, 2012

Author: Usha Pisharody

A rambler, pretends to be a teacher, loves to dream, and go on Quixotic Quests in the Realm of Romance With Life...

16 thoughts on “A Tribute; an Inspiration; and Optimism

  1. Right now, right here, life is happening!!!

    Cheers to all the happenings and may wonderful tidings keep coming to you in li’l packets of joys and surprises – inspiring, engaging, enticing, challenging and triggering more such moments!


  2. Wow… Shilpa’s definitely an amazing personality… Known her in school though never could nbe in the same class as her because of school shuffling policies.. Not to mention, her blog is truly inspiring… Usha Ma’m , She deserves every bit of what you have written about her. .Love you for doing this as she completes her milestone birthday.


    • Thank you Sunitha for being here, and sharing what you did about Shilpa 🙂 Ah yes, the school shuffling policies are sometimes quite bewildering to the kids I know 🙂 :D!
      It will just another milestone for her, for sure, and she’ll go on and wow us all over again with something more 🙂 🙂
      Thank you again, Sunitha!


  3. Beautiful post, Usha! You are truly a great and inspiring person/teacher (know I am repeating) :).
    Best wishes to Shilpa – her blog is unique.
    Independence Day wishes to you!


    • It would appear I have been remiss in not having replied (Again!). I met Shilpa today, after an absolute age, when she came to visit us, in school; so I revisited this write, only to find a couple of comments that have not been replied to. Do excuse me, Bindu! And thanks, immensely, for your kindness and warmth. Shilpa has now started a new blog, “Keeping it Beautiful’, and is attempting to keep up the tradition!
      Wishes to you too, Bindu. Stay blessed 🙂


  4. well it is also the teachers who deserve a lot accolades for how a student turns out to be , I know because I am what I am because of my teachers …

    Shilpa is inspiring and I wish her all the best for whatever she does ..

    Not sure what to say on the independance day though …


    • Thanks Bikram 🙂 Am sure she will do really well, and continue to inspire us with whatever she takes up next 🙂

      I can imagine too, why you arent sure of the Independence day thing though. It is difficult, in times like these to think very optimistically, but then only we can do that, and save the day at least for ourselves 🙂 Thanks again!


  5. “Right now, right here, life is happening.” We tend to forget the fact and miss on a lot of things worth doing in this lifetime.
    Shilpa is as inspiring as you are. She has an amazing blog too.
    Thank you for sharing.
    GOd bless.


    • Hir, thank you so very much! Am sorry to reply so late! I somehow seem to have missed being here, to reply!
      Indeed, Shilpa is very inspiring 🙂 Thank you for the good words, and the sweet compliment! 🙂


  6. Have to, have to quote the same one

    “Right now, right here, life is happening”

    She has awesome dimensions to her life. And that also takes another teacher like you to project, be happy in her achievements and carry on to write the next story for us.

    God bless! 🙂


  7. Pingback: Pularum Iniyum Naalegal | A Quest on Overdrive ... :)

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