A Quest on Overdrive … :)

An eccentric rambler on life's lessons and mercies, found and lost… :)



my hand stretches out

unbiddingly –
to reach for the long slim


shaking fingers

burn it to life
scorching it
crumbling it to ashes

taking its breath away
to make me feel.

the white cloud

streams free –
after capture in
rotting lungs.

I know-
I know-
my time has come
as it meant to
crushed out like the
last remains of a long

slim cigarette

the hot orange
stifled to grey ash

And still I do it
Dear god –
Still I do it.

7 March, ’84

Author: Usha Pisharody

A rambler, pretends to be a teacher, loves to dream, and go on Quixotic Quests in the Realm of Romance With Life...

8 thoughts on “CARCINOMA

  1. nice one ushaji…coincidentally i was exactly one month old when you wrote it ..:)


  2. some thing i had not read before in AP:)Good one as ever a diff this time :):)


  3. Good take 🙂 i can add some more damage it does 😛 lol:)


  4. brilliantly written…it says it all..yeah I would love to add some more damage it does too:DI suppose it can only be understood by someone who is unable to let go of the habit…it can be hard I suppose


  5. If Requiem for Dream had an effect then- You sure rekindled it :)I am repeating at the risk of being repetitive.. If the world were to eke out another land allowing only people with words to be the citizens- You would find yourself in ruling court.(Had left the same comment on Sashu’s blog 🙂


  6. Usha, I hate to say this but… you might be written about 50, 200, maybe even 2000 years from now:)Lovely, so deep, so imaginative, so everything, long time since I read something like this:)


  7. Sidharth Poduval , thanks 🙂 I know it is a long time since that day isn’t it ? :)Shal , one of the earliest postings on AP, perhaps that is why you could not read it 🙂 Thanks so much! rukhiya , 🙂 sure, that is true, more damage it does.. 🙂 Thanks for adding that! Indyeah , Meg, certainly it would be right to say that only a person so afflicted would know. 🙂 Thank you as always for being there!Prabhu Dutta Das , as always, you bring another dimension altogether to the perspective. Thank you for the kind words 🙂 Flattered no end :)naperville mom , oh my oh my 🙂 overwhelmed by that note 🙂 Thank you so very much. But then, I hate to say this too, lol, but I guess you might have overestimated the reach of the words here. 🙂 Made my day to read those words 🙂


  8. It reminds me one of my poem on similar notehttp://yogeshjagam.blogspot.com/2008/09/smoke.html


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