A Quest on Overdrive … :)

An eccentric rambler on life's lessons and mercies, found and lost… :)



To the rapt fifty, that day
(Or was it forty-eight?)
I ranted.

When I rant
They need to be rapt!
Or else… 😛
The ogre, you see, is at work!

I, as usual, on my soapbox-
About clichés –
In speeches, in essays
In letters, in e-mails
They’d need to write
For me to evaluate.

Class Eight.
Writing tasks 😀
Now you’d be a-thinking-
This here lady’s really
Got a nut loose.
Clichés, and Class Eight?

Well, yes. I did.
They listened. They giggled.
I swear I even heard some snorting too! 😛
In the next fifteen minutes
I had to be done. Just in time I did.
They were saved, by the bell! 😛

And so, I forgot, as I suppose, they did too.

Ta-da! Surprise!
Exams time, and papers galore
(That, incidentally, is where I’m at 😛 )
Some neat, some spidery
Some short, some too darned lengthy!
Some diatribes, some earnest
Some irreverent, some irascible

And some – God help me!
To wake me from the stupor
of the overdose of the work-
For, I spy …

Cliché.! I jump. I cheer.
I look again. Ooooh yes!
Right along there – c l i c h e’
That dashing tiny accent too, to boot!
I have never been more blessed! 😛

Never mind that the child wrote:
I quote:
“It’s a cliché to say speeches like this
About the topic; and put me well in my place!
I do this fist pumping grunt of satisfaction.
I accept that criticism.
And I do that clichéd thingy.

I write a ramble.
This a-way.

Clichés are good.

23 March, 2013.
A ‘eureka’ moment 😀



Author: Usha Pisharody

A rambler, pretends to be a teacher, loves to dream, and go on Quixotic Quests in the Realm of Romance With Life...

25 thoughts on “Clichés

  1. 😀 Your kids must be having a lot of fun with you as their teacher 😀


  2. Lol yes cliches are lovely. And echoing Aayushi’s comment, you must be a fun teacher!


  3. Hi,

    What jumped out at me are these lines,

    “When I rant
    They need to be rapt!
    Or else…
    The ogre, you see, is at work!”

    Is this about you or them? And if it is about you, what is your motivation to hold a rod of fear over them? Would this strategy serve?



    • Hi Shatkti, and welcome to this space. Glad that you did stop by to share your thoughts, which are very thought-provoking, for a cliched write like this one!
      The intent was simply a tongue-in-cheek look at the title word itself, which I did not think would impact the young minds, and the surprise when I found the word on a paper put in serious context brought about what I’d hoped was a fun – making fun of myself more like – ramble. 🙂 Just that.
      So, to answer your questions, which I am at this moment, as the rambler, obliged to, and indeed want to – for me, it’s about both, and the ogre part is a dig at myself. I do call myself this – and since Shrek happened, ogres aren’t all that bad 🙂 And no, they are not rapt listeners; a few lines down, you’d have read that! No, fear never works as motivation, except when it is what drives them in that utter last minute dash to save themselves!
      Thank you for the weight you lend this write with your questions, and your perspective.


  4. Thinking lady..beautiful poem::)


  5. Hahaha!! Made me miss GGG, I dunno why!! 😀


  6. Guess you had a field day
    that there was at least one who could say
    that it is child’s play
    to be using a cliche’


    • Love these lines too. When you shared it via chat, it really made me smile even more 🙂 How the children teach us is what I learnt 🙂 Hats offf to him, and to you too, for getting to that nitty gritty! Thank you Govind!


  7. There you go again… i don’t mind being bombarded with cliches at this rate 😀

    Hope you had fun with the papers 😀

    Was amazing fun reading this!


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