A Quest on Overdrive … :)

An eccentric rambler on life's lessons and mercies, found and lost… :)


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Now here’s a word for all seasons, and one you can muse on, infinitely. The little things always take care of the bigger things, they say, but the reverse could also be true.

I think it is only over the past year and a bit more, that this word has come to mean more than what we do for festivals, occasions (personal and otherwise), and achievements. Instead of a momentous / joyful event, it has now come to be an everyday word – and the joy in using it, or reveling in it, the importance attached to it, is no less!

The past week, in the course of celebrating Teachers’ Day and the weddings of my colleagues’ children, I knew this is something I’d want to share. How faces light up, when you see well beloved bachaas who were in your class – they have grown, yes, but you see them as those mischievous ones who liven up the classes. You see surprise, pleasant, of course, on faces of dear friends who did not expect to meet you. You yourself smile, you wait, you wave out, you laugh out loud, and if you’re a pesky former teacher like me, you hound them for phone numbers 😀 (PSA, I promise not to call/text you all first, unless it is an emergency 😀 )

And then a bit closer home. From without to within, how you now learn to celebrate your own self. How you step up, own it, and share the love you have for you, no matter what the world might say about it.

When? whenever you can. Several times a day, or maybe when you can, when you feel like it.
*When your hair behaves 😛
*When you feel as good as you look!
*When you’re able shut out voices that dampen your resolve!
*When you eat right
*When you don’t eat right, but it’s okay
*When you let yourself cry some, if you want to, instead of keeping a stiff upper lip
*When you get to a small part of something unfinished….

You see, I can go on… A reminder is all you need. Pat yourself on the back, now and then. Pat someone else too, when you see effort.

You do not need to wait for anyone or any particular day or time, to celebrate. But then you already knew that did you not? Excuse me, while I catch up with you, and reach out to pat your back, and give you a hug! Thank you!

Today’s picture is a celebration of a dear dear student I’m meeting after 4 years. She was in my 6A Class, back then, a new student. Covid happened and prevented any further meeting and catching up. When offline school started, I was out of it! It was a wonderful surprise to meet her and request a caricature from here! She, Divyashree and her Art Teacher, Anu Henry (A former student too!) have been doing this over the past three days, at the International Children’s Film Festival of Kerala, co hosted by our BVB Kendra, for anyone who had a request.

10 September, 2023, for Day10 of #SeptemberMusings

Author: Usha Pisharody

A rambler, pretends to be a teacher, loves to dream, and go on Quixotic Quests in the Realm of Romance With Life...

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