A Quest on Overdrive … :)

An eccentric rambler on life's lessons and mercies, found and lost… :)

A Conviction that Garnered Courage!


From this morning, I have been watching and wondering, and praying that all the protests everywhere on the expression of exercising our Constitutional Rights, would go peacefully, and successfully.

And successful this was, the Delhi meet, which was the result of the courage, and conviction born out the indefatigable heart of Namrata, supported admirably by others, as you will find at these blogs:


Aneesha Mathur’s


Also, here is the video, from CNN IBN, with Namrata being the Citizen Journalist of the day!

Had to share it here :


Congratulations and Kudos to all, for a job well done 🙂


Also, in the Indian Express, on the edit page, the link of which is given below is a very uplifting article, though its overtones sometimes make it rather flippant :), about a Gandhian ideal being sustained, in the loin cloth, being metamorphosized into a pink panty 🙂 It made for good reading as I waited for the day to unfold, this morning 🙂

Can’t seem to get the exact page clearly, so here is the link at which you will find it; the title will make it easy for you to get it 🙂

It’s on Page 11, of the Saturday’s edition, on the Edit page 🙂


The voices were heard.

Thanks to the PCC, the Protest Marches, and all the peaceful displays of affection for All 🙂

And, as Indyeah has mentioned, there have been instances of sheer violence by some SS workers, and in Ujjain, a couple beaten up, forcible marriages. But just think, a lot more that could have happened, especially in Mangalore today, was actually prevented. I think that counts for a lot.. a lot.

And this is just the beginning. That is what is most uplifting.

Kudos and Congratulations to all who wished so hard for this upliftment, the thoughts count as much as the actions 🙂

Author: Usha Pisharody

A rambler, pretends to be a teacher, loves to dream, and go on Quixotic Quests in the Realm of Romance With Life...

19 thoughts on “A Conviction that Garnered Courage!

  1. Great news. We really need conscientious people who can protest + honest media and a few good politicians today. India can be changed. It must be. These movements are really encouraging.



  2. ((Hugs)))You made my day….you always make my day….by that gentle and sometimes really strong support:D that you give ,have given for as long as I have known you…:)
    after a lament,you peped me up and made me see that however small our actions might be ,if they are in the right direction they will create a ripple..:)

    And it is you who has made me see that ,”a lot more that could have happened, especially in Mangalore today, was actually prevented. I think that counts for a lot.. a lot.;;
    ((hugs))nad you found the video!!
    Usha Pisharody,I really wish and belive that someday we will meet and the honour would be mine…to meet one who has been through it all,a strong woman ..nay a strong human being who knows where she stands…
    I really wish I had you as my teacher…((hugs))


  3. Soumya, thank you so much 🙂 And withvoices of support such as yours, it must come to be 🙂 Thanks a ton!

    Indygurl.. meg, what do I say to that now.. 🙂 Somehow sometime, that will also come to be 🙂 But you know what? most times, you are the teacher; for all those times you stand up and speak up and fight for the right 🙂 This is a strong woman who is speaking to me too 🙂

    Thanks so much! So very very very much, for speaking up for all of us too!


  4. yeah, this is inspiring stuff….. and i hope that more sane people (including me) raise their voice against injustice…..
    Good article…….


  5. What you say to that my friend is, ”I forgive all your typos gurl!!”:D and I would die a happy soul!!lol!

    *my attempt to lighten that mushy moment up there…*


  6. happy to see that some good things came out of all this…that with unity we can defeat any big antisocial group…let the pink chaddis rule!!


  7. I am so overwhelmed. Just here from Abhilasha’s blog … then I went to all the other links she has given, all in a jumble, half a comment here then a peek at another one of the links, then another and then comments and realise I want them all on my blog roll ..
    You were able to find that article! I so wanted to read it …

    I am now going to take a look at the video and also at the newspaper article …


  8. Usha, Thanks a ton for all the links. It feels great to see people from all over the world united for one cause. I am so proud to have known you. You are an inspiration to us all through your poems and articles.

    Happy V-day to you and Mr. U.

    I am sure you are having a gala time in that beautiful green place


  9. Congratulations for being part of a peaceful and successful protest. Nice to know you have taken to activism beyond blogging!


  10. The power of speaking our minds –all pink –IT looks very strong.

    Thanks for the link ..very much.

    but a thought crossed my mind – will indian government ban blogging? just like flicker is in some countries?

    what do you think ?

    happy valentines day!


  11. thanks for the links..
    but a thought crossed my mind – will indian government ban blogging –just like flicker in other countries ?

    don’t be surprised to see 4 comments of mine and the blog was not accepting !!!


  12. Usha the video and links are all great, went through all …. thank you!

    Can’t imagine how life would have been if it wasn’t for blogging!!

    @Anrosh If they do it will be more like censoring not entire blogging and it will be a nightmare, we will fight of course. And I think we will not allow it either .. freedom of expression is a very basic fundamental right.


  13. Thanks for the updates! I’m glad reason prevailed over stupidity!


  14. You have been tagged Usha,please see my latest post 🙂


  15. Usha, I wanted to come here long back for your unconditional support to every effort around the blogosphere against moral policing.

    Its good to have encouragement and approval from strong, unhesitating women who are kindred souls.

    You have a nice blog here. I will be around more often. 🙂


  16. Ajit, thank you so much!

    Indyeah 🙂 🙂 you know how it is with teachers:) Lol!

    Praveen, 🙂 Thank you, yes.. hopefully the momentum will hold!

    IHM, glad i found it too, though I could not log in and actually get the text of it. Hope you had been able to read it fully! Thanks for the good words.And yes, i do hope that the Govt. doesn’t take it into it’s rather illogical head to ban expression on blogs. But that is a reality on might have to anticipate, given the way the media too feels threatened, for sure, by blogging!

    Solilo… thank you so much! I feel proud too, to have known you and all of the other sincere and earnest bloggers who wear their hearts on their sleeves when it comes to taking up relevant issues and pursuing it with such committment!

    Gopinath, let me add my congratulations to all too:), and thank you for dropping in and for the kind words!

    Anrosh,well yes, 2 comments did come in, and since they were the same, i published only one! You have a valid point there, when you anticipate the possibility of a gag on bloggers, given the way the movement has made one very visible politician withdraw a proposed threat:) But let us not give in to such a possiblity, even the thought of it for now 🙂 And finally, as IHM, has responded, the bloggers aren’t going to let it happen so easily anyways 🙂 Thank you for your words, and for the eye-opener of a thought too!

    Rakesh, yes, it is finally that; that the protests were able to bring back reason! Thank you too!

    Nimmy, am in the process of doing the tag, and it’s such such fun.. each day I add a new song, so I am not sure when it will finally get done, but i am really enjoying it! Thank you!!

    Poonam, it is so little compared to what you have been doing, esp. at Delhi 🙂 Thank you for dropping in and being so kind too! Thanks a ton!


  17. Good to see people have been heard.
    Kudos to all the people associated with the campaign.


  18. Mampi, thank you so much 🙂


  19. Pingback: How it all came to be. | A Quest on Overdrive ... :)

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