A Quest on Overdrive … :)

An eccentric rambler on life's lessons and mercies, found and lost… :)


Curtain Call :)

It’s been a great day out,
And the show was great
Wasn’t it?

Wearing words
Flailing quills
Battling notions
Breathing emotion

Tumbling in
And then out,
At the end of this
Fine fine day,

I take the Curtain Call
To say Thank you
Thank you, and
Thank you 🙂

I dip a curtsy
I make that bow too
I am charmed by you too
You see 🙂 🙂

For I should not be here
Saying these silly sweet nothings
If it weren’t for you
And all your Wonderful Somethings!

*Waving flying kisses*

Thank you dear visitors
And readers
And blog hoppers:)

God Bless and
God Speed!

19 January, 2009


In thanks for all the honour of the awards 🙂 Do drop by and pick up yours, if you haven’t already 🙂 🙂


Awards Galore!

It all started quite a while ago, the Awards Ceremonies, in my corner of Blog-o-sphere. And to my delight, and utter and pleasant surprise, there are more and more of those who feel I could be given more :)! These wonderful souls are gracious to say the least, finding that particular something in the limits of the space here, that they gift and share these prized sentiments and awards. Thank you to all of you, all, and all… not just the givers and the sharers, but all those who have dropped in and shared my rambles and wandered aimlessly with me on Overdrive!

I’d like to list the givers and the Trophies 🙂 below. Each comes with its own unique and beautifully crafted picture, that we can all be proud to display on our blogs, and share in its appreciation! Also, I would like to then pass them onward, to light up more blogs! And to share in that fuzzy warmth that I now bask in 🙂

Have already acknowledged the receipt and the sharing of one, The Proximity Award, given by Indian HomeMaker, Dhiren [Hitchwriter], Deeps, Rukhiya, Shail and Prabhu Dutta Das, at my other blog, on this post, The Honour of Proximity .

The citation reads thus:

These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.

This award, from this space, I would like to pass forward to

Indyeah, she takes me down these trips fantastic, down memory lane 🙂 and shares with such intensity and passion her perspective, that it’s a pleasure to read and spend time at her blog 🙂

Corinne Rodrigues Everyday Inspirations, that is Corinne for me 🙂

Omana, a good friend, and very new to blogging, [which incidentally I am too, but I can safely say now at least, that there is a newer blogger I know :)] and an awesome poet, who writes in Malayalam. She has just begun and I know there is more that will be shared in days to come. This is yours, Omana, in anticipation of all that I know I shall feast upon, on your blog 🙂

Nikhil, for the rollicking humour in the way he delivers satire, for his informative posts, and for being very entertaining with posts and notes by way of comments 🙂


Some more precious awards, and each of them treasured for the grace and benediction that the giver has brought to it :




From Meena, two awards, one of them being
“I love your blog” award 🙂


And all of these I would like to share with really versatile fellow bloggers…

*Roll of Drums… Trumpets sound…Tan ta raaaa… 🙂 :)*

Here they are, Ladies and Gentlemen, writers who wear their fiercely individual and independent and thought-provoking and soul searching opinions on their sleeves and their blogs. I admire each and every one here, awarder, awardee, and reader, with as much intensity, as I do their words:) Thank you for the pleasure of your blogs, and for having shared in mine too.

Rakesh Vanamali
Roopa Manoj
Indian Homemaker
Imp’s Mom

Prabhu Dutta Das
Sandeep Balan

Salil Ravindran
[Salil, now you can claim, thrice was I offered the Kingly Crown, and thrice did I decline, lol! To all the others, this refers to the delightful note that Salil, Sal, left with this post :)]

Balvinder Singh
J P Joshi

Leo [Vinay]
Corinne Rodrigues
Impulsively Me
Amit Khanduri

[though she has just learned the ropes, she certainly writes beautifully in Malayalam!]


The Poet Award , shared by Meena

This Award Especially goes to [gentle strains of the violin and piano… :)]

Aareet Krsna

[for her verses in Malayalam that give me goosebumps!]


for all the beautiful poetry they share:), and make my quest for nuances of words all the more delightful!

18 January, 2009


PS. This has been a long time in the oven [from the beginning of this year :)]. It would now seem to be done, though not as well as I would like to have it 🙂 Still the garnishing is beautiful, with all those lovely pictures of the awards, and I shall serve it this way; hoping that it will reach all of you too!

PPS. Do excuse me if any of these links that come with the names of the bloggers or their posts are in any way malfunctioning, or showing an error/wrong page. The entire responsibility for any such mess-up is mine and mine alone. Apologies in advance 🙂 And I would most certainly appreciate it being pointed out to me 🙂 Have spent endless hours trying to get it right, but it still may just get mixed up. Murphy’s Law is very very applicable to most things I do 🙂

Edited to Add:

What goes around, comes around, we have been endlessly reminded. But this once I love that saying, and how it translates into such a pleasant and awesome reality:) Indyeah shows me how!! IMAO, she rocks!!! [Practising Lingo :D, and stating fact simultaneously!!!!!!!]

Thanks a tri-zillion [just made it up, for infinity, lol!] for …. well, words fail me 🙂 My comment is there, for now..as I’m still catching my breath, at the breadth of emotion there!!

19 Jan. ’09

Re-edited.. LOL!: Indyeah’s comment tells me of occupational hazards and earnest learners, and brilliant goof-ups because of a slip between the thought and the keyboard :D!!! IMHO, she’s going to be a great teacher, for the simple fact that she knows how to undo what most of us would very very squeamishly hesitate to do 😀 😀 :D!

And so it comes to be that I must state that yes, In My Humble Opinion, she does truly ROCK!!!

[Connectivity problem yesterday, so I could post the comment, but not update here 🙂 Do excuse me!!]

22 Jan, 2008


The Honour of Proximity!

It is but a world, virtual
And yet, how utterly real…
In terms of time, space, and
Endless entities,
One meets oneself:

Sometimes in another’s voice
Sometimes in the feeling it evokes
Sometimes, just a whiff of its fair breeze…

For, Camaraderie
Blessed am I!
Virtually real, and
Really so special!

For acknowledgement
Of that knowing and the sharing

For Proximity of notions
Beliefs, and the sense of humanity!

Thank you dear friends
Indian Homemaker and
Hitchwriter, and Deeps too
for an honour
Richly appreciated
And humbly received!

7 January, 2008

Thank you very much, IHM and Dhiren and Deeps. Honoured, truly. And in keeping with the tradition, I would like to pass these awards forward to …
Edited to add: Honourned to receive from Rukhiya too..:) Thanks dear girl!!

The Citation of the Proximity Award

These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.

It gives me deep joy to share this with eight other friends

for ever inspiring, motivating, appreciating, and most of all for the gems of poetry he shares. Who would say that he’s an engineer? An awesome poet, to the core.

For her brilliance of expression, in verse and prose. A doctor in the making, a litterateur by instinct, a dancer too, her work gives me gooseflesh!

The voice that speaks up for those without one, adds more to those who do have one, instigates one to go on forward, and be an Indian 🙂

Yer another doctor in the making, a bright spark of life, in letters, feelings emotions, and the energy of her imagery in verse!

for the Sheer and Simple joy that transmutes and transmits itself from her poetry to your inner self. She is akin to a Sufi poet, for me 🙂

Prabhu Dutta Das
for the most amazing comments, :), and the posts he shares on his space 🙂

His verse appeals, his notes give warmth, and he always leaves you with Peace!


The Solitary Writer, Stephen
for the way he relentlessly explores frontiers of writing, in poetry, prose and fiction!

Edited to add:
Since I have been kindly awarded this one again from Rukhiya, and Shail, I would also like to add these bloggers , who have in some way touched me with their work, for the veracity of their writing, and the passion with with they LIVE

Rakesh Vanamali,
for his measured and even pace of writing, his numerous tributes to persons known and unknown, and for some lovely nostalgic memories of Ooty he brings to me!

Aareet Krsna
for visions conjoured with words and letters, engaging one in thinking out of the box and at the same time dishing out some extraordinary poetry!

Meena, or Winnie the Pooh 🙂
Amazing poetry, beautiful blog, and the warmest of words to share!

Sanket too, for his
Verses that create visuals startling and beautiful! His word play and

Corinne Rodrigues
For narrative and verses of inspiration she shares with us!

Man In Painting
His incisive use of words, that enchant, and create a hundred different mirrors to reflect meaning, is simply out of this world. In each of his pieces there is a painting in words!

Amit Khanduri
A Naval Officer, who has strong views, writes beautiful poetry and thought provoking prose. Some great reviews too!

Congratulations to you all dear friends. Do pass it onward !!


Tolerance, the need of the Hour!

I just thought I would share the text of the speech, in the Elocution for Group III, (Stds. 5, 6, and 7), with a time limit of 3 minutes, for the All Kerala Bhavan’s Schools Cultural Fest, 2008. This speech was delivered by Niranjana, a class VII student of my school, on the 22 November, 2008. She won the Second Place! Congrats, Niranjana… 🙂 I know, I have already told you, but then this day, I feel that this should be shared by more, and so this comes to be here:

She said:



“The only hope of preserving what is best, lies in the practice of an immense charity, a wide tolerance, a sincere respect for opinions that are not ours.”


Honourable Judges, Respected Teachers, Parents and dear friends, these words of Philip Gilbert Hamerton, speak of the importance of tolerance, and how much we need it at this critical hour in our nation, and indeed the world!!

Down the ages, the spirit of Tolerance has been part of the Indian Psyche – it is in her warp, weft and weave, displayed in moments we celebrate festivals, the spirit of humanity, cutting across the boards, at all levels – the strata, community, religion or region. It is this, within us, the almost instinctive feeling we have that binds us over narrow man made compartments, especially in the mind!

Even now this is manifest in our governance- is there another country that can boast of a Hindu President, a Muslim Vice President, a Sikh Prime Minister and a Catholic Defence Minister?

And that, dear friends, is the rosy idealistic picture! Reality often tells a different story.. Since Independence, which itself saw moments of deep intolerance, fundamentalism, regionalism and communalism are on the rise!. Witness the recent happenings in Mumbai, perhaps the most tolerant and cosmopolitan of our cities – is this a final countdown to a communal meltdown too? Isn’t it time we took stock of ourselves?

The simple act of accepting another, not just in spite of but because of their differences is the key to thinking tolerantly. I’d like to share the experience of listening to Dr APJ Abdul Kalam on the 10th of this month, at Trikkur.

Where there is righteousness,

he said,

It leads to beauty of character;

When there is beauty of character,

It leads to Harmony in the Home;

When there is Harmony in the home,

It leads to Order in the Nation;




Order in the Nation will lead to Peace in the World!

A timely reminder this! That you and I can make a difference! With education, awareness, and by beginning at the beginning – with the child! Imprint in its mind, heart and soul the courage of conviction, the need to do the right.

In the words of the Serenity Prayer :

May God Grant Us

The serenity to accept things we cannot change

The courage to change the things we can

And the wisdom to know the difference!

Thank you!


As always, I had bought little mementos for all the participants of the different groups, bookmarks, cards and little gifts for the little ones of the classes 1 – 5. But this time, this (above) is what came back… a lovely hand painted card a key chain from Niranjana (Class 7), and a lovely scrawl by Sreya (Class 2; she recited a beautiful poem, “The Touch of the Master’s Hand” by Myra B. Welch, and a story of “The Cook and the King”; got A grades for both!!!) along with those cute pencils and a scented candle.

The pictures tell you :), don’t they? Treasured possessions, for me; and more, they (the children) are the reason I still believe… 🙂

1 December, 2008


A Rare Honour, Again!!!

Another Honour bestowed, and shared!!

“Free Spirited and Independent” blogger award. From the Solitary Writer, aka, Stephen. Thank you 🙂 Honoured by the acknowlegement, and the kindness of thought 🙂

And to celebrate the free spirit and independence they have always expressed through their writing and their own lovely selves, what I know well of some, and can surmise from their work :), I would like to pass it onwards, thus to these free spirits :)!

Indian Home Maker
Soumya Sinha
Praveen S R
Rakesh Vanamali
Aareet Krsna
The Army Guy
Salil Ravindran
Prabhu Dutta Das

Congratulations, all over again!
It’s yours dear friends, and do feel free to share it too! Thank you again, Stephen!

26 November, 2008