A Quest on Overdrive … :)

An eccentric rambler on life's lessons and mercies, found and lost… :)

Holding on to Hope


How do you hold on to love?
That ephemeral thing.
Pour it, in every pore?
As ether, inhale it?
Spread it –
Into every cell there be.

How do you hold on?
When mooring ropes
Of bonds you held close
Are slipped off those
Piers of emotion-
The pier dissolves, into
A salty pool.
And you hold on-
To your own heart.

How do you stay you?
Who are you?
You ask you.
You find no answer.
You have been consumed
By that ether.

You’re adrift
Your heart – all alone.



Your mooring rope-
Let loose into the
Salty sea…
That churning stormy sea…
You gather that close
As you bob, uncertainly.

You shall come
New and stronger harbours
You tell yourself.

Secretly wishing
All the while
That pier, which dissolved

Had been stronger.

31 July, 2016

Online. One of those Had-To-Write-Writes 😀
Picture courtesy Google Images – belongs to the artist who sketched it.

Author: Usha Pisharody

A rambler, pretends to be a teacher, loves to dream, and go on Quixotic Quests in the Realm of Romance With Life...

2 thoughts on “Holding on to Hope

  1. “Secretly wishing All the while That pier, which dissolved Had been stronger”
    Or maybe, that mooring rope, that anchor, that tether, had been a little longer
    Or that heart, adrift, alone
    Was made of hard, unfeeling bone
    Instead of muscle and mind, which just absorbs all kinds of love-ether!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Doesn’t it always happen when you are thrown off a comfort zone
    A feeling like a leaf, which caught in a storm,not knowing where it is blown
    random thoughts of hopelessness and a sense of being all alone
    but it will last only till you find your next zone and make it your own.

    Beautifully put. As usual. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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