A Quest on Overdrive … :)

An eccentric rambler on life's lessons and mercies, found and lost… :)

Beyond Compare, this Love…



Alone she sits.
A notebook in front,
She’s been asked
To draw Love.

Fidgeting, exasperated-
She sighs, loudly;
Her father looks up,
Smiles, and ignores the plea
In her eyes.

He’s drawing his.
Tracing his palm- he then
Adds more…
… And looks triumphant!

A truth or dare!

Now she has no choice,
And so, hastily sketches,
Colours, while her father waits,

And they submit
Their work of art
To each other…

The silence of an unspoken
Wonder, fills the room:

She looks at the
Print of a little palm
Inside a bigger one.

And her father?
Awed. Looking
At a rainbow, with a man
Sitting at the end, touching the horizon…
A scrawl to complete:
My Dad
The pot of gold, at the end of the
Rainbow, he’s made my life!

But she doesn’t need words;
She slips her little hand
Into his,
And looks up.

And Love fills the room.


11 March, ’08


One of the pictures imagined in here, (the father’s) is not an original 🙂 Inspired by one of the many essays written by Robert Fulghum. This is what he and his daughter draw, their palm outlines, one inside the other, after they meet for the first time, when she has grown into a young lady, having been given up for adoption as a newborn. A touching anecdote from his life, where he calls this his talisman.

Author: Usha Pisharody

A rambler, pretends to be a teacher, loves to dream, and go on Quixotic Quests in the Realm of Romance With Life...

8 thoughts on “Beyond Compare, this Love…

  1. beautiful and warm write …. i reiterate … left me all teary eyed!!! fills the heart with so much love!!! father-daughter bond is something really wonderful and strong!! and the love drawn by the daughter really touches a chord!! a father love is truly gold – pure and unadultrated!!


  2. Thanks Sonal… sorry got here a bit too late.. 🙂 🙂 When are you going to finally sit and work on your blog???happy new year too!


  3. For once I am speechless……..can two mins in two distant lands think alike?You and me…telepathy?This is me….and dad….you want to know how?Do you want to know why?http://ofsongsforthesoul.blogspot.com/2008/12/they-say-that-from-instant-he-lays-eyes.htmlcome here…..and see……


  4. I did see, and it was so darned me, and so darned here, and so so so darned tangible… ALL of it!!!I have told you there too! I’m only aware of this one thing. Meeting you, in this world, however virtual, is a real experience… a blessing! Thank you for you 🙂


  5. :)…..I have so much to say for what you said back there….and I will….. just overwhelmed as of now….I am blessed too…:)and one of these days….who knows…in a year,in two years…maybe a few more…..we will meet somewhere….maybe just bump into each other on a busy street?:)Tag accepted…….loved what you wrote about it…:)beautifully expressed …so much…about just holding hands…:)more on that and on mine back there tomorrow…..have to run now…….work and more work…..:)love and hugs!!:)


  6. Meg.. 🙂 Just that, for now.. 🙂 🙂 Suddenly I don’t need more words 🙂


  7. Now I imagine Kunji kutti’s palm inside yours…so beautiful Usha ❤


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