A Quest on Overdrive … :)

An eccentric rambler on life's lessons and mercies, found and lost… :)

Will You Listen?


You look at me so strangely!
Is it so difficult to comprehend?
I think, I dream, I know!

I am not a sack to be filled
Even if it be goodies, you dish out!

I think of touching feelings;
I dream of seeing sounds;
I know the sounds, colours make!

I try to tell you this,
but no, you’ll have me sit,
Straight back, hands on the desk,
Pencil in hand, eyes on my book!

You’ll have me shut out the goblins
Elves and fairies, perched upon my shoulder,
You’ll have me utter nonsensical sounds
(You call them words!)
You’ll have me blur my colours
Into black pencil strokes, on white paper…

And, Oh horrors!

You’ll have me leave my Rainbow
Hanging in the rain rinsed sky-

And the pot of gold, lost forever!

27 August, 2008

Author: Usha Pisharody

A rambler, pretends to be a teacher, loves to dream, and go on Quixotic Quests in the Realm of Romance With Life...

9 thoughts on “Will You Listen?

  1. “You’ll have me leave my RainbowHanging in the rain rinsed sky-“Great lines ! and especially the phrase ‘rain rinsed sky..’ . In every poem there is a line which makes you stop,ponder and then immerse and go.


  2. all i can say is W O W !!! I liked this two lines very much…I think of touching feelings;I dream of seeing sounds;


  3. ah! A poem by the child to the elders?delicately beautiful!Somehow reminds me of ponytails and crayons 🙂


  4. I see so many possible interpretations of this. So many potential applications. A child, with his imagination smothered. A wife, with her dreams locked up by society. A mind, held away from dreams by intensely harsh reality. Your poetry is only as wise as it is multifaceted. Primo.


  5. Trinath, thanks 🙂 Means a lot to have your words in here!Rushabh, thank you! Glad you could share in this!Anu, hmmm.. it could be seen that way too:) Thanks for the sweet words!Aareet, your words too, and your perceptions show a depth, and I always learn from it:) thanks.. that is a wonderful review!


  6. i think…i dream..i know…simplest of ur posts..no tough words..smooth as silk…


  7. Sandeep, 🙂 🙂 :)Smooth as silk..Wow! Thank you!!!


  8. Simple words, expresses so much. Loved this one. It really speaks volumes!


  9. @cool cancerian, Shail.. 🙂 Thanks for the visit, and the lovely note!


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