A Quest on Overdrive … :)

An eccentric rambler on life's lessons and mercies, found and lost… :)


A Full Circle!

The first time we met,
Didn’t seem that way!

A lifetime before,
But how does
The time elapsed
seem so little?

How we seemed
to just pick up
from where we
left off-

When Fate perhaps
dealt a heavy hand-
That we found difficult
to play!

And so, the Carousel
stops here, this lifetime-
And we meet – again.

Funny, isn’t it?
How life always
comes round-
A full circle!

7 October, ‘07

Sort of connected mildly to the earlier post 🙂 Something that came as a sort of sequel, if you wish 🙂


The Carousel of Life

google doodle val day 13

Hop on!
I’ll take you
On a ride-

Gaily, you called out,
that fine summer day.

I shied away-
Rides were not my thing!
Not that carousel,
Of dancing horses,
Never still…
Dizzying moments-
Though excitement
and joyful cries rent the air!

Hop On!
You urged,
Reassurance warm;
flecked in your eyes!

What do I say now!

Hopping on that ride
With you-
Was the best thing
I’ve ever done!

No matter that the carousel
Whirled us round..
On a never ending
hurdy-gurdy of emotions!

For, as someone once said,

Love doesn’t make the world go round;
Love is what makes the ride worthwhile!

1 October, ’07


Pic. Google doodle, Valentine’s Day, 2013
Also a tribute to the creator of the Ferris Wheel, George Ferris!
Joining google in wishing him 154th birthday 🙂

Added to which it is Valentine’s day. So this old post becomes a sticky post for the day 🙂