A Quest on Overdrive … :)

An eccentric rambler on life's lessons and mercies, found and lost… :)



For the longest time, with this new-blog-post box open, my fingers hovered over the keyboard, the cursor blinking away inside the (new editor-layout-er, so says WP 😛 ) title box, what I would key in, and let the blog write itself. I kid you not. I obsess blog post titles, and when that title just has to come write itself, it does. I really really kid you not 😀 . When that time is right (Naadodikkattu dialogue alert – Vijayan and Dasan 😛  ) it happens, as it has today. 

This blog is part of my blog tradition, one that almost took a bashing along with a whole host of others in my wee state – but luckily it has survived, being one that actually sustains love and empowers both writer and reader to be able take more and more verbiage 😀 It all about the Family, in this one, and a special two, who, being the more practical of the lot of us, are also the Dreamer-Doer-Duo 😛 *The blogger-rambler-proud-momma pats herself on the back at the alliterative hyphenated title for them* Tee heeee 😀 

Last year they received a Five Star rating, which has risen beyond our own, heck, their own expectations! Families always expect na? We, in ours, actually did not. But then, remember what the title says Doers. That’s them. Planning, getting organized, implementing. After the dream is carefully nurtured. It’s a tough act to follow, you can bet! Nearly two hundred and fifty words on and we’re still dealing with chaff! Where’s the grain, you ask? Ahem, drum roll and all that jazz – here they are, them two 🙂 


Ashwin, my second born, and Neeti my DIL, over the past six years ❤ 

They have been a very hatke couple, right from the word go 🙂 In these times where young people prefer to wait and watch and take it from there, to wherever, they’ve been absolutely sure of what they wanted. To be partners in every sense of the word, respecting the institution of marriage, and going right ahead, with the blessings of both families. This was six years ago… 

And each new moment, no matter what the quantity, they’ve given it their all and made it worth it, to a point where, when I listen to them speak of how things are and what is happening with them, expanding their horizons, taking up new challenges, with ease and grace, I’m not just amazed, but at times stupefied by the flow of their thoughts, their plans, their comfort being who they are! Most especially, when my son explained how he was thinking of upping his expectations, moving on to a different work place, and the reason he gave while talking to his team members and his superiors… Was this the same rather hot-headed young man I’ve watched grow up, I wondered…. And still I listened, and still the wonder grew that my wee brat had started ‘adulting’ in ways I’m still groping with and trying to figure out. What he said echoed something I read from Trevor Noah, in his book “Born a Crime” – Ash mentioned that he did not want to forgo any other experience and then wonder “What If I’d tried that” – to leave no room for regret for not trying that too! Goodness me, I wondered! And was filled with pride, not because I had in some way helped him to realize that, OH NO!! – but because he had figured it out all by himself (and with his partner, Neeti, of course 😀 ) and more importantly, he managed to articulate it with the comfort of a person who’s been doing this forever! Heck! Dang! Oh Boy!!! Yep! Nothing from me, and he rocks it! As does Neeti, who, dreamer, doer, executor of ideas, and promoter of positive ways to deal with anything life throws at you, who totaaaallllly rocks all de way!!

The regulars here (whaaat? regular? errrr…. 😛 ) know they live in the Land Down Under, and so I must beg your indulgence while I go on show-off-ing some more, by telling you how they have been figuring all this out, digging their heels in, but working out ways and managing all of them ups and downs by themselves, while I wax poetic about them from a gazillion miles away! 

They are 6, together, today and I knew, just this moment, JUST THIS VERY MOMENT, typing these words, this paragraph, that this is the perfect PERFECT song for you two, you two to each other too! 

Happy Anniversary, my dearest darling bachchas, Ash and Neeti, #NeeAsh, as Arjun has coined 😛 

Our prayers, wishes, and all our love for a happening year ahead, when dreams unfurl into the most fragrant blossoms, when plans build themselves into niches where you rest a while, find a new dream… May the light of all your brilliant dreams light the way as you do what you do, one step, one light frisky dance step, a twirl, a pointe, a dervish of desires… however you dance to those dreams, may you hold each one of those dreams, and each other in the spiral of togethernesses, bound by the softest and yet the strongest colours of Love!

I just discovered Zachary Levi, thanks to a friend on Facebook, where I had spoken of how I’m in love with The Marvellous Mrs. Maisel, who shared another song of his (I’ll add it later, just for entertainment 😀 ), and I discover that he’s the Flynn Ryder of “Tangled”! How … apt! Serendipity, nothing less! ❤


One more song, and I’ll make an exit, well within 1000 words! Surprise, surprise… and I thought I’d have less than a hundred 😛

I lubb ya both, with all my heart! Waiting to meet you both to give you the biggest hug ever! Mwwaaaaaah!!!!

14 January, 2019 (Again, the first blog post of this year! 🙂 )

Over the years, this blog has celebrated them, in the links given below 🙂 Click on the year and be taken to that year 🙂









Author: Usha Pisharody

A rambler, pretends to be a teacher, loves to dream, and go on Quixotic Quests in the Realm of Romance With Life...

2 thoughts on “Dreamer-Doers

  1. Oh yes, we Regulars are quite familiar
    With the 2 Bachchas who live Down Under
    We wish them well
    Where’er they dwell
    On this, the half-dozen they’ve spent together!

    Liked by 1 person

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