A Quest on Overdrive … :)

An eccentric rambler on life's lessons and mercies, found and lost… :)

Hot on the heels…


of the earlier awards received, for this space, are a few more, shared by warm souls, in their generosity. This is going to be a smile splattered page 🙂 🙂

The ABC Blogger Award – from Soma 🙂
The Rules:
Go on and share and spread the joy around, as you tag and gift as many bloggers as you wish 🙂

Share something of yourself, in a word or two, for each letter of the English Alphabet 🙂 Else if you wish to try your own language, vernacular, you are welcome!

The 7X7 Link Award, from Soma and Tito 🙂

Tito had been also mentioned in the same list of awardees (Oh! how important that sounds :P!), and he has kindly passed it on to me, along with a few others.







 Genuine Blogger Award, gifted by Soma again 😛




One Lovely Blogger Award, From, who else, Soma!

Here’s my list of winners… all of you, infact, who come by, are free to carry it back to your blogs. Seriously 🙂 All the same I’d like to make a special mention or two 🙂 (Of course, there is always a catch 😛 😛 )





The ABC Blogger Award says you have to describe in a word or two, the first thing that comes to your mind, about you, when you think of the letter of the alphabet 🙂 Here goes;

A – aesthetically inclined as against academically 😀
B – Bossy?
C – Certified 😛
D – Dumb, but daring 😀
E – easily charmed 🙂
F – fiercely loyal
G- gooood gurl (Neeti 😛 ) – from My Fair Lady 🙂
H- Harps incessantly at car drivers who take women drivers for granted 😀 :mrgreen:
I – incredible? Lol.
J- Just
K- Keen, on most things
L – Lively, in class, at least 🙂
M – moody
N – nerdy
O – on overdrive, pun intended, most of the time 😛
P – perceptive
Q – queer, in the real sense of the word 😛 (now dont go getting ideas :D)
R – Raring to go… errrm … where did you say?
S – Sweet? Nah! Serious? More likely
T – Turbulent
U- unputdownable 😛
V – verbal massacre -er
W – weird
X –  now that is a trick letter – will follow Soma’s tactic – Xtra lenient during the final exams in corretions 😀
Y – yearns , a lot… 🙂
Z – Zany. Been wanting to use that word for ages 😛


The Link 7 X 7 Awards ask you to link seven of your own blog posts you like. Only 7? Oh. Here goes: My seven.
Sepia Dreams
Beyond Sepia Dreams
A Woman Extraordinaire
Job Description: Teacher. What’s that, you say?
I am Twenty-five 😀


Awardees, please line up, in order please 🙂 🙂 😆

The list is exhaustive, from my favourite regularly visited blogs, to those I have discovered recently, and more importantly, those who found this space, “follow-worthy” and have done the deed of clicking “Follow”. Your patience has to be rewarded, even if you stopped just to look at the home page 🙂 🙂

Indyeah Am so darned happy to see her back! Sincere, bubbly and soulful… 🙂
Smitha – her book reviews, and her posts on parenting/education are really good
Shail – Shail’s Nest and her verse , Words in Verse, I haunt 🙂 Versatile, and awesome, all the way. I covet her Luci, and her writing skills 😀
Indian Homemaker – for all the reasons there are 🙂

Both bloggers I’ve grown with, though they’re my kids’ age, they’ve taught me so much about everything 🙂 My inspirations 🙂
Govind – wit, personified. Subtle, but rib tickling always! Wish you’d write more often!
Soma – a sensitive, beautiful soul, whose heart is on her page 🙂
Deeps – a place I love to visit!
Hitchy – poetry, to prose, to cricketing history, statistics and critiques…all there
Deboshree – prolific, and always there with a kind word
Pallavi – views, humour, a day’s tale, parenting… you have it all!
Bindu John – empathy for one in the same boat 🙂 Only she steers better, I have found 🙂
Meena – a blogger, writer, thinker who goes deep, in thought and expression
Ajith – or ordinary guy he calls himself… more than ordinary writing… lots of humour, stories and experiences shared!
Shilpa – Counting down for herself, the 1000 days to her 30th. She’s a high end achiever, a script writer, director, film-maker, amongst a whole host of other things 🙂 A former student, for whom I did not take class, but was highly inspired by… 🙂
Sunitha – yet another student from my class, a regular encourager of this space too 🙂 Writes lovely verse 🙂

Ladywhispers – Pssst, and your name is? Love the way you involve the words in your writing!
Arjun Sharma – A young, talented writer. The third sailor I know, named Arjun. The other two are here and here 😛
Ladynimue – loverrly verse there 🙂
Tito – a writer always on the go… who makes you think; and whose sharp wit  you always come back for 🙂
Leo – Met him through twitter 🙂 ( @startonomics) His share of the Homily given by his uncle, on the death of his friend, is worth reading. As are a lot of his other from-the-heart shares 🙂
Maryanne Pale – interesting blog, with much history on the ethnicity of the natives of the Pacific, between Australia and the American Continent.  And some lovely poetry!
PinsandAshes – A blog that is so alive 🙂
Jessica – of Authored Angioplasty (her blog). Exquisite poetry 🙂

All the awardees are to accept please, and go on and share the happiness 🙂 Spread the love and cheer, as Soma says 🙂

Phew. 2 days, and the hyperlinking, gosh. Clean takes a disc away from the spine 🙂

But I loved doing this. Congrats to all who have got the awards. And those who pass this way, if your name is not here, please consider this an invitation to pick any one, or all three off this blog, and add it to your own 🙂 Congrats to you all too, and thank you, for doing it 🙂
5 February, 2012

Author: Usha Pisharody

A rambler, pretends to be a teacher, loves to dream, and go on Quixotic Quests in the Realm of Romance With Life...

39 thoughts on “Hot on the heels…

  1. That does it, my uninterrupted existence is no more. So many awards in so little time. People will think I am cooking it all up.

    Grrrrrrrrrrr.. Thank you 😀 , I am famous now I guess. 🙂


    • Hahaha! Cheers to your fame! If people take exception, you will deal with it, if not, let them this way. I will verbally massacre any objection 😛 😛
      Congrats Tito, and thank you for accepting 🙂


      • So i took a day and got the victory speech prepared. 😀

        Congrats to all the winners here today. Well- deserved I say. Thank you Usha maam for the honor. Let the sharing begin. Let there be more smiles, more hugs and lots of happiness from this.

        Cheers All


  2. I am so excited about receiving and then passing on these awards!!! 😀 Watch the twist I give 👿


  3. But first, Thank You and hugs Usha!!!!!! Thrilled to be in this list!


  4. Congratulations on all your well deserved awards! Thank you kindly for the nomination, how exciting! I truly appreciate your kind words about my blog and I am very grateful that you have taken the time to read through my posts. God bless xox


  5. thanks for the award Usha 🙂 im glad u like my work.


  6. Congrats to you Usha and thank you for being so generous about passing it on 🙂 Privileged to know you and also to be awarded by you!


  7. Ha Ha Ha Ha Usha you didnt mention you made me nominate you on gun point 😆
    I love you and you are passionate warm lovely friend hugs 🙂
    you deserve much much more than all these not just for the blog but for your work too 🙂
    Oh what a fun alphabet list loved it..
    from one nerdy fiercely loyal bossy zany to another..cheers 🙂


  8. OMG !!!! you nominated me for an award .. the fact that you read and liked anything on my blog s an award itself Usha ! I been a fan of your poetry since long .. read you on an orkut community first and still in awe of your words .. thank you so so much !!


  9. Thank you so much Usha!! Really honored to get a mention and the awards, especially when it comes from you! Thank you!


  10. Thank you ever so much Ushus! An honour always for you know how much your words, your appreciation mean to me :).

    And loved reading you from A to Z 😀


  11. What? WHERE is my comment? 🙄


  12. So here it is again: First of all THANK YOU! 😀 You mean to say I walk away from here with 4 awards? :O :O Err… gotta pick only 3? 😉
    This such a wonderful post You have put in so much effort and time on it. Phew.
    And I loved the A to Z of you 😀 😀 Zany eh? 🙂
    Now I have to go look up the 7 links you have posted. And I am glad Indyeah is back too 😀


    • 4, 3, heck all the awards here, pick and choose, my dear Shail, and walk away majestically to place them on your Mantelpiece 😀 Congrats!
      Indyeah is back, and gone it would seem… Let’s see if we can get her write a bit more! 🙂

      Thank you for looking up those links 🙂 🙂 Love having you here, and reading and leaving your words behind! Thank you so much!


  13. Thank you sooooo much for nominating me for an award and I feel like I got good marks my English paper all over again when you said that I write Excellent Verse.Thank you so much for all your encouragement. As some one else rightly mentioned , getting a praise or comment from you is as good or even better than the award itself.. 🙂 and I would just love to have you read my posts and give me suggestions. Thank you Once again..


    • Sunitha, LOL . Your English papers were very much in order all those years back, Iknow… an the others’ too, in that class 🙂 🙂
      Have been stalking your blog of late, and now since I have you linked via RSS, I shall be able to be notified, more or less as soon as you post 🙂

      Keep writing, Sunitha, and sharing too! You’ve always had a flair, and I do hope you will nurture it into something that can be bigger too!


  14. Thanks a lot, Usha, for the nomination and for the kind words. Congrats to you and all the other winners!


  15. OMG you nominated me for some awards is a honor 🙂
    I will soon do a post on it but thanks from the bottom of my heart
    You made my day and glad you like my words 🙂


  16. Pingback: Ek main aur ek tu. Guess why I loved this movie. | The Life and Times of an Indian Homemaker

  17. Yippee an award! Usha di is on an awarding spree. 😀
    I am taking this up asap. 😀


  18. queer and raring to go.. What a delightful combination.


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