A Quest on Overdrive … :)

An eccentric rambler on life's lessons and mercies, found and lost… :)

Of Beginnings; Of Birthdays and a Sorority to Cherish :)


It’s a beginning, once again. A cycle of time, regenerates itself, in different parts of our land. Today, the 13th April, it is Baisakhi, it is Bihu, a time to celebrate a harvest, a start, a closure too. Tomorrow, 14th April, it is Vishu, and yet another Medam, (the first month in the Lunar Calendar, in Kerala) takes birth. The link to the post on Vishu has been receiving visitors aplenty, and that is why it is linked here, so that those who wish to know more about it may just pop thataway and do so 🙂 And for the setting of the Vishukani, you could get a bit of Mother’s Advice here 😀 (The post is Vishuaashamsagal…)

The best wishes of the season to each and everyone. May the glorious golden of the Konna Flowers bestow that selfsame richness in each aspect of your lives, touching it with prosperity and good fortune!


The month of April is wonderful for other reasons too! My first born, Arjun, celebrates his birthday, and so do other loved ones. My elder brother, Viju, Commodore V.K. Pisharody, on the day after Vishu.

This year, I want to spread my net of gladness, and send out loving wishes to other Ariens who have touched my life, inspiring, scaffolding, being supportive, being the patient listening ear, being part of the sorority that has surrounded me with the deepest empathy and given me the benediction of their friendship, unconditionally and unerringly known each time I needed to have a shoulder to lean on, and bawl my head off, figuratively, of course 😛 :P! Well on occasion, literally as well.

My dearest friends, this is to wish each of you
A day and year filled with laughter, and nothing blue
Moments spent in gladness, each day anew
May worries and stresses, be far, and few
All love, and God’s Blessings, I do wish YOU 🙂 🙂

Elsie Abraham, for the 14th April

Omana Vasudevan, for the 18th April

Renuka Menon, for the 19th April

Ladies, you are the best there is!!! This post is entirely dedicated to each of you! Advance wishes for a Great Day, followed by the best year, so far! I pray that each of you finds that life unfolds in just the way you wished it would! 🙂 🙂

Beautiful songs, too, to go with the wishes: Below 🙂 🙂

That’s What Friends Are For  

BY Dionne Warwick, Stevie Wonder, Elton John and Gladys Knight


Another link to the same song which has an amazing quatret singing this song – Dionne Warwick, Whitney Huston, Luther Vandross and Stevie Wonder!


And yes, I will always look to you, for succor and support as I have been, all these years 🙂 Thank you for being part of what makes me ME 🙂 🙂 The song below says it all!

I Look to You, Whitney Huston:


Once again, Vishuaashamsagal to one and all!

(P.S. Sorry it’s such a linky linky post 😛 😛 )

13 April, 2012

Author: Usha Pisharody

A rambler, pretends to be a teacher, loves to dream, and go on Quixotic Quests in the Realm of Romance With Life...

12 thoughts on “Of Beginnings; Of Birthdays and a Sorority to Cherish :)

  1. Wishes to everyone mentioned in this post and to you! 🙂


  2. Vishuaashamsakal, Usha to you and yours.

    April is a special month for me too, daughter’s birthday, my parents’ anniversary and of course Vishu:)


  3. My best wishes to all the people you have mentioned .. friendship is a blisss

    happy vaishakhi and Vishuu and Happy happy happy Everythinggggggggggggggggggg


  4. What a festive month, Usha Di! 🙂 Season’s greetings for you…may the month bring you and yours loads of fun and celebration. Hugs. 🙂


  5. Have a great year!! we too had our new year on 14th.


  6. Hmm.. I forgot to comment here?! I hope you had a wonderful Vishu and a sumptuous sadya. 🙂 My belated wishes to all the b’day boys and girls. 🙂
    (Luci is right now barking in my ears)


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