A Quest on Overdrive … :)

An eccentric rambler on life's lessons and mercies, found and lost… :)


Voices Spinning Webs

Night skies.
Diamond dotted darknesses.
Poignant, yet
Beautiful, holding
Brightnesses of infinitesimal joys.

Souls aching to meet
Reaching out through
Wispy strands of yearning…

Weaving, entwining
Arcing over synapses,
Bridging abysses of longing.

And the tingling.
O’ the tingling…
When a zinging thought
Meets, resonates.

In words, rusty…
Hidden too long. Unused voices.
Husky, hesitant.

Emotion does not hang heavy, here.
Instead, they anchor us.
Give us that scaffolding…
And our voices, from our hearts…

They build our world
Within our entwined hands.

Fragrant with wanting.

23 August, 2017


1 Comment

Around You

How much of me
Would it take,
I wonder, at times,
To be around you?

Then I step back.
Slip out of my skin.
To look at me.
To look for you.

I’m there.
Minus me, of course.
Are you there?
That… faint shadow?

Your shadow – just there
Whetting my hopes
That today, just for this day
You will be more than that.

And then, when you call me out,
Ask, that I stay, be around,
I will, I will, spend my soul,
Just to be around you.



10 August, 2017


Cheers Mate!!

… is a common enough expression, where he’s at. He uses it often enough, aptly enough, and for me, watching him conduct his conversations… he uses it amazingly enough. 🙂

This here, is the young lad who clung to his momma as a wee one, refusing to let anyone other than close family, literally close 🙂 He is our Chotu, his father’s Kunjunni, Ash, Ashwin as he grew older… with a whole lot of other names I’m sure I do not want to know 😛 😛 You know how it is!!!

From a shy Lion cub, to the engaging, handsome Lion he now is, his has been a journey of fortitude and determination. Today I remember, with pride, and a rush of such love, some of those times that brought to the fore, the quiet cub being transformed, as a revelation!

How he blossomed from the young lad who couldn’t speak up confidently, to someone who regularly took part in Recitation and Gita Chanting programmes, much to my delight, and his, I’d like to believe 🙂 A quantum leap in self – confidence, all wrought by himself. 🙂

How he took up the reins of leadership with his cousin, as House Captain, Vikramsila (and me now being Viswabharati House In Charge 😛 ) ensuring that they were champions that year 🙂

Being unfazed by a 5 digit rank at the entrance, and finding his way to the Course and College he intended to join, albeit not a Government College! But what the heck, it was what he wanted 😀

There had been no looking back since then. College, friends, football, crazy drives, falling in love, getting to keep that love close ❤ – he’s made so much work for himself 🙂

Most of all, making a move to a time and space that wasn’t a comfort zone. If you knew my lion cub like I do know, you would know how difficult that had to be! Leos like to be in charge, and this one was anything but, during that rather testing time of life, when he moved to Australia, where his partner (in crime 😛 ) Neeti was . Long months of patience paid off, and he, through his own application to the tasks at hand, carved a niche for himself, and found himself a job 🙂 It took time, but he did get there…

But most of all, it is the wide eyed wonder of the child in him, the easy possessiveness of his “Ammakutty” that I treasure 🙂 We fight, we argue, we gossip, we even have the most mushy conversation moms and sons have…. and at the end of it all, I’m just so glad I have him, almost parent like in the way he cares 😀 Turned tables on me, he has 🙂

Who he is today, is also because he, clever as he is, has found the spark to the fire that burns bright in him… his lovely lovely partner, Neeti 🙂 Their story is here (LINK)


Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs is an entertaining read, which , if one reads with an open mind, does lead one to discover a fair amount of similarities to personality types of the different Zodiac Signs. 🙂 About the Leo Child she has this to say. Interesting, given that this is about a Leo Child ❤

“Remember that he’ll pretend to be very brave, but secretly fears he isn’t. Hug him tightly every night and love him with all your heart.”

Today, suddenly, this thought comes to mind, for all the courage of his convictions he’s had, and still has, there is this cub I want to hug real tight, to tell him, yes, it’s going to be okay ❤ ❤

It’s another special day for him, my second born, my Chots, my Ashwin ❤


Happy birthday dearest Chots, from all of us! You’re wished a lovely day, a lovelier year ahead 🙂 You’re wished laughter and good company of friends and loved ones. You’re wished endless supplies of all that makes you sweet and happy (this is as much for Neeti too 😛 ) You’ll always be wished so much love, so much love that you catch your breath at the sheer volume of affection pouring down upon you ❤ You’re special, my dearest bachchaa, and nothing ever, is going to change that 🙂 And may you always be enveloped by the benediction of blessings and prayers as you and Neeti voyage on 🙂 ❤



I miss you so! Love you Chots… May this be the awesomest year yet! God Bless!

So here’s this song, that I found on a random search 😛 Okay, not really random, but it was chosen from a list I keep going back to, each year. It has a 100 songs, that list. Should help, I guess!

Enjoy this sweet sweet melody, my dearest Achukutts 🙂 ❤ I love you so!

Cheers Mate!!! Let’s get a Foster’s, shall we? 😀

2 August, 2017, for 3 August, 2017

Earlier Blog Tradition blogs for Ashwin, each year, are here 🙂











A Light in the darkest sky :)

That’s how I’ll always picture her.

How she’s been, all these years, mere numbers, if I were to count them, I’ve known her. Not just a few years but an aeon, more, lifetimes.

A firebrand. A friend. A passionate writer. A sensitive, yet fun teacher. A grounded mom. A friend you can call anytime and vent and rant, and she’ll fiercely hold you close to her heart while you do so.

The virtual world throws at you the fanciest and the funniest and the scariest and the most comforting. She’s all that. Ooops, sorry, not the scariest. Never. Ever. Shooo … That was a slip of the keys 🙂

She’s one of the reasons I find smiles easy, when I’m in a spot 🙂

She’s easy to talk to, and I know that even if we talk maybe months later, we’d still pick up that line we left off at and guffaw to our hearts’ content 🙂

You’ll know, when you interact with her, that her heart is in the right place. A place you’re invited to, with warmth, with the effervescence of her beautiful smile.

She’s the most generous of souls, with her time, her laughter, her patient listening heart, her acceptance of what she might never try to impose… and most of all, a firm and assertive person, who, despite all you say, will accept, even if she she doesn’t agree. Agree to disagree 🙂 A lesson on how to do it, in as unobtrusive a way, and a yet a way that makes it work… 🙂

She inspires. As a person, a kind kind loveable loving person. As a friend. As a teacher. As a young mother of an adorable lad, who we, a group of us call Laddoo Gopal ❤

She’s Indyeah (LINK). She’s My Meggie (LINK). She’s Abhi, my friend.  Enchanting. (LINK)(Yeah that is enough to make her awesome 😛 )

A beautiful, warm human, gorgeous to boot, with a Lioness’ mane and eyes that sparkle, a lilting laugh, and words which giggle out when we talk 🙂

You’ve met her before, here, in all those links 🙂

Abby, Abhilasha, Meggie… and she celebrates another beautiful day today. Her birthday!

Happy Birthday, dearest Meggie. Love, laughter, rainbows, chocolates, fairy tales, and savouries…. along with a whole host of dreams, all in good health and cheer… may these be yours, this day, the coming year, and ever more.

Love you sweetheart ❤ You’re one of the best!

2 August, 2017




Of Quests and Crusades…

The Holy Grail of Love
Is what we’re told
To seek.

For absolution.

The ultimate
Back to completeness.
Love having filled
Empty spaces.

Well, you know
What they say
Of Holy Grails.

Of Quests,
That lead to Crusades.

Is it Holy?
Is it Love?
If you need to
Launch a Crusade?

You also begin to wonder…
How much is myth.
What is real!

At Life’s knee,
I heard this fable-
Read of it through
Words from those besotted.
Heard the whispered
Agonies and pleasures;
Tasted the flavours
From scented lips of lust.

And since then, have sought.
Have yearned. Longed.

Threw words to wind
Which might, in passing,
Fall on heeding ears;
Find a resonance
In some beating heart.

To have that word
Come back, with that heart. ❤

That’s how I knew
How I learnt.
My Holy Grail of Love.

Was I

Was I

To you.

Who caught that word
On the wind.

Caught it
Scented with
My yearning…

That fragrance
Behind my ear…

You say.

This moment.
As you hold me close
And we sip

From that sacred chalice.

Of each other’s soul.

25 to 27 July, 2017