A Quest on Overdrive … :)

An eccentric rambler on life's lessons and mercies, found and lost… :)

Bless You!!!


It’s the umpteenth time, till now
And yet more umpteen times to come;

But then how is it, I wonder-
That each time seems like the first
And the most painful?

Each time, a new worry added
And all the time a gnawing pain;
Somehow, I never get enough of you
I ponder, despairingly with each time!

Bon Voyage, Dear One, as you
Sail new seas
Harbour in new ports
On the waves of pursuit
Cresting life’s moments-
Never lying in the troughs-
Pitching and rolling with
What life throws you-
Commandeering your skills
And allowing the Hand to
Steer you through rough waters
Safe and Sound!

These be my prayers now-
These be my blessings too-
As I wait on those shores,
With Time-
To Welcome you Home
Once again!

21 June, 2008

Author: Usha Pisharody

A rambler, pretends to be a teacher, loves to dream, and go on Quixotic Quests in the Realm of Romance With Life...

10 thoughts on “Bless You!!!

  1. couldn’t have been better 🙂 the feeling so so true… this is sumthin i wud hv written, had i ur talent! hehehe!!! :)a special one, by all means!! as ya rightly said, entangled aren’t we?? n yea, bon voyage to both f em!! n prayers too!! need i say, i loved it? 🙂


  2. woww…feelz blessed mema….lovely write…


  3. Your writings are always special.It is so gentle. Pain,anxieties,love…everything.wishes.


  4. While reading and re reading I knew I would see one special comment here.And here it is at the top.It is so timely and yet holds an ‘undated’ value of love , waiting for it with unfathomable affection and intensity that like all your writes leave us with nothing more to add but to sum it up with limited shortsighted interpretations.Because love needs no words ,isn’t it mam ?I will stop here to echo one .


  5. wow!!! couldn’t have written it any better…very good…blogrolling you…keep writing…do read my blog wen u find time


  6. Usha jithank you for your visit and comments.i am so happy to share it…Convey my wishes to your student..bye..


  7. So heart-felt. May God be kind to you and Arjun. I know its going to be a long wait, but do remember, all waitings do come to an end, like spring that follows a harsh winter.Wishing the best to you,Arjun and then captain and his lady too. 🙂


  8. And when I return,The sail will bear thy name.And when I see you smiling,Distances, dissolving,I will pull it down,At the shore,For you to see,Your name on my heart,I bore. :)Loved it. For all the people there. Bless you all. 🙂


  9. Beautifully written


  10. Sash n Arjun… means so much to have both of you here:) Bless you, always and ever!MIP, thank you:) Soumya, you read into the writes so well, that i really cannot explain.. 🙂 Thanks , as always…:)Rajesh 🙂 Thank you! Honoured!Jagadeesh, now that indeed, is a comfort! Thank you tooo!Rukhiya, a beautiful verse that one is, in reply! Thank you!Mansi, thank you!


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