A Quest on Overdrive … :)

An eccentric rambler on life's lessons and mercies, found and lost… :)

Cheesy P[F]un!


No, this is not a class in figures of speech or in literary devices that are geared to throw one off, sometimes make one wish that one could throw oneself off a high precipice [believe me, I know, especially when expressions in class reveal the inner turmoil of having to work with onomatopoeia or hyperbole or just a bit of imagery, LOL!] No, this is an eggstrordinary conversation that took place in my mother’s kitchen a day ago 🙂 Mom, my younger brother [YB, henceforth, and thank you Indyeah, for giving guidelines on nomenclature :)], my younger son [YS :D!] and me.

Well the upshot of it was that all of us were cooks, and the creation that day, was an instant pizza, with potato chips as the base. OK, Ok, I know you know, but well, it’s the first time I’m trying to incorporate a recipe with a pun, so you will excuse me, if indeed I do get on your nerves, both with a silly recipe, and a sillier conversation to boot. Now we did not throw or kick the pizza [yes, you heard right, and read right, I hope, the first time :D!] out, we actually ate it!

The fine creator of this masterpiece is actually my YB’s wife, my YSIL. [Self explanatory is it not?]. So we began. On a non stick frying pan, flat bottomed, lay out about 150 grams [heck, take a packet of it, and no, don’t waste a Lays chip even…!]. With the palm of your hand gently crush the chips flat, so that it forms the base, coarsely broken. Over this now, you have to pour a mixture of two eggs, beaten with a bit of salt and pepper [according to how you like it], evenly so that it spreads out over the broken chips. Arrange slices of capsicum, tomatoes, onion, or any other veg. or non veg. topping. A dash of salt and pepper, and some red chilli sauce, or green chilli sauce [according to your preference of taste], and then comes the best part. Grating the cheese.

YB instructing YS on how to do it:

YS, earnestly trying to get the chunks of cold cheddar cheese, Amul, to be precise, grated onto a plate, was suddenly ahoy’ed’ by YB.

YB: Yesterday when I made it [mom looks up, as says, You made it?], or rather when I helped, I grated the cheese. I’m quite a pro at it. Not like this into the plate, it’s difficult getting it off from there and onto the pizza.

YS: [he adores my YB] Ok, so …?

YB: You grate it directly onto the pizza base. Like this. [He held up the grater, at an incline, and grated the cheese, so that the shreds of cheese fell easily onto the base, and he kept moving the grater, so that it spread evenly too!]

YS: Got it. Like this? [Tries, manfully to grapple and imitate, and succeeds partly!]

YB: Yesterday I was grater! [muffled giggle. I mean, men giggle, and rumble, you know? lol!]

YS: Today I am grater. [Not willing to let his hero outshine at the moment]

Me: That is great!

YB: I am. I told you just now!

YS: Yeah. Like I am now.

The cheese, in this melee of self aggrandizement of egos, has started to spread outside the frying pan too.

Me: The greatness spreads! Imagine that!

YB: That is what comes of teaching greatness! Grate! [to the YS, who is slowly but surely shaking and dissolving into giggles of his own!]

YS: I am grate!

Actually, at this point, we all kind of lost it, and fairly doubled up; not because of the wit, but how spontaneously we were able to ad-lib the whole thing. After a few moments, the great, ooops, grating was complete, a dash of sauce again, and it was put on the gas, on low flame, for it to get set.

It takes approx. 15 to 20 minutes for the pizza to get done. The base becomes crisp and the cheese has to melt and coat the surface. And then you can be sure it’s done.

We tipped it out gently onto a plate, took it out to the veranda, outside the kitchen [my parents have this old ancestral house, very well maintained, and it has these verandas, on almost three sides of the house. The one outside of the kitchen on the northern side is the most loved:)].

Since this is supposed to be eaten hot, I began to cut it into slices. It looked yummy, so the YB told the YS to quickly take a picture. By that time my Elder SIL was on the phone to him, from Mumbai, and she was telling him that it cannot, NOT, be called a pizza, it’s just a glorified omelette. LOL. You should have seen how offended he was 🙂 🙂 So he asked for a picture to be taken, which was; only it had a slice missing, that someone was busy chewing into :D! Anyways, to cut the pizza story short [there was nothing left in a few minutes, actually], this is what finally could be seen of it 🙂

Talk of cheesy stuff. It can’t get grater than this. :D!

22 February, 2009

Author: Usha Pisharody

A rambler, pretends to be a teacher, loves to dream, and go on Quixotic Quests in the Realm of Romance With Life...

27 thoughts on “Cheesy P[F]un!

  1. LOL!!A combination of two Y’s ?Both young..:D..so of course the pizza had to be done just so..:D
    YB and YS share a great bonding do they?So it is here too…:))

    I can imagine you muffling your giggles at all the ‘grateness’ talk going on..:D
    and men dont giggle eh?:D

    YS sounds cute rather like YB here..:))they always are the babies..

    and a rather ineteresting recipe that one!:)will try it..:)
    your parents home sounds beautiful..:))


  2. Indy- Meg, lolzz… men… do giggle.. I found that out that day :D!
    The recipe is great, easy and rather fun to make :D!Great to make really.. only u need to be really grate in order to..[ok ok ok.. i shall stop the corny talk :D, instead post one on corn soup :D!!!]

    My YB is on his way home this moment, having been picked up by my YS, lol.. and they are still having a great time !

    And yes, my parents’ home is a lovelyplace.. a lovely lovely place!

    And… thank you, as always.. try out the recipe.. and dont tell me if it isnt grate 😀 :D! Couldn’t resist that one :D!


  3. This is absolutely a pizza splitting story 🙂
    (Just trying to be funny)

    Basically a grate story … cheesy but not really cheesy 🙂

    And sounds like lots of fun and laughter … love such family stories 🙂


  4. I missed it 😦 😦 I want a piece 😦 😦

    Remind me of food and I am hungry 🙂


  5. Usha, what an absolutely grate… sorry great post!! I am going to make this for JS (Junior Son) when he comes home next! 😀 Thank you!!


  6. Oh dear! Food. Yum Yum. I am drooling here. Just had a soup and then had Pasta and Potato wedges too still drooling. So much for my weight reduction.

    Too many Ys Ushus:)):))

    So much fun to be with whole family and dish up something fun.


  7. Oh, I’m hungry too now!! That was a delicious post 🙂


  8. Grate post…oops..Great post!!The pizza sure looks yum yum…I’m drooling!


  9. Ha ha! As writerzblock just noted – delicious post, indeed! 🙂

    Hope you had a wonderful weekend!



  10. Geee you again rekindled the cook in me which had gone to sleep since the last few days…. gee this is exactly an innovative cook like me needs to keep showing off to wifey….

    I have to try this…. and this story of grating is funny !!!

    but most importantly i couldnt get my eyes of the pizza…. i hope you did throw a small piece out… varna meri nazar lag gayi !!


  11. Looks delicious, and you have given away the recipe too!!! Moral of the story: Too many cooks including male ones, make for Cheesy P(F)un. Enjoyed the post. Hope you all enjoyed the pizza.


  12. whoa!!! wonderful pizza story..hehehe!! i can imagine YS in de kitchen…lolzzzzzz! i remember his ManU logo dosa!! hehehehe!! 😉


    hehe! the pizza looks yummy tto.. apppo, njan varumbo ithum venam tto!! 😀 hehe!!


  13. looks deliciousssssssss! Please send me one, baked and fried, without the pan or the pun, only for fun.

    LOL on the story. 😀


  14. loved your”experiments with the pizza”
    take care..


  15. A Grate story :). Hey that’s pretty awesome time with the folks you had :). I am almost useless in kitchen, people now don’t even ask me to cut vegetables LOL. They ask me to sit and speak. Hey love the Pizza Idea, will try. I mean will tell someone to make it so I can eat it LOL. Delegation is Bliss.


  16. It does look yummy, should try making it…grate, grate blog!


  17. The pictures of the pizza, too tempting.


  18. Haha! That was nice. All desi fun/pun 🙂 And bless the family 🙂


  19. You’ve been tagged.No hurries.Do it at leisure:)


  20. By the way,


  21. Ah, I loved it! :)..And the pictures look so yumm 🙂 :)..And yea, I got very confused with the whole nomenclature, had to keep looking back to get it right 😀 😀 🙂


  22. i am just in time for dinner.


  23. Thanks a mega zillion all of you who have been so kind, and patient in continuing to visit this space, even though I had been unable to come by and thank each of you 🙂

    Still cannot stay long, and will be sparingly seen for a few more days, as I am literally on overdrive on many fronts these days. No, that is not an excuse, just a statement of fact, lol! Miss visiting your blogs, and reading from you so very much, and I do hope to be able to make up for it soon.

    Thank you , thank you, and thank you… each of you, endlessly 🙂


  24. Awww… This was so sweet. And yummy too. Will ask Mom to try it out, since I avoid the kitchen.

    Missing you over at my space. Do drop in soon.

    BTW, you’ve been tagged at http://the-xx-factor.blogspot.com/2009/03/playing-tag.html, so do visit and write on.


  25. IHM, it was a grate time we had, yo know 🙂 And yes, such family stories are the best 🙂 Thanks for the good words and for sharing in the happiness here 🙂

    Prabhu, awww.. 🙂 Next time, ok? Hope you’re feeling better now 🙂 Thanks for asking 🙂

    Shail, you must try it 🙂 It’s a v simple item, but the fun you will have doing it is so much more 🙂 Wl make it taste better too!

    Solilo:) Yeah, too many Ys.. couldnt be bothered with typing out the full forms all the time :D! Hope the buttakali is transforming 🙂 Thanks for sharing in this 🙂

    Pallavi, lol 🙂 Thank you!

    Deeps, it’s kind of catching isn’t it? Grate that you picked up the inflection! Thanks!

    Karthik, 🙂 🙂 Thank you!

    Dhiren, I did a little kaali nazar waala.. thingy, and poof* no problem :D! Hope you have managed to try it out 🙂 Thank you for wanting to try too!

    JP, you’re absolutely right on that score. Too many of the male cooks make for grate fun , of the cheesy variety, always, in the kitchen 🙂 I love those times 🙂 Thanks so much too!

    Sash.. thank you, that was a new one:) Gratefying to read it 🙂 Vegam varu, sheriyakki tharaam :D!

    Soumya, LOL! Wow, now that is going to take some fancy footwork, and grate thought to work that one out 🙂 NO pan, you say, or pun? But then it wont be any fun!! Lol! Thanks for the lovely way you ask for it 🙂

    Hmm, MIP, perhaps I should have titled it thus? The Story f my… :D:) thanks, you give me ideas for future posts of similar nature 🙂 Be warned! And thank you so much for being here!

    Chirag, welcome here. Glad to have you share in the pun and fun too! Not to mention the cheesy flavour of the write. Well it is very important too, you know to have the right atmosphere in the kitchen and I am sure you’re yakking does add a delicious flavour to what ever is cooking no fear! You could never be useless when you sit there and talk. Very very important post that one is. Take it from me :D! I do that when the kids cook. Just sit and talk. And I love it! Delegation is marvellous. YES! Thank you for being here. Now if you would get someone with a simple command over English, they might be able to decipher the instructions from the middle of the pun, and the fun 🙂 And voila! Pizza ready! :D!Thank you once again!

    Sindhu, lol! Thank you!!!

    Balvinder, 🙂 Thank you!!

    Deeps, thank you for the tag, and well, you know by now 🙂 I did love doing it 🙂

    IHM, that is another tag I’m looking forward to doing, in part 🙂 Wont get to all the qs.. 🙂 Thank you!

    Aruna, lol! I can imagine the confusion 🙂 Thank you!

    Anrosh 🙂 Hope you enjoyed the dinner too 🙂 Thanks for joining us for dinner 🙂

    Surbhi 🙂 Done the tag 🙂 And yes, I shall visit soon 🙂 Thank you for the kind words and the tag 🙂


  26. It sounds, looks, reads so yummy.
    Gotta try it.


  27. Mampi, do try it.. it’s lovely to taste too!


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