A Quest on Overdrive … :)

An eccentric rambler on life's lessons and mercies, found and lost… :)

A Lifetime of Love


Thoughts gathered from musty corners
(Of my forgotten heart, and vigilant mind)
Of an aeon ago, tell me how much
How very much I did not know
How, I did not live…

How very much, I
Yearned, to do, just that.

And so I come a full circle.
To this. We. Us.

To that moment when love
Joined life, and we began.
To each waking moment
Or slumberous dream…
Stalking closed lids
And warmly held closenesses.

To smiles, thrown in abandon;
To enjoyment in a child’s shout of laughter;
To holding hands and quick hugs;
And leaning my head, into your shoulder;
Of a pat on the back,
A sneaking admiration, open-mouthed
But well-hidden!

Of how I stand back, and let you …
Do all you ever wanted to;
Knowing it is Love, of yourself,
And therefore another, that lets
You be the best, you can.

For you. For me. For us.
For Love.

13 February, 2012
Valentine’s Day, for me, is everyday, but special too, for it completes, and starts another year of celebrating Love, each day, each moment. Wishes to all of you too 🙂

Author: Usha Pisharody

A rambler, pretends to be a teacher, loves to dream, and go on Quixotic Quests in the Realm of Romance With Life...

17 thoughts on “A Lifetime of Love

  1. Amazing! 🙂

    Just the right time!


  2. //…for it completes, and starts another year of celebrating Love, each day, each moment//

    Lovely. A very happy Valentine’s Day to you Ushus 🙂


  3. Beautiful .. This talks well of a long lasting and treasured love…


  4. Ah the beauty and comfort of the old love..just to be sharing a quiet moment of all those years together wishing for more..of this suggle or just a known warm nod…
    lovely poem Usha..wish you a beautiful valentines day


  5. Warm. Special. Smile-generator 🙂

    A sneaking admiration, open-mouthed
    But well-hidden!

    – these were the cutest and warmest line for me! Wishing more joys to your lifetime of love!


  6. Hi Usha, this is beautiful, heart-warming and very special indeed. Thanks for sharing 🙂


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