A Quest on Overdrive … :)

An eccentric rambler on life's lessons and mercies, found and lost… :)


A Salute!

More precious than the
Moment I held you
In my arms-

More dearer than the
Moment I watched you
Take that first step-

More firmer my faith
Than that moment
You chose your path ahead;

Biting back my gasps;
But making sure you knew
My hand was there-
To hold and guide and support and comfort….

For, only you know-
How torturous the road was;
To this threshold you now are at,
Sailing rough waters.

To pass under that

I saw you
Proud, straight-
The perfect salute;
The smile that played
on your lips.

This mother now,
With pride anew in you,
Hands you over, to our Mother;

With the deepest respect;
For, more precious, more dear
Are you now.

And more firmer my faith
In all that you will do.

A Salute to you
My son!!

Usha, 1 December, ’07