A Quest on Overdrive … :)

An eccentric rambler on life's lessons and mercies, found and lost… :)


Smile, and pass it on :)

I got this as a forward and shared it with a few friends. I know how much I smiled when I read this: laughed really.IHM then asked me to do a post on it 🙂 So here it is 🙂

Thank you so much Shalini, for sending me that much needed dose of smiles and to you IHM for suggesting that I share it.

Life really boils down to 2 questions…

1.Should I get a dog….?



2.  Should I have children?


Now that I made you smile, pass it on to someone else who needs a laugh today!

Just to let you know I’m thinking of you today.

As I have been, all these days when I have not read your blogs or written any here 🙂

No matter what situations life throws at you….

No matter how long and treacherous your journey may seem.

Remember ~~ there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

doggie 1

You’re laughing aren’t you?

That’s good ~~ my job here is done!

Have a great day!!!

Miss you all too 🙂 Take care and God Bless 🙂

13 Sept. ’09


Life… less

If life this be…
Endless yet tunnelled
Into a claustrophobic
Vortex of existence;

Am I?
Or better yet…

Will I ever be?

The cranium floods
With nerve ends tingling
Arcs over synapses

Terrifying me.

Life, I must admit
Shall be
My undoing.

Online, on a silly line of thought 🙂
13 September, 2009