A Quest on Overdrive … :)

An eccentric rambler on life's lessons and mercies, found and lost… :)

Quest, interrupted


What if.
What if?

Which one do I mean, I wonder at all those crossroads I’ve been down, where, from the place I’m now at, I think of the roads I did not take. Happily enough. Or wonderingly. Well, I must be honest, and say this too, unhappily enough, sometimes. And while I’ve believed in the ‘Right here, Right Now’ song and dance, and counsel all and sundry, very generously too, I get that my faith falters, occasionally.

So I slip back into the quicksand that my past is, given the heady moments I can lose myself in, on slow and lonely days like today. Barely talking at all, memories triggered by a stray line in yet another romantic nonsensical story which is just about all I can digest. I know I’m losing it, letting go of the ties of today.

Fifteen years is a long time, and it’s suddenly just a week ago as well. Damn. Wallowing in the eighteen months we had together back then… so long, and yet so short. The day I was sent to clarify the entries in that register, to the day, a month on, when we, together, found them doctored; weathered the fall-out of the company almost going under; survived, despite all the efforts to put us down, away. The close proximity of those days brings the scent of nostalgia dangerously and tangibly a breath away. Double damn.

I’ve moved on, I told you, as you did too. Those were days of sheer giddy-headed madness; probably the perceived danger added to the already cliched fires simmering. Your quick smile, the way you tilted your head when you looked, pointedly at me, daring me… oh my! How young you looked! Not that I ever felt guilty. I still don’t. I know you had no regrets either.

But I do, today. I wanted to have taken that road, all those years ago, with you. All those years would have been all the better for being with you. How does that matter, you’d ask, perhaps. Holding a figment close to one’s heart, it definitely isn’t the same as the real thing, dear one. Duh. Your response.

I find myself smiling, when I should actually have lost all that. The email I am reading, right now, tells me so. You don’t smile, do you, when a friend from all those years ago, with whom you’ve desultorily kept in touch with, informs you

remember Aditi? You two were certainly close, weren’t you? And anyway you’ve already heard I guess. She was in that accident that was all over the news channels, that bus accident in Hyderabad

So. I’ll hold that duh as well, close, as I rattle about in this empty existence.

17 November, 2013


Author: Usha Pisharody

A rambler, pretends to be a teacher, loves to dream, and go on Quixotic Quests in the Realm of Romance With Life...

3 thoughts on “Quest, interrupted

  1. Namaskaaram Usha ji,

    I reached your blog on one of my random wanderings on the terra infirma of www , and boy was I in for a surprise !…..to find the finely worded blog authored by none other than my 10th std english teacher at rex hr sec 🙂

    Perhaps you remember me , I passed out in 1995 , was spl and bedeviled with an enchantment cast by the siren songs of literature , made a nuisance of myself in all and sundry stage events.

    It would be grand to catch up if you could let know an email address to correspond to.

    Peace & harmony



    • Thank you Shinu! How wondrous the world is, when it brings, out of the blue (esp. on clear blue sky days 🙂 ), a chance meeting of an old student! Thank you for writing in too! Have emailed you. Stay blessed!


  2. She writes about a long-lost friend
    Two days later, one lands up at her end
    Serendipity or what
    This one touches a spot
    But this one, we hope, doesn’t reach a dead-end!


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